
I want to be a stripper i turned 21 yesterday, please comment with all the pros

and cons about being an actual exotic dancers, with ACTUAL honest situations you experience when youre at work? im 5'4 110lbs and worried because i cnt walk in heels i feel like i look dumb i just started wearing them tho, i never did before. anyway, help would be appreciated thx <3


  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    You're pretty and can certainly be a dancer. However, this site is dominated by strip club customers who just want to see your tits. There are some dancers on here that would be willing to help you. But Stripperweb.com is the dancer site that can give you the most help.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago

    You've posted your question on a web site that focuses most on the customer's perspective, although there are a number of dancers who read and contribute to the discussion. I mention this because many of the comments you will get will be from customers. If you want advice from other strippers, you might post on stripperweb.com. Regardless where you post, be aware that you'll get some respectful and well intentioned comments as well comments that are less sincere and helpful. You'll need to do some filtering and interpretation.

    You will need to get comfortable dancing in heels. Most clubs will not let you dance bare footed-- personally, I find bare footed (and bare everything) to be sexy, but there seems to be some health code issues that prohibit barefoot performances (maybe others know the reason for this restriction).

    Also, you need to do some research on the club where you hope to dance. This web site (tuscl.net) will be a good resource for information from the customer perspective but it won't tell you very much about tip out, management, hiring guidelines for any of the clubs.

    Good luck and, before some of the others say it, post a photo that shows off your body (you can disguise your face) --- always a good way to solicit interest from potential customers.

    Finally, proof read your posts. We aren't English teachers on this web site but many of us appreciate posts that contain minimal grammar and spelling errors.

    Good luck. Let us know if and where you start dancing.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Getting used to heels is far from the greatest challenge you'd have to overcome. Contrary to some of the beliefs of dudes on this board, stripping is challenging. It is emotionally and mentally exhausting for a lot of girls. Some of the challenges you need to overcome include:

    - Learning how to convince salty older guys to part with their money
    - Getting comfortable with showing your body on a stage
    - Learning how to deal with and not personalize rejection, since some nights a lot of guys will say no regardless of hoiw good you look
    - How to deal with assholes who say horrible things to you
    - Constantly being solicited for sex or "extras"
    - Being touched in ways that you don't like from guys 2-3 times your age
    - Avoiding the temptations of drugs and alcohol, which are constant in clubs
    - How to deal with the earnings swings, including the inevitable bad nights
    - How to stay disciplined enough to work enough shifts that stripping is not just survival money
    - How to stay focused on your earning goals rather than falling into party mode

    It's a hard fucking job with a lot of side temptations. Now on the obvious plus side, a girl who can overcome all of these obstacles can make a lot more than in almost any other vanilla job, but only a small % of girls make it past 6 months. It takes a certain tough mindset to strip successfully for any length of time and many who try it just don't have it.

    Hopefully you will find that it suits you and we will see you in a club soon. Good luck!
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    If those are your real photos, you are a very pretty girl and I’m sure you could do well. Where are you located, or where are you thinking about dancing? Location info might help with getting targeted info from some of the dancers that post here. The only club I have ever seen where the girls didn’t wear heels is Mons Venus in Tampa. As many have already said, Stripperweb is the dancer version of TUSCL. You’ll probably see more helpful info there for a beginner dancer. But take the anti-customer rhetoric there with a grain of salt. Much of it is way over the top, in my opinion. Good luck.
  • mjx01
    4 years ago
    My thoughts are similar to Dr E.

    If those are your real photos, you are a very pretty girl and you should do well in most markets. I'd buy whatever you're selling. Just bring a happy / friendly attitude to it.

    Location info would be useful to get feedback on what kind of environment you are getting yourself into. Different locations have very different club scenes.

    As a customer, it's hard for me to give pros/cons. In general I'd say it is fast (not easy) money. You have to have a plan / exit strategy. If you party it all away and have nothing to show for it 5 years from now... you've wasted you assets.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    jackslash called it... SHOW US YOUR TITS! That said, you look very cute and should do well most anywhere.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    Do you wanna be a stripper or pretend to be one on TUSCL?

