Getting a stripper to nut

avatar for ilbbaicnl
One of my ATFs only had 3 lug nuts on one of front wheels, cause she thought that was plenty. I bought a lug nut and convinced her to let me put it on. Does this legally count as getting a stripper to nut? After I did we, she smoked a cigarette with me next to her.


last comment
avatar for loper
3 years ago
Don't be silly.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
News flash, you can't get a little human contact from somebody who's dead cause their wheel fell off.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Nice pun brp
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Oh, nevermind.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
I may be a simp. I remember in my early data buying a flower for an atf. It ended up in the parking lot, and I thought “ lesson learned “.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
LUG - "lesbian until graduation ".
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
But did you pay for the nut at Autozone out of your own pocket?

Some guys won’t pay unless they get reimbursed
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
A man drove by an asylum and got a flat tire...
As he begins to change the tire, he sees a man in a window watching him from the insane asylum.
Nervous as he changes his tire, he drops the lugnuts down the sewer drain.
Now he's stuck on what to do
The patient in the window yells down at the man.
"Hey! ...hey! Up here! Take one lug nut off of each tire, then each tire will have 4 and you can get into town and replace them."
The man says, " omg that's brilliant! What are you doing in a place like this??"
The patient says, " I'm crazy, not stupid
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
It helps strippers to nut if they know it's costing a PL money. But actually, I have drawer-full of spare lug nuts. Whenever a stripper tells me age is just a number, I find her car in the parking lot, and put it up on blocks before I drive home.
avatar for rockie
3 years ago
This thread had me, until it didn't!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Yup I click-baited sorry.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
When da strippers givin $5 lapperz in da sleeper of da shit truck dey get so turned on dey squirt and I get da wet pants
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
It must be something about da shit truck dat turns dem on 😀
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Vintage Chryslers had left hand threaded lug nuts on the left side:…

avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^^ buckle up for over 4 hours of stupidity from SJGoatfucker today! He’s got an early start to craziness until the library closes!
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Dis is da nuts and bolts of things
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
As I have seen German and other European cars tend to have lug bolts, while American and Japanese have lug nuts.

Lug nuts is a better attachment.

I saw a 1st gen VW Rabbit made into a race car, and they had had a machinist install studs into the front hubs, so it could use nuts. But they did not change the rear.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
BTW this is the same stripper who brought no snacks and just raided by fridge. I guess maybe count lug nuts before you ask for OTC.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Getting a stripper to nut is about the wad of bills in your pocket - and not about the load delivered by your nuts…

Finally a discussion that is just an enjoyable diversion - and even then SJG tries to derail it with bizarre posts.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
On FIAT 128's the front lug bolts tend to come loose. You have to tighten them from time to time. Especially when you have taken the wheels off to work on the car. Part of this is because they just give you a short handled lug wrench. But that is how tight they are supposed to go, and you might need to change a wheel by the roadside.

Some of it is because they are lug bolts, not studs and nuts.

Part of it is because the rims are not hub centric, nothing besides the bolts keeping the wheels centered. Hubs could take hub centric rims, but they made it otherwise.

See, the rim center holes do not connect to the hub, under the brake rotors and drums, so just the lug bolts keep it centered.…

The cars are perfectly functional, but you do need to remember that bolt tightening requirement.


extremely well composed picture, better than 98% of what is in the dancer directory…
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
LOL this thread is awesome 🤣
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^^ Need to tighten the 128 bolts after you have put the wheels back on, and after you have driven it some. Then maybe tighten them with every oil change. Bolts are 19mm.


128 SL…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Left hand threaded lug nuts, text about it.…

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Many of the Euro cars of that era were probably comaptible. But this fits FIAT 128. Notice large shoulder on bolt. Bolts are all that hold the wheel centered, not the rim center hole on the hub.…

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Compatible cars…

Looks to be just FIAT, but their RWD models too, and then also X1/9.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Oh wow, Dodge Dart takes a bolt which looks the same. So this recent Dodge Dart, not classic Dodge Dart, was built like a FIAT.…

Interesting. But they have dropped it too. I had read that it had a FIAT made transaxle.

avatar for datinman
3 years ago
Only in TUSCL can a bad pun turn into OCD and/or autistic dissertation on Italian lug bolts that will likely be bumped for the next 5 years.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is no such thing as ~Autism~, just a concept invented by the Nazi Eugenics movement to legitimate the abuse of children and adults.

avatar for datinman
3 years ago
Yeah, I know that is a trigger word for you. Perhaps a previous diagnosis as well?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
We have an ~Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence~ industry. Lots of people make money off of it, but another factor is simply the fact that many parents need to find the locus of Original Sin in their child.

We used to call this Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, then Facetious Disorder, now just Medical Child Abuse. We should just call it Child Abuse, because sometimes it really is just the parents driving it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
For those of you who don't regularly take the wheels off of cars, scroll down on this and see a wheel being put back onto a BMW.…

I don't know how the Brits and the Sweeds do it, but on the Continent cars have historically been made with lug bolts instead of studs and nuts.

Not sure how it is with something like the Nuovo FIAT 500, but the Nuovo Dodge Dart seems to have been basically a FIAT, and it looks like it used bolts.


The level of sexual frustration in the land remains high, so guys need to hear this:

Why you want to hand your girl money, but never buy dances:…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Only 3! They seem to be nuts, not bolts.…

French cars have long used 3. It's adequate if the rims are thick enough for the weight of the vehicle.…


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Finally got a close look at my neighbors French Smart Car.

It is a nice looking car, with nice alloy wheels. The wheels have a 6 fold symmetry.

But upon close inspection it only has three lug nuts.

Even though this is made by Daimler, it is real small, and 3 is more the French standard.

I think they are bolts, not studs, as the European cars are this way. I think the American and Japanese practice of studs and nuts is better.

First heard about Smart Car's in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code.…

My neighbor's is combustion, not electric.

avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
I bring a park of cards and hand 2 of spades. When she mishandles it I say she dropped a deuce, but at least it has a pooper scooper.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I mean I don't like nuts too much but they are ok in some candy or chocolate. Pistachios are ok.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Tbh the amount of lugs you need depends on the number of wheel studs you have, just sayin.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Yes PSD is right don't want to overdo it with the nutting.…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Smart Car, like most European cars, looks to have lug bolts, not studs and nuts.

avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Why anyone still doesn't have sjg on ignore amazes me.
avatar for rockie
3 years ago
Dougie was placed on ignore at least 9 years ago and then there is SJG on ignore for 6 or 7 tears. I only have 3 posters on ignore, but both the above are Hall of Fame Candidates All Time TUSCL Douchebags.
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