This is not what Ronald Reagan was, he was a optimist not the dark pessimist that you guys seem to think is the America of the future
He saw a shining city on a hill, not this bleak picture of a dystopian wasteland
The future is a hopeful thing not something to fear
^^^ 25
WTF? Did you even watch the 90 second video? As usual, your comment makes zero intellectual sense. It's no wonder this country is going to shit with people like you living here, you stupid fucking jerkoff.
In the video Reagan claimed, ”ours is the only constitution that recognizes the sovereignty of the people...”
Reagan must have gotten lost on the translation of our Spanish speaking southern neighbor’s constitution, which document declares:
“The national sovereignty resides essentially and originally in the people. All public power originates in the people and is instituted for their benefit. The people have at all times the inalienable right to alter or modify their form of government.”
Reagan visited Ireland, he took note of his Irish ancestry and received an honorary degree, I can scarcely explain why he overlooked the constitution that begins:
“We the people of Eire . . . seeking to promote the common good . . . so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured . . . do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this constitution.”
Even the constitution of France is very clear, again lost in translation.
“France is a republic, indivisible, secular, democratic, and social . . . Its principle is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
And let’s not forget the Fatherland
“The German people . . . conscious of their responsibility before God and men . . . have enacted by virtue of their constituent power, this basic law for the Federal Republic of Germany.”
A Constitution is nothing but a collection of words, unless the people believe in it. The simple fact is that the American Constitution (as with Orwell) understood that the more powerful a Government is, the faster people lose their rights and are enslaved by the Government. Our Constitution created a Unified collection of individual states, not one monolith. The fact the left and the keep news media keep bleating about the "popular vote", which means less than who took the first shit of the day simply proves that half the population opposes the Constitution. Unsurprisng to see a true loser leftist like CJ use the Fatherland as an example because progressives idolize the efficiency with which the nazis exterminated their enemy. White privilege was the first step.
25, I, for one, believe like you do that Reagan had it pretty much right. He did believe in a government of, for and by the people (and yes, I do know that those are Lincoln's words).
Unfortunately, our last "president" twisted those words beyond any description to be "of the 0.1%, for the folks like me (rich and white) and by ME, me, me."
Any of Lincoln's or Reagan's or Adam Smith's or, for that matter, Jesus Christ's words can be used out of context by people without ethics or anything resembling compassion to back up anything that supports their vision. 😥
Most of these idiots opining about Ronald Reagan either weren’t born or are way too young to accurately understand Reagan and his times let alone Lincoln. both were people who understood the true value of compromise neither went on scorched earth attacks on the opposition ( notice I called them opposition) not like this current crop of Trumpublican ideologues and isolation preaching nativists. This group of RINO’s are pretty ignorant and label anyone that they don’t understand enemies as opposed to making a reasonable attempt to actually understand both American politics and history.
Ronald Reagan made people proud to be an American. No Democrat feels anything other than hatred of this formerly great land. The idea that you can replace the people who created something with people who have not and still be a success is beyond stupid. Our original immigrants mostly came from successful countries where they weren't permitted to be successful. Current immigrants come from failed fucked up lands with no skills or experience in being a success. Of course if I was a limo liberal I would need poor people to clean my house and raise my useless children.
Reagan was a great leader. He was the leader we needed - at the time we needed his leadership.
He was a positive change after the Carter years. He was able to provide us with decisions that made the country stronger. We seemed caught in our underwear and stalled when Carter was in office.
In my view, the Bush family would not have been the powerful political family it is, if G H W Bush wasn’t his VP.
Reagan wasn’t an intellect like Obama. He was an actor and a cowboy. I watched that old Knute Rockne movie the other day - and it was cool to see him as a young actor.
In my view, there needs to be a good draining of the DC swamp. That was one of the Trump slogans, but it didn’t materialize. There are too many swamp creatures on both sides of the aisle. I think that should be a priority for any president. The houses are logjams and they no longer serve the people.
It is hardly a secret that Reagan was a racist and had only the vaguest conception of the policies of his administration, and if not properly programmed by his staff, regularly produced statements that would have been an embarrassment.
Reagan's duty was to smile, to read from the teleprompter in a pleasant voice, tell a few jokes, and keep the audience properly bemused. His only qualification for the presidency was that he knew how to read the lines written for him by the rich folk, who pay well for the service. Reagan had been doing that for years.
He seemed to perform to the satisfaction of the paymasters, and to enjoy the experience.
By all accounts, he spent many pleasant days enjoying the pomp and trappings of power and should have a fine time in the retirement quarters that his grateful benefactors have prepared for him.
It is not really his business as an “puppet/actor” if the bosses left hundreds of thousands of homeless in the streets.
Racism is the single most meaningless word in the vocabulary. It means "not a Progressive". Reagan was the epitome of a smart leader, the polar opposite of Obama who incorrectly believed he was smarter than everyone, because he knew he had limitations and hired smart people to assist him. Obama and Trump hired moronic brown nosers and we got terribly stupid Presidents as a result. Homeless people choose to be homeless and only the arrogant, uncaring assholes called progressives try to tell them how to live life. I wish Covid would spread like wildfire in California.
“Ronal Reagan’s Administration Had More Documented Corruption Than Any President in U.S. History”
“Reagan Frequently Repeated Bald-Faced Lies Even After They Were Publicly Revealed to Be Untrue”, just like Trump.
“Reagan Illegally Supplied Arms to Both Sides of the Iran-Iraq War”
Reagan instructed his National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, to find a way to assist the drug-dealing Contras, regardless of the cost—political or otherwise.
This was later complicated in late 1985, when Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council diverted a portion of the proceeds from the Iranian weapon sales to fund the Contras, a group of anti-Sandinista rebels, in their insurgency against the socialist government of Nicaragua.
Hollywood actress Piper Laurie claims Ronald Reagan seduced her when she played his 16-year-old daughter in the 1950 movie “Louisa.” Reagan was was 21 years her senior.
8 years as President and that's all ya got? Iran/Contra remains a good thing imo. Getting the Iranians and Iraqis to kill each other was even better. Piper Laurie was hot.
Actually, this discussion takes place in the Political Discourse forum section, so your comment doesn't hold water. Founder created this section for the specific purpose of allowing people to avoid pol discussions simply by staying in The Front Room or Verified Members areas only.
If I understand your reply ATC, the answer to my question is no, it is not just a strip club review website. As it was a question, and not a comment, "holding water" would not be relevant to the inquiry. For future reference, one can tell it is a question, rather than a comment by the question mark at the end of said question.
SeeknDestroy - to reach the discussions it requires navigating to the discussions section - and then selecting a discussion. When selecting a discussion - the one is labeled as being part of the Political Discourse - and it is also labeled as OT or off topic. The site is almost entirely strip club focused - aside from the political discussions.
It appears you are simply looking to start an argument.
Cashman, not at all. The very first point I made in my last comment was to concede that I was wrong, and that this website is not simply a strip club review. To clear things up for those with lesser reading comprehension abilities, I will say it again. I was wrong.
That speech isn't very coherent. Being pro-democracy and in favor of limited government are not the same thing. Without the individual rights of English Common law (which the US Bill of Rights is based on, didn't establish them), democracy can be the tyranny of the majority. US courts have considered personal rights to be the more important limitation on government than commercial rights. Reagan was very gun ho on commercial rights, but on the whole, terrible about personal rights. Ridiculously irrational in thinking that anyone who used mood altering substances, other than those preferred by older white people, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, deserved draconian sanctions. He supported the persecution of homosexuals, long after psychiatry had recognized that homosexuality was not a disorder. Reagan supported the very extreme, anti-freedom position that government had the right to prohibit elective abortion from the time of conception.
Reagan was the last great American president since Eisenhower.
Bush 41 was a patriot, but he was also a liberal and a globalist. Great diplomat, poor president.
Clinton was bought and paid for by the Chinese. The CCP practically had an office in the White House.
W was a patriot, but even more liberal and globalist than his father, but he did well keeping China and Russia in check.
Obama was a miserable failure. A social experiment in postracial executive politics who weakened this country so far that we may never recover. He did more to strengthen Iran, NoKo, China, Russia, etc than we will ever know. In all reality, he should be courtmartialed as commander in chief and sent to hard labor.
Trump did more for this country than any POTUS since Reagan. It was ugly as hell to watch, but we were better than we had been since the 80s.
Joe is looking to set a new low for America. When Barry told Joe to admire how well Barry and Moochelle had screwed us up, sleepy Joe told him, "hold my sippy cup."
And Dwight Eisenhauer wrote in a famous letter to his son that Social Security and Progressive Taxation and all of the New Deal reforms are at the core of this country and that if any party ever tried to undo them, then that party would cease to exist, and that the only people who don't understand this are some far right business idiots.
Obama was a great president. Have to look back to JFK and LBJ to find one like him. And Biden is facing some tough challenges, but he also has the makings of a great president himself.
Yes, the constitution says nothing to prohibit prostitution or homosexuality.
The 13 amendment outlawed slavery the 14 amendment made it clear that there is just one class of citizenship and so that for US House Districts everyone would be counted as 1 person.
Obama will be remembered for his skin color, as if being black and president was an accomplishment, and for China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea growing worse on his watch.
Hell, every president since Nixon will be remembered for some degree of coddling China.
Biden was a senate mediocrity now even further out of his depth. Already the media is covering for him as if his failures were the people's fault. It's Carter's malaise again. He's on track to be bottom ten all time.
Muslims are the enemy of non Muslim people. Obama was the worst president. Iranian stooge, started a race war, fucked up healthcare, allowed in rats from foreign lands illegally.
Prostitution is unconstitutional since it falls under illicit labor laws. It's not about sex. It's about illegally selling and buying it. You cant claim to love the constitution while violating it.
As anyone who remembers the eight grade knows, the more you talk about titties the more you know you're titty-deprived.
In the long run, Obama's biggest achievement by far will be inspiration. He election inspires young black and brown people to overcome their disadvantages, which will someday lead to an America where no one is disadvantaged.
^ Therein lies a logical contradiction on the left, you have to believe Obama was some trailblazer and simultaneously that to be black in America is a living hell.
A biracial president doesn't disprove the plight of black people. You have to be a nazi or some fucked up sheltered social retard to say shit like Obama was president so blacks can't complain about racism
^ Speaking of retard, your reading comprehension shows a hearty lead paint chip diet as a child. Were you born this much a dumbass or did you have to work at it?
Post said his election "inspires young black and brown people to overcome their disadvantages" when your fellow wokies are encouraging learned helplessness among "young black and brown people." There's your inspiration.
Making prostitution illegal was part of a late Victorian Era reform campaign. But it had always been contentious and often there were extra legal moves to drive prostitutes out.
"Women often turn to reform when they can no longer attract men."
last commentThank you, Papi. That is one of the most profound reminders of who we are as Americans. I hope, at this point, it's not who we "were" as Americans.
This is not what Ronald Reagan was, he was a optimist not the dark pessimist that you guys seem to think is the America of the future He saw a shining city on a hill, not this bleak picture of a dystopian wasteland The future is a hopeful thing not something to fear
^^^ 25 WTF? Did you even watch the 90 second video? As usual, your comment makes zero intellectual sense. It's no wonder this country is going to shit with people like you living here, you stupid fucking jerkoff.
Who is included in “We the People”?
No dick pic collecting communists are included so you're out cj. Fuckhead!
as government expands liberty contracts.
fucking guy nailed it late 80's.
In the video Reagan claimed, ”ours is the only constitution that recognizes the sovereignty of the people...”
Reagan must have gotten lost on the translation of our Spanish speaking southern neighbor’s constitution, which document declares:
“The national sovereignty resides essentially and originally in the people. All public power originates in the people and is instituted for their benefit. The people have at all times the inalienable right to alter or modify their form of government.”
Reagan visited Ireland, he took note of his Irish ancestry and received an honorary degree, I can scarcely explain why he overlooked the constitution that begins:
“We the people of Eire . . . seeking to promote the common good . . . so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured . . . do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this constitution.”
Even the constitution of France is very clear, again lost in translation.
“France is a republic, indivisible, secular, democratic, and social . . . Its principle is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
And let’s not forget the Fatherland
“The German people . . . conscious of their responsibility before God and men . . . have enacted by virtue of their constituent power, this basic law for the Federal Republic of Germany.”
A Constitution is nothing but a collection of words, unless the people believe in it. The simple fact is that the American Constitution (as with Orwell) understood that the more powerful a Government is, the faster people lose their rights and are enslaved by the Government. Our Constitution created a Unified collection of individual states, not one monolith. The fact the left and the keep news media keep bleating about the "popular vote", which means less than who took the first shit of the day simply proves that half the population opposes the Constitution. Unsurprisng to see a true loser leftist like CJ use the Fatherland as an example because progressives idolize the efficiency with which the nazis exterminated their enemy. White privilege was the first step.
Ronald Reagan. The greatest president we have had. We need to find another just iike him.
Well he hit the nail on the head there IMO. We are tired of the government telling US what to do.
25, I, for one, believe like you do that Reagan had it pretty much right. He did believe in a government of, for and by the people (and yes, I do know that those are Lincoln's words).
Unfortunately, our last "president" twisted those words beyond any description to be "of the 0.1%, for the folks like me (rich and white) and by ME, me, me."
Any of Lincoln's or Reagan's or Adam Smith's or, for that matter, Jesus Christ's words can be used out of context by people without ethics or anything resembling compassion to back up anything that supports their vision. 😥
@ATACdawg Most of these idiots opining about Ronald Reagan either weren’t born or are way too young to accurately understand Reagan and his times let alone Lincoln. both were people who understood the true value of compromise neither went on scorched earth attacks on the opposition ( notice I called them opposition) not like this current crop of Trumpublican ideologues and isolation preaching nativists. This group of RINO’s are pretty ignorant and label anyone that they don’t understand enemies as opposed to making a reasonable attempt to actually understand both American politics and history.
Reagan was actually the very first president that I voted for. I was in college when he turned the peanut farmer away.
Ronald Reagan made people proud to be an American. No Democrat feels anything other than hatred of this formerly great land. The idea that you can replace the people who created something with people who have not and still be a success is beyond stupid. Our original immigrants mostly came from successful countries where they weren't permitted to be successful. Current immigrants come from failed fucked up lands with no skills or experience in being a success. Of course if I was a limo liberal I would need poor people to clean my house and raise my useless children.
Reagan was a great leader. He was the leader we needed - at the time we needed his leadership.
He was a positive change after the Carter years. He was able to provide us with decisions that made the country stronger. We seemed caught in our underwear and stalled when Carter was in office.
In my view, the Bush family would not have been the powerful political family it is, if G H W Bush wasn’t his VP.
Reagan wasn’t an intellect like Obama. He was an actor and a cowboy. I watched that old Knute Rockne movie the other day - and it was cool to see him as a young actor.
In my view, there needs to be a good draining of the DC swamp. That was one of the Trump slogans, but it didn’t materialize. There are too many swamp creatures on both sides of the aisle. I think that should be a priority for any president. The houses are logjams and they no longer serve the people.
It is hardly a secret that Reagan was a racist and had only the vaguest conception of the policies of his administration, and if not properly programmed by his staff, regularly produced statements that would have been an embarrassment.
“Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist Conversation With Richard Nixon”
Reagan's duty was to smile, to read from the teleprompter in a pleasant voice, tell a few jokes, and keep the audience properly bemused. His only qualification for the presidency was that he knew how to read the lines written for him by the rich folk, who pay well for the service. Reagan had been doing that for years.
He seemed to perform to the satisfaction of the paymasters, and to enjoy the experience.
By all accounts, he spent many pleasant days enjoying the pomp and trappings of power and should have a fine time in the retirement quarters that his grateful benefactors have prepared for him.
It is not really his business as an “puppet/actor” if the bosses left hundreds of thousands of homeless in the streets.
Racism is the single most meaningless word in the vocabulary. It means "not a Progressive". Reagan was the epitome of a smart leader, the polar opposite of Obama who incorrectly believed he was smarter than everyone, because he knew he had limitations and hired smart people to assist him. Obama and Trump hired moronic brown nosers and we got terribly stupid Presidents as a result. Homeless people choose to be homeless and only the arrogant, uncaring assholes called progressives try to tell them how to live life. I wish Covid would spread like wildfire in California.
“Ronal Reagan’s Administration Had More Documented Corruption Than Any President in U.S. History”
“Reagan Frequently Repeated Bald-Faced Lies Even After They Were Publicly Revealed to Be Untrue”, just like Trump.
“Reagan Illegally Supplied Arms to Both Sides of the Iran-Iraq War”
Reagan instructed his National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, to find a way to assist the drug-dealing Contras, regardless of the cost—political or otherwise.
This was later complicated in late 1985, when Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council diverted a portion of the proceeds from the Iranian weapon sales to fund the Contras, a group of anti-Sandinista rebels, in their insurgency against the socialist government of Nicaragua.
Hollywood actress Piper Laurie claims Ronald Reagan seduced her when she played his 16-year-old daughter in the 1950 movie “Louisa.” Reagan was was 21 years her senior.
8 years as President and that's all ya got? Iran/Contra remains a good thing imo. Getting the Iranians and Iraqis to kill each other was even better. Piper Laurie was hot.
So this isn't a strip club review/discussion website anymore?
Actually, this discussion takes place in the Political Discourse forum section, so your comment doesn't hold water. Founder created this section for the specific purpose of allowing people to avoid pol discussions simply by staying in The Front Room or Verified Members areas only.
If I understand your reply ATC, the answer to my question is no, it is not just a strip club review website. As it was a question, and not a comment, "holding water" would not be relevant to the inquiry. For future reference, one can tell it is a question, rather than a comment by the question mark at the end of said question.
SeeknDestroy - to reach the discussions it requires navigating to the discussions section - and then selecting a discussion. When selecting a discussion - the one is labeled as being part of the Political Discourse - and it is also labeled as OT or off topic. The site is almost entirely strip club focused - aside from the political discussions.
It appears you are simply looking to start an argument.
Cashman, not at all. The very first point I made in my last comment was to concede that I was wrong, and that this website is not simply a strip club review. To clear things up for those with lesser reading comprehension abilities, I will say it again. I was wrong.
Hadn't stopped by TUSCAL in quite some time. I still see those that have yet to read and understand our US Constitution!
I'll leave you to yourselves.
Prostitution is unconstitutional.
That speech isn't very coherent. Being pro-democracy and in favor of limited government are not the same thing. Without the individual rights of English Common law (which the US Bill of Rights is based on, didn't establish them), democracy can be the tyranny of the majority. US courts have considered personal rights to be the more important limitation on government than commercial rights. Reagan was very gun ho on commercial rights, but on the whole, terrible about personal rights. Ridiculously irrational in thinking that anyone who used mood altering substances, other than those preferred by older white people, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, deserved draconian sanctions. He supported the persecution of homosexuals, long after psychiatry had recognized that homosexuality was not a disorder. Reagan supported the very extreme, anti-freedom position that government had the right to prohibit elective abortion from the time of conception.
Reagan was the last great American president since Eisenhower.
Bush 41 was a patriot, but he was also a liberal and a globalist. Great diplomat, poor president.
Clinton was bought and paid for by the Chinese. The CCP practically had an office in the White House.
W was a patriot, but even more liberal and globalist than his father, but he did well keeping China and Russia in check.
Obama was a miserable failure. A social experiment in postracial executive politics who weakened this country so far that we may never recover. He did more to strengthen Iran, NoKo, China, Russia, etc than we will ever know. In all reality, he should be courtmartialed as commander in chief and sent to hard labor.
Trump did more for this country than any POTUS since Reagan. It was ugly as hell to watch, but we were better than we had been since the 80s.
Joe is looking to set a new low for America. When Barry told Joe to admire how well Barry and Moochelle had screwed us up, sleepy Joe told him, "hold my sippy cup."
Not quite as simple as you think Papi. Herd rule is not freedom, and "pursuit of happiness" is not the same as John Locke's talk about "property".
And Dwight Eisenhauer wrote in a famous letter to his son that Social Security and Progressive Taxation and all of the New Deal reforms are at the core of this country and that if any party ever tried to undo them, then that party would cease to exist, and that the only people who don't understand this are some far right business idiots.
Obama was a great president. Have to look back to JFK and LBJ to find one like him. And Biden is facing some tough challenges, but he also has the makings of a great president himself.
Yes, the constitution says nothing to prohibit prostitution or homosexuality.
The 13 amendment outlawed slavery the 14 amendment made it clear that there is just one class of citizenship and so that for US House Districts everyone would be counted as 1 person.
Laws about prison labor vary from state to state. And of course The South is worst. And this country had demonized Muslims and Middle Easterners.
Obama will be remembered for his skin color, as if being black and president was an accomplishment, and for China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea growing worse on his watch.
Hell, every president since Nixon will be remembered for some degree of coddling China.
Biden was a senate mediocrity now even further out of his depth. Already the media is covering for him as if his failures were the people's fault. It's Carter's malaise again. He's on track to be bottom ten all time.
Reagan predicted a bunch of random weirdo perverts opining about politics on the internet when they should have been talking about titties?
Man, that guy was a motherfucking prophet.
Muslims are the enemy of non Muