
Biden gives Putin a list of 16 places off limits for hackers.

Atlanta suburb
Reminded me of this Disney classic.



  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought of too when I saw that story. The difference is, in the Uncle Remus story, the rabbit was outsmarting the fox. With Uncle Joe, he just handed Putin a priority target list. Biden is bumbling, mumbling, senile fool. He could barely walk straight at the summit, and goes off his rocker if he gets anything other than a fawning, softball question from the press. He can’t handle anything more challenging than “what flavor of ice cream do you like?” One has to wonder who is really running the government. Kamala obviously isn’t doing anything either.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Leave the hospitals alone. I read an article where some hackers were saying “yeah we’ll hack just about anyone for money, but even we aren’t fucked up enough to hold a hospital for ransom.” Unfortunately not all hackers are as ethical as the ones in that interview.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Did anyone here see the Helsinki summit news conference or was I imagining that from 2018 ?
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Scripps Hospital in San Diego was hacked a couple of months ago. So, there must be some "unethical" hackers out there too.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Vlad wiped the floor with Joe and his delegation. That was unimaginably humiliating for the United States. Many of us had hoped that Joe would do as little as possible, maybe just have as uneventful a term as we could hope for. Instead, every single action, order, and meeting has resulted in a weakened US, emboldened enemies
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    ... a post button too close to the text line, and a world which only becomes more fractured and difficult to control. This guy isn't Obama's third term, he's Jimmy Carter's second!
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