
OT: Defund the police

Avatar for Papi_Chulo
Papi_ChuloMiami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Looks like New York is on its way to 1970s fucked-up-ness

NYPD: 4 Suspects In Custody After 3 Subway Riders Slashed Within Minutes In Lower Manhattan

As CBS2’s Jenna DeAngelis reports, one of the incidents happened at Columbus Circle. Police say the victim was stabbed in the eye, among at least five people hurt on the subway system Friday morning. Police believe the same group is responsible.

It only took about 12 minutes for four attacks on the subway system, signaling another violent morning in transit.

“Here you have the amount of damage that can be done in a half hour by a number of people,” said NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea.

It started at about 4:20 a.m. Friday. Police a 44-year-old man was slashed in the face on board a 4 train, exiting at Union Square station. But the suspects stayed on the train, approaching Astor Place station, slashing one man and punching another, according to police. Five minutes later, near Brooklyn Bridge station, they allegedly slashed a fourth man in the head. Police say they took his wallet and cell phone.

“The victims described two, three, four, upwards of five males. It looks like they were pairing off as the train was moving down along the 4 line,” an NYPD official said.



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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Take $1-billion from the police budget - let criminals out as soon as they are arrested by not requiring bond - and don't let citizens arm themselves to protect themselves - no wonder FL is filling up withe New Yorkers

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

the libs are big on gun-control and small on criminal-control

Avatar for rattdog

they're also are high on mind control and real small on common sense. they fucking suck.

Avatar for Studme53

Elections have consequences. Give the people what they voted for. In NYC it was not law and order.

Avatar for gammanu95

Heaving, to the average retarded liberal or democrat, defunding the police solves the problem their existence. Democrat voters actually that the criminal can be rehabilitated and violence halted by dispatching social workers armed with only their feelings and a seminar chart of critical race theory talking points. They believe society will be improved if prisons are eliminated, and pimps, rapists, murderers, and bangers are freed to walk the streets in a world without law enforcement. If you don't understand, that ia hecause of your white privilege; if you are not white, then it is because you have internalized the indoctrination of the colonial oppressor caucasian patriarchy.

Avatar for rattdog

"But "defund the police" thing does not address anything relevant to reduce deadly police interaction stuff."

that's because defunding the police isn't meant to address that issue to begin with. from what i've observed the libdemtards and the one powers that they answer to use defund as a control tool. by limiting what the police can do criminals can run around doing as they please. the result of this is the areas in turn wind up as uninhabitable shitholes, and people living in constant fear.

Avatar for mark94

Defund the police makes perfect sense if the foundations of your world view includes

  1. Most whites are racist

  2. The police are comprised of either whites or people of color who have sold out to white supremacists ( Uncle Toms )

  3. People of color commit crimes only out of desperation in reaction to racism

Therefore, if you remove police from the equation, the good hearted people of color will form a utopia in their communities and all will be right in the world.

Honestly, 20%-30% of our fellow citizens believe all of the above. That is, until they actually try it in places like Minneapolis.

Avatar for rattdog

yeah!!! minneapolis and nyc within the past year. how's that turning out so far?

all the nyc tv commercials of nyc mayoral candidates - every single one of them a fucking democrat. not a republican or any other party affiliation shown yet. and not any one of those dem candidates inspires any positive belief that he/she will be a notch or two better than deblasio or dinkins.

Avatar for Tetradon

^ If Democratic governance were the answer, New York, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Detroit, and Baltimore should be paradise. Minneapolis was the latest guinea pig. Democratic (or further left) city council, Democratic police chief, Democratic mayor, Democratic governor, therefore it's Trump's fault.

If you live in one of these cities, you are responsible for your own self-defense, as criminals grow increasingly brazen and intimidated law enforcement responds less or not at all. In New York City, AOC said the increased crimes were economic desperation, even though it was shootings and murders, not larcenies, that skyrocketed. There isn't enough gold in Fort Knox to make me want to move back to New York City.

Actual black voters--who aren't academics or party hacks--know this and do not want to "defund the police," and this is after said academics/hacks, and even the "moderate" Democrat POTUS questioned the blackness of anyone who didn't buy their party line.

Avatar for ime

This will end well, I love watching CA. Minneapolis we're gonna defund the police.

Sacramento, hold my beer.


76K California violent, career felons get earlier releases

With little notice, California is increasing early release credits for 76,000 inmates starting Saturday.

