Biden’s plan for CoVid

Joe Biden will address the nation this afternoon to announce a 6 prong plan for CoVid. We don’t know the details but the major themes have leaked:
1.Vaccine requirements
2.Booster shots
3.Keeping schools open
4.Increasing testing & requiring masks
5.Economic recovery
6.Improving patient care
I look forward to hearing the specifics ( and whether states like Florida will comply).
1.Vaccine requirements
2.Booster shots
3.Keeping schools open
4.Increasing testing & requiring masks
5.Economic recovery
6.Improving patient care
I look forward to hearing the specifics ( and whether states like Florida will comply).
last commentThere are 10 million job openings in the US right now. Roughly equal to the number of unemployed. Problem solved.
On the vaccine side, against new strains, longer lasting, mucosal immunity (to stop the virus at the point of infection). On the molecule side, better antibodies, novel antivirals that target the protease (no known escape variant) rather than the spike protein, immune modulators for the cytokine storm.
Instead, Joe want trillions in new spending. That will make things look good through the next election but absolutely destroy the economy beyond that.
We must learn to tell our officials to fuck off.
Biden has potential to be an all-time bottom 5 president.
BTW people with doctorates are the most hesitant to get the vaccine.…
I'm for the vaccine but businesses shouldn't be protected from liability like this
- The USPostal Service, whose union has been a strong supporter of Biden’s
- people getting welfare, food stamps, Medicaid etc
Most of the drop is a result of a drop among Democrats.
Inflation hurts those on fixed income and those who rely on salary, worst.
So says the creepy semi homeless guy with zero ventures who only has internet access through a library computer.…
More mush from the wimp
Jimmy Biden promises to do for Covid what he did for Afghanistan
The speech started with a lie and didn’t get better.
“Good evening,” Uncle Joe told us. Evening? It was 5 p.m. in Washington and 2 p.m. in Los Angeles. Near bedtime for our president, I suppose.
In the 27 minutes that followed, Biden managed to choke out one fact: over 1,000 fully vaccinated Americans were hospitalized with Covid every day this summer -which likely means the current number is considerably higher.
How do I know? The White House spinmasters, aided by the New York Times, are now resorting to calculating Covid infection and hospitalization risk for vaccinated people on a per-day basis.
This statistic is so nonsensical as to be almost comic. Practically any risk will seem tiny over a single 24-hour period. To take just one example: a 90-year-old woman has a 1 in 8 chance of dying before she turns 91. But her risk of death per day is only about 1 in 3,000 (not far from the 1 in 5,000 per day risk the Times has calculated for a vaccinated person to get Covid).
So when Biden said the risks of being hospitalized with Covid if you’re fully vaccinated are 1 in 160,000 per day, what he meant was that upwards of 1,000 vaccinated people are now being hospitalized every day. At least.
Because the vaccines work!
That aside, the speech was what we’ve come to know as classic Biden - loud and empty, in the style of Brezhnev or a late Roman emperor whose name no one knows. If he’d really been serious about forcing unvaccinated people to take the shot, he would have announced a vaccine requirement for air and other interstate travel and entry to federal buildings. Remember, he’s required you to wear a mask to fly - he could at least try to force a vaccine.
But whether because of airline lobbying or because he fears the Supreme Court is done with Covid nonsense - as it pretty clearly showed in striking down the ridiculous eviction ban last month - he didn’t. Instead he once again leaned on companies to do what he cannot. But only companies with more than 100 employees.
To quote my two-year-old - Because why? The ro don’t care about small companies, I guess.
But the plan does have one truly disastrous element: the vaccine mandate for health care workers. The current hospital crisis has little (or nothing) to do with Covid hospitalizations, vaxxed or unvaxxed, and everything to do with the fact that a large fraction of nurses and other medical staff would rather quit than be vaccinated. A fact all by itself should cause you to question both the seriousness of Covid for healthy adults and the usefulness of the vaccines.
So, yeah, last evening’s speech was a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing (unless you plan to visit a hospital in the next few months, good luck with that).
At least he didn’t mention Beau, though. That was a win.
The best strategy is to just ride it out. Over a long enough period of time, it always goes up.
If you are putting money in, they you are betting that you know something they do not. You do not.
What he should have done is to have set up adequate surge ward space.
Fuck You Joe Biden!
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has PDF link for actual 10 page text…