    Pro Tip: Next time create an account as a stripper.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    You should go thru the process of registering as a dancer on TUSCL - in the past we've been catfished by dudes passing as females/dancers and yanking-our-chain
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "my best advice to you.. leave this site immediately"

    Proof that desertscrub can be nice.

    "you will need to post some pics of your tits"


    "practice sitting on a flaccid dick while the customer tries to finger bang you"

  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    Some great advice for you on here already.

    You are very pretty no doubt but there are a lot of things to keep in mind.

    How is your state currently handling covid?

    Are you in a state that will have extreme busy and slow seasons? It probably will be different this year, but in Az a lot of dancers don't make much in the summer because winter/spring(rich old guys that spend money in the clubs) visitors are bacK in their home states.

    Would you be too nervous, especially at first?

    You are going to meet all kinds of people. Some smelly (go to club straight after work after working outside in the heat!), some who are just plain assholes, some who are "creepy", and others who are nice and generous.

    Are you ok with being turned down a lot? Don't take it personally, but be nice and it will get you far in the long run.

    Don't have drama!!! If something does happen (DUI etc) don't tell your customer/potential customer like its a good thing. The less drama I heard about, the better. I've heard a lot from dancers, sometimes when first meeting them. Those dancers didn't get money from me other than maybe a few dollars on stage tips one or two times. I knew who had the drama after so many visits! Some dancers loved to talk about all drama in their life which was a pretty interesting discussion topic earlier (stripper cliches). Interesting stuff, but not a money maker for any dancer!

    Are you good in (geniune) conversation with random people even guys that don't spend a ton of money right away. Do you have an " approach" worked out that isn't just simply -Do you want a dance?

    My favorite dancer of all time started out with some general conversation and I think maybe 2 dances (20 dollars) one night and led to 3 maybe 4 years of becoming a regular customer of hers. I spent a lot, but every dollar was worth it. Also she sat with me for awhile the first time before asking for dances. This place had probably 30 dancers that first night I was in and if she would have just approached with the old do you want a dance routine we never would have spent so much time together.
    Also if a customer says no say ok enjoy your night. If they say they are here to see (insert name) wish them a good night with that dancer. Don't pretend to be friends with that dancer. If you really are that's great, but don't pretend. They'll check haha.

    Be prepared to be asked out a lot!

    Listen to the advice given here!

  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    Oops should say everyone's advice given here.
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    What a bunch of PL's. This has fake written all over it. Juice, is this you?
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Maybe it's a troll, but does it matter if it's fake? Does it matter if it's all true? If you think it's interesting just reply to it and then move on to the next thing. Clearly some get really invested in their online time, and that's mostly ok, but all in all it's not that serious. Unless I happen to meet someone in person it's all just words, but still try to be a reasonable sort even when in character.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I want to be a professional golfer,
    As long as we’re confessing our secret desires 😁
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    Let's not get too serious about telling everyone not to get too serious for not taking OP too seriously.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @lovelyb11 Nice job converting your profile over to that of a stripper!

    Now everyone can take you seriously.

    Pro Tip: Create a new post in the Dancer's Forum and ask actual dancers for the pros and cons of being a dancer.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Honestly have you tried getting a job at walmart, progressive, the fed/State government? Those salries range from $25K to $75K. I have a theory if you make more then $50K as a stripper youre probably doing something extra. nothing wrong with that but be aware its not that much money
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Well, the most important thing is to read the sage words of my brother (rickdugan). As usual he provided a spot on and extremely helpful analysis.

    However, I would add a few things:

    1) Think about the flip side of scrub-ape’s post re: sitting on flaccid dicks. Assuming your photos are accurate you will inspire many erect dicks. How do you feel ‘bout sitting on them?

    2) In the club you have to expect the unexpected. For example, how would you react if a lion wearing a suit entered the club? How about a gator wearing a suit? What if the suit wearing contingent comprised a lion, a gator, a shark, a vulture, and a dugan?