That includes nearly 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole.

Make the jails safer! Ha.

Avatar for skibum609

Defunding the police will create more victims and thus a reason for "community activists" to demand more money for...... nothing. Diversity doesn't work and Progressives are the enemy. White and Black progressives are using normal American blacks as cannon fodder because they don't care if people they view as inferior die in their power grab. Th sick disgusting progressives are giving speeches in Congress supporting Hamas.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

History will tell you leftists don't mind sacrificing as many of their brainwashed foot-soldiers as are needed to be sacrificed in order to achieve their revolution

Avatar for Studme53

“Defund the Police” usually means give millions of gov money to “community activists” and newly created anti-violence organizations. They’re the friends and relatives of the hack politicians who called for “Defund the Police” They get the party ward leaders plenty of WAM (walking around money) to get out the vote and keep the whole dysfunctional system on one party Democratic control in place. At least that’s how it works in Philly.

Avatar for Studme53

There’s also a misconception that the cops are gung ho racists who want to “over police” the Black community. I happen to know in Philly that nearly every cop assigned to the districts in those communities want out. That’s the way it’s been for years.

Every single cop, White, Black or Hispanic have transfer request to get transferred out. No one has transfer papers into those communities, not even the Black cops from those neighborhoods.

What’s that tell you?

Avatar for mark94

Prior to the Great Society establishment of the welfare state, most black communities were pretty stable. The majority of households were two parent families with jobs who were regular church goers. There was crime but at similar levels as in white neighborhoods.

Once the federal government got involved, rewarding single parent households with multiple kids and no job, it all went to hell. If you reward a certain type of behavior, you get more of it.

Avatar for rattdog


someone years ago informed me that most parts of northern philly at night would make it in most top 5 nationwide lists of where not to be in america. would you say yes or no that statement?

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Defending the police means auditing it and getting rid of wasteful spending and addressing for profit criminalization ie ticket quotas trumped up charges etc

Avatar for Studme53

Definitely Rattdog. Temple University put a lot of money into that area too, but still very dangerous adjacent to campus.

Avatar for Studme53

Icee. I agree with the concept you described, but that’s not want the idiot politicians and race demagogues who said “Defund the Police” meant. They meant the same thing they did when they said “Abolish ICE”. (not ICEE)

Avatar for Tetradon

Defund the police means exactly what the activist means at the given moment. To a sizable number nowadays that means full abolition of police and prisons.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I am correct. Defunding the budget defunds the scope of policing. The other things the article mentions are needs for reform not tied to defunding but rather changing police culture

Avatar for Tetradon

"Advocates are split on the question of how far it should go: whether to reduce funding and reform some aspects of policing, or completely abolish police forces as we know them."

Right from the article.

Avatar for Tetradon

^ Like I said, it means whatever suits progressives in the moment. How'd CHAZ work out for ya?

Avatar for positronicbrain

If anyone wants to know a little more about the police abolition movement, I recommend the free ebook of The End of Policing by Alex Vitale on Verso books, as well as the podcast miniseries Behind the Police which is in the feed for the also excellent Behind the Bastards.

Dunno why I'm getting into this on a strip club site 🤣

Avatar for Tetradon

^ Yes, did you really just cite a BOOK as a political argument on a titty bar message board? Lol

In a paragraph, tell us why abolishing the police makes us safer, considering police killings are rare next to what they prevent.

Avatar for mark94

NY Pride organizer have told the NYPD that all police officers must stay at least one city block away from the Pride March this year. Instead, the Pride organizers have decided to contract "all aspects of first response and security that can be reallocated to trained private security, community leaders, and volunteers" reads a statement from NYC Pride.

Avatar for Tetradon

^ LOL, for all they bitch about privatization, they want to privatize security. How'd CHAZ work out?

Avatar for 48-Cowboy

Defend socialist security

Avatar for mark94

Let’s turn policing over to Facebook and Google. They already track all our digital communication and know where we live.

Avatar for mark94

Twenty percent of Seattle’s police force has resigned or retired since the BLM riots and defunding. Many more are using sick and leave time before submitting their papers. Reportedly, many more are interviewing for jobs in other cities.

Not coincidentally, murders are up, as is crime in general.

Similarly, in Minneapolis, so many police have left the force that the city is pumping $8 Million into the budget to recruit officers. Crime is up.

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