Cringe-worthy Topic
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
As a member of the geriatric trick clique, one of my biggest fears in life is facing the inevitable roto-rooter surgery on my man parts.
I’m not having any symptoms but I fear it’s likely not too far away. Don’t tell anyone (and sorry to disappoint) but I’m not sporting an 8 inch member as others seem to have.
As part of the GMD club, is the procedure more painful with a tiny pee pee?
I’m not having any symptoms but I fear it’s likely not too far away. Don’t tell anyone (and sorry to disappoint) but I’m not sporting an 8 inch member as others seem to have.
As part of the GMD club, is the procedure more painful with a tiny pee pee?
Holy shit man. I just read up on TURP because I never heard of it. That sounds like a method of torture that should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
A few years ago (about age 50) I was waking up like 2-3 times a night to pee. Assumed it was a prostate problem. Went to a urologist and he scheduled me for a cystoscopy, which is just a camera, not all the other stuff involved in TURP. They knocked me out for the procedure and I felt ok when I woke up, but for 3 days after, taking a piss was absolutely the most painful thing I ever experienced. I'm no whimp when it comes to pain. I've had numerous broken bones, a severe case of sciatica which felt like my leg was on fire, and passed at least 5 kidney stones. That was nothing compared to this. I would hold my piss until I was ready to explode, and then I'd sit on the toilet for 10 minutes before I found the courage to start. Literally screamed out loud, which I'd never done before or since.
Well the doc found nothing wrong with me. It certainly wasn't for a lack of looking. (Lol. "Fletch" reference there in case you didn't catch it.) Eventually figured out I had sleep apnea. I was waking up because of that, and just felt like pissing before going back to sleep.
Man oh man, I never want to go through that again. To Justin's point, yeah, I think you should avoid this if you can.
I finally wound up with 2 urolifts which were done as out patient surgery. No hospital stay. This is the least invasive procedure that you can get. My doc said that I could stop taking the Tamsulosin after the procedure but I am still taking .8mg everyday because I and the dancers love the side effect... retrograde ejaculations.
I guess if you have a horsecock it's no big deal. Or maybe my doctor was a sadist. Lol
george - Don't be a pussy. :) As I recall, I got a mild sedative and a topical cream put on the head of my dick before inserting the scope. During the procedure there were 2 or 3 very brief sharp pains as the scope traveled along curves in the urethra. No worse than some dental work.