    3) Here is a good example of a stripper showing her tits post:


    Just think of how good it will feel to post a similar picture. It’ll give the “she’s a troll” poster a heart attack! ROAR!!!
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    But make sure to show the nipples when you post your pic. Tits that read “rick the lion ROAR!!!” will give many of the posters heart attacks... in a good way!
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    Don't listen to any of the Ricks. They are all gay and love sucking on my sausage!. We do slumber parties and play bouncer and manager all night long! 🍆🌽🫒🥒🍌😉
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I would assume stripper-shoes may be easier to walk-in than regular high-heels since they don’t seems to have as big an arch – this website is geared toward strip-club customers which can provide good info from customers’ point-of-view but StripperWeb.com is a site geared towards dancers and it has a newbie-board – you could probably find info on stripper-shoes there either by posting a thread or perhaps using the website’s search function - you could always buy a pair of dancer-shoes and just practice by wearing them at home (unless you live w/ someone whom you have to hide the job from; but you can also just practice at home w/ regular high-heels and just say you're trying to learn to walk in them).

    You seem pretty-green with respect to strip-clubs – strip-clubs are a very different atmosphere than the real-world as it’s adult-entertainment – as a dancer it def helps to be a people-person and also have thick-skin since many clubs can be cutthroat including dealing w/ hardcore veteran-dancers and customers that may be aholes – if one is shy/reserved/introverted the job will likely be harder.

    You should get a guy friend or your boyfriend to take you to visit some clubs in your area so you can see what the atmosphere is like – it’s also not uncommon for some girls to work as waitresses in the club for a while so they can see the atmosphere for themselves and kinda ease their way into it or see if it’s for them.

    Strip-clubs are bizarro-world, the opposite of the real-world – in strip-clubs the women are often the initiators and in a sense are the ones picking up the men vs the other way around – a lot of girls that are used to having their asses kissed by guys in the real-world go in with the same mindset when they become dancers and think guys are gonna give them $$$ just b/c they are cute and talk to the guys – in a strip-club the guys usually do the choosing since they are paying and as a dancer not only do you have to convince guys to part with their $$$ but you are competing against other young hot girls for that $$$.

    Being a dancer does not automatically mean you will bank – some clubs are good $$$; some alright; and some suck – stripping is a sales business and not everyone is good as sales.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Idk I am not reading all this bs so I'm sorry if I missed something.

    If you are serious about stripping the name of the game is do the least for the most money. That doesn't include making explicited promises you won't deliver on or straight up robbing/stealing from /setting these dudes up for robbery. It means take care of your appearance and have a sick mouth that even you dunno what comes out next but somehow whatever you say = sales. If you gotta hustle by cuddling up and being groped then you don't got the badass mouth and sales game for this shit. Just being real. Also some stage presence helps. If you can't do shit then be cute and act new maybe steal guys hats and wear them on stage the give back. If ur good on tbe pole get the stage customer money there, or if u can do gymnastics show that shit off for the stage crowd. If you can shake your ass a few different ways and not look stupid then do that. But if you look stupid trying to twerk then dont bother please. LoL. Smiling helps. I glare and that fucks me up unless I'm in clubs with successful secure men who want a girl w a certain look. But the peasant class doesnt like mean dominant biatches. Dont waste too much time talking to dudes for free or not enough munniez. Playing games on the phone or practicing the pole or shooting the shit w co strippers or staff is better than talking for free to some pervert.

    Also some areas they want girls with no shape at all think 12 yr old boy. Other areas are all about glorious asses. There really is no 1 size fits all just gotta know your market.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I agree with somewhere above, saying where you’re from would be helpful.

    In some regions, customers have pretty different personalities. Or also some areas clubs can have very different rules of what acts is standard in a lapdance.

    I danced my first 3 years three years just in Texas and I can say fer sure not making anywhere in that state a home club ever again. I’ll most likely in the future pop into clubs occasionally but not for any length of time. Even tho I’m a native Texan myself, I’ll just say that I think fellow native Texan dudes are super draining. That being said, it’s been a popular place for dancers to travel and even move to so not everyone would agree with me there.

