Clear Quartz Clear quartz is known as the universal healer. It is a natural amplifier, so it naturally enhances the abilities of other crystals within the room. You can place clear quartz on all chakra points to restore balanced energy and bring harmony to the body.
Rutilated Quartz You can also place rutilated quartz on all chakra points. It encourages a multilevel energy flow and works to restore the usual energy to under or over-active areas.
Labradorite Labradorite links to all the chakra points and enables them to move quickly between states. It is a crystal that easily removes blockages, prevents energy drainage, and prevents negativity from settling in one place.
I went ahead and took Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, and Labradorite. It didn't say how many, so I swallowed 3 each. My chakras are feeling more aligned, but I am having the same queasy feeling I get when i read a Dave_Anderson thread. What should I do?
My annoying uncle David Anderdon is a MAGA antivaxer and he doesn't carry any health insurance because he doesn't like Obama. He also reads InfoWars daily. He's complaining about shortness of breath, and I'm wondering if it's safe to intubate the dude with my old Hoover vacuum? I'll change the filter bag to keep things sanitary. Please advise. Thanks.
^ I regret to inform you that your preferred home-cure methods will not work, though something tells me COVID is not why you stuck the flashlight up your ass.
By liking your own post, you have been diagnosed with a sadly-common affliction here, known as "having a small penis."
Are the threads written by PhatBoy the equivalent of the prep you drink the day before you get a colonoscopy I mean every time he posts it’s just shit all over the place
@Cashman and @25, depending on the poster, I r prescribe hitting your head against a brick wall till you have double vision (for the one that repeats the same quotes), a few tabs of acid (for the knight of the round huffy), a bottle of cheap vodka (for Mr. lulz above), followed by a good hard wank.
It'll make you feel good, and there's no way those threads could make less sense.
I believe 1 posts here as BBBC 2 was the golden shower guru at my med school 3 likes to watch me nail 4 5 could rack up some major business here 6 likes to get bent over my knee and spanked 7 moonlights as a bartender at Desire, it brings in business 9, let's just say he "is," not past tense, with 8
T-don, you're quick on the uptake, except for a couple of things: 1) You overlooked Dr. Dover's distinguished career as a US Navy doctor. He was the only one in his year group to be selected for promotion to Rear Admiral, retiring as a Rear Admiral after a 33 year career. 2) You failed to address the rumors going around about Dr. "Big Bill" Gold's tendency to overcharge his patients.
Moving on, your recommendations on these 3:
1) Dan D. Lyon - Allergist
2) Moe Mentum - Attorney specializing in medical malpractice lawsuits, and medical insurance claim denials.
3) Moe Notony - Conducts seminars on "Understanding Medicare". Should I sign up ?
last commentClear quartz is known as the universal healer. It is a natural amplifier, so it naturally enhances the abilities of other crystals within the room. You can place clear quartz on all chakra points to restore balanced energy and bring harmony to the body.
Rutilated Quartz
You can also place rutilated quartz on all chakra points. It encourages a multilevel energy flow and works to restore the usual energy to under or over-active areas.
Labradorite links to all the chakra points and enables them to move quickly between states. It is a crystal that easily removes blockages, prevents energy drainage, and prevents negativity from settling in one place.
I went ahead and took Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, and Labradorite. It didn't say how many, so I swallowed 3 each. My chakras are feeling more aligned, but I am having the same queasy feeling I get when i read a Dave_Anderson thread. What should I do?
Infowars, I recommend high-dose antipsychotics.
By liking your own post, you have been diagnosed with a sadly-common affliction here, known as "having a small penis."
I prescribe you some GED prep courses so I don't have to dumb down my knowledge for you.
I mean every time he posts it’s just shit all over the place
It'll make you feel good, and there's no way those threads could make less sense.
Should I avoid double dances or go with small spinners?
1) Ben Dover - Proctologist
2) Ignatius Peter (aka I.P.) Daly - Urologist
3) Jerry Mander - General Surgery Chairs AMA Political Action Committee
4) Sally Mander - Veterinarian Wife of Dr. Jerry Mander - Could these 2 be the posters who
start Tuscl threads about best clubs for couples ?
5) Hugh G. Rection - Penile Implant Specialist
6) Patricia (aka "Pat" ) Fanny - Licensed Sex Therapist
7) Jen N. Tonic - Substance Abuse Counselor.
8) William Gold - Family Medicine - Played college football, has nickname of "Big Bill"
9) Ben Gay - Sports Medicine.
Thank you for any input.
2 was the golden shower guru at my med school
3 likes to watch me nail 4
5 could rack up some major business here
6 likes to get bent over my knee and spanked
7 moonlights as a bartender at Desire, it brings in business
9, let's just say he "is," not past tense, with 8
Also, would you recommend sending ones teenage daughter to this gynecologist : Dr. Will (nickname "Pop ") Cherry ?
Dr. Harry P. Ness is an exhibitionist, and an intimidating one. Would I recommend? Depends what you want.
Dr. Pop Cherry, let's just say it's going to happen to her sometime. Best in a controlled environment.
Moving on, your recommendations on these 3:
1) Dan D. Lyon - Allergist
2) Moe Mentum - Attorney specializing in medical malpractice lawsuits, and medical insurance claim denials.
3) Moe Notony - Conducts seminars on "Understanding Medicare". Should I sign up ?
1, Dandy Lion was so named because of his fashion sense and rocking beard. Being an allergist is coincidental.
2, whatever, I'm clean as a whistle
3 can't be worse lecturing about the healthcare system than SJG, can he?
Sera, they were Siamese twins sharing a uterus