
Check out Dilbert's sugar baby wife

Saturday, June 19, 2021 2:09 AM


  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    That's some bitter shit
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Wish we could downvote a topic
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Someone needs to change their Depends diapers.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Scott Adams Net Worth: Scott Adams, the creator of the comic strip Dilbert, has an estimated net worth of $75 million.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Yahtzee, thank you for posting a link to the twitter feed of a very attractive and talented young woman.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    "That's some bitter shit" What's bitter about it? Who would have thought that the Dilbert guy would have a wife over 30 years younger than him? It's surprising. He should work it into his comic strip.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    "He should work it into his comic strip." ______________________ Yes, Dilbert looks like her grandpa in the picture and it's inherently funny. Dilbert: "How many men have you slept with, sweetheart?" Kristina: "Just you, dear. I was awake for all the others."
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