Clubbing during COVID

avatar for JohnSmith69
So it’s been a year since I’ve been in a strip club or on Tuscl, but now that public life is slowly returning to some semblance of normal I’m considering venturing back. I’d appreciate knowing what it’s like to visit a strip club these days. I’m sure this varies by region but at least let us know what it’s like in your area.

Some questions:

Are there limits on the number of customers
Do customers or strippers have to wear a mask
Are full contact lap dances available (assuming they were available pre-pandemic)?
How if at all does COVID impact the mileage available
How if at all are things different ITC compared to pre-pandemic.

Sorry if this has been discussed and I missed it. Like I said, I’m just crawling out from under my rock to see what survived COVID.



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In Atlanta, things are like they were pre-COVID. Except Follies is closed.
South FL is pretty-much back to normal; particularly the Broward-county clubs (Pompano, Hallandale) - Miami I believe still has a midnight-curfew and I believe the Miami-Dade clubs are still closing at midnight but not sure - there's been talk about lifting the Miami-Dade curfew but it'll likely be some time in April after Spring Break is over - the Pompano club are currently offering better bang-for-the-buck than Miami and are open their regular hours (Pompano clubs have always closed at 2am; Hallandale clubs around 5 or 6am).
John!!!! You're still alive!!! Darn. I'll have to withdraw my claim on your estate...😜😷

Baltimore is just reopened. The girls at Penthouse club missed you.
Smith-ape, this rick is standing ready to steal any novel dream strippers and engage in unspeakable rick activities - ricktivities if you will - with said dream strippers.

But I won’t insult you like scrub-ape. That’s just dickish. ROAR!!!

Welcome back to hell...after a year under your rock...


I will try to answer your questions;

In Los Angeles County the strip clubs are still closed...

In Orange County several are open.

I visited a couple of clubs in the last couple of weeks, they asked to see my ID, but didn’t scanned it, asked and took my temperature with one of those “gun thermometers” types and then apologized for having to do the patting down, because didn’t have metal-detectors wands.

Mask are required for entering the club, but once inside there was no enforcement and people didn’t have to keep the recommended 6 feet of separation.

The lap dances are very similar to pre-pandemic, but most people, strippers included, keep the mask if they are wearing it.

The CDC says “Fully vaccinated people can “dine indoors” with one another”. But doesn’t say anything about “take out”...

If you are vaccinated you should be “safe” to go find a new DS and tell us all about it.

Remember: “Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen”

avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
JS it's been fucking awesome, these ho's are just begging for cock, we can't fend 'em off! It's been the greatest mongering year in recorded history!
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
New York still has curfews 10pm I think. A lot of times I don’t even leave my house to go to club by 10 so I’m just waiting until it’s back to normal before I go again.
avatar for Michigan
4 years ago
Seattle clubs are still closed after a year now. No end in sight.
avatar for RTP
Charlotte, NC
4 years ago
Charlotte clubs are mostly open. I have only been during the day, and not very much. They all seem slow. Many new dancers. Rules say everyone must wear masks, very few people wearing them. The clubs which I visited have also limited where a dance can take place and increased the prices for dances. Drink prices are also higher.
To expand on Papi's comments, all of the South Florida clubs I have been to have had some minor COVID changes. Most all of them require masks to enter but they can come off either once inside or at least while seated. Most also have strippers wearing masks, but it's quite relaxed. Few strippers wear them the whole time but they almost all at least have one. Most also have a temp check at the door. A few have some sort of waiver to sign. There were some initial capacity restrictions but that seems to have faded. Over all, I'd say attendance is mostly down though so its not like the capacity restrictions were resulting in lines outside or anything. As mentioned, Miami clubs still close earlier than normal and expectation is that'll last through spring break season unless Desantis pulls something to force the issue.

Once inside its basically back to normal. A few places that used to offer table dances don't but word is that's going back to normal too. Lap dances are basically normal, some dancers want to wear masks during them but most don't. Room availability and activities are normal.

Dancer quality took a hit initially but seems to be leveling out. Mostly the girls had put on some pounds and have either lost it or been replaced.
Detroit (actually the suburban ones) appear to be in pre-covid mod. Mind you there is an 11 pm curfew until the end of the month. Some are doing temperature checks upon entering. Mask can be taken off once you're seated. In a nutshell nothing has changed with mileage.
Except for the plexiglass around the bars and the stage at Desires yesterday was no different than any great day there in the past 14 years, except fo course for the size of my massive load, which set a world pint o cum record.
In San Diego masks are required. A lot of the dancers are lazy about it. Dances are the same mileage as ever. OTC is easier to get.
I have noticed that hand job only dancers now do FS for the same money.
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