There’s a recent article where it’s just a fucking wall of text. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t even get through two sentences without getting a massive headache and have to turn away that stuff is unreadable. I try to reject any reviews like that even it’s Papi Chulo level detailed.
Damn even if the paragraph breaks don’t make grammatical sense or whatever just make some spaces FFS.
Damn even if the paragraph breaks don’t make grammatical sense or whatever just make some spaces FFS.
That said, some people can't write and they aren't articulate. Not everyone needs to be. But, for those people, it's worth noting that it costs $9 to buy 30 days of VIP. If you can't swing $9 for 30 days, then maybe strip clubs aren't the pastime for you.
I do think think typing on devices contributes to the poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. seen at times on tuscl. That, and the inability to edit post submit.
The one you're referring to was actually submitted and approved TWICE. I rejected both times with the comment "I refuse to read this." I was under the impression it had been rejected and the guy resubmitted the same way, but it's published two times in the article section.
For some reason, this is one forum where spelling, grammar, and punctuation are important, and one’s inability to convey a coherent thought is fiercely criticized. I am constantly impressed with the writing skills of most of the contributors to this community- especially consider it’s just a bunch of guys (girls, and others) who spend too much time and money in strip clubs.
Millennials text as if they're being charged by the letter, but watch entire movies on their phones. Also act as if their time has any real value, but spend hours per day playing Candy Crunch or whatever!
4"x7"? My flip phone screen isn't even half that size.…
Although I was bothered by the lack of line breaks into paragraphs, I felt the content was worthy of approval. Judgement call.
Don't get me wrong here... I take an almost perverse pleasure in rejecting unpublished articles. Especially the one-line bullshit attempts to get free credit from cheap ass hats. And I kick plagiarists with equal joy as well. I mean FFS, Google works, dipshits.