    Which leads me to...dancing is what you make of it. You will meet fellow dancers and customers from all walks of life, and law of attraction is definitely a thing. It’s a good idea to keep one foot into something not club related. Whether you’re going to school, doing some sort of online side thing, or holding down a part-time job elsewhere.

    But it’s a great enabler if you like being able to follow your whims. (Whether the whims are constructive or destructive) It’s the freedom more than the money that has kept me at it.

    The social aspect, can be a pro or con. Ditto with makeup and outfits. Or stage sets. So I’ll also just keep that a neutral “it’s what you make of it” and say you will form your own opinion.


    I’ve noticed a huge uptick in headlines about shootings or similar violence in strip clubs around the country in the past year. Which is kinda scary because I know of one club something happened, and it never made the news. Makes me wonder how much violence is able to get away with staying under the radar. Sadly I think we’re just in a period of civil unrest society-wise so it’s extra important to keep your eyes wide open and your wits about you if you start dancing. Traditionally, downtown areas of cities have been good places to dance but now that’s more uncertain for now....

    Another con is the possibility of more places forcing dancers to become legal employees. But who knows, maybe for some dancers it may end up being a bonus (in the long term) if it makes clubs stricter in who they will take on. You’re very pretty so I’d imagine you can get in pretty much anywhere.

  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Spice under the table income is great, but only if you plan on dying young. 35 years of earnings are used to determine social security benefits and disability. If you're under the table and get disabled you get about 800 a month from SSI. 15 years of zeroes kills your earnings and thus your social security. Seems like a great idea; just like getting drunk and spending money in a strip club seems like a good idea. When you're older and have no money, you look back and go wtf.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^ There is wisdom in what you say about investing. As far as social security being a part of that...😅
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I agree that Texans are tough. A few years ago small town TX I feel like was decent enough for not having to be high contact to make money. These days seems like even the little places you can't get away with being the low contact hot bitch and walk out with decent munniez for having a crazy hustle and decent look. Idk it could all turn around but meh.

    I also find people like in Texas are fucking low IQ compared to say anywhere up north. God what a bunch of fucktards other than a few exceptions here and there...
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @blah is like Denzel Washington in "Training Day" in this thread.

    Alonzo: "You've Gotta Hide That Love Deep Inside, You Understand?"

    Alonzo: "This Shit's Chess, It Ain't Checkers."

    Alonzo: "You're In The Office, Baby."

  • 48-Cowboy
    4 years ago
    @ nicespice... yea, you need to listen to skubum and hurry and pay in as much as you can to social security get hurry and get old before 2035. That way you can get something back before social security goes bankrupt in 2035. Listen to the boomer wisdom Young lady...💀
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    "Playing games on the phone or practicing the pole or shooting the shit w co strippers or staff is better than talking for free to some pervert."

    I understand the comment but I respectfully disagree.

    While spending too much time with a nonspending is advisable, from a marketing standpoint playing on your phone or shooting the shit with coworkers looks bad, TUSCLers have remarked it makes dancers look lazy, aloof, in different, standoffish, and unapproachable.

    In other words, dancers to avoid.

    If you spend a reasonsable amount of time with a nonspending pervert it makes you look desirable and approachable to other PLs.

    Mis dos centavos.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I'll hide in the dressing room before being drained mentally and emotionally by a freeloading pervert.

    Idk being out in the open playing games on my phone still gets me moneys/dances so whatever.

    Some freeloader there just blocks my money men from coming up to me.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    Alonzo (aka blah): "Go on and walk away... 'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right, that's right."
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @blah I agree with you. Freeloading for a teasing without dances, tips, or at least drinks is really poor form.

    And if I want a stripper I'm more likely going to walk up to her for dances if she's on her phone rather than in a convo with a dude. I don't care how lazy you look if you're hot to me. And if you're clearly available, bonus!
  • lovelyb11
    4 years ago
    @blahblahblah your advice is so perfect thank you!
  • lovelyb11
    4 years ago
    And thanks everyone too, really appreciate the comments and the affirmations (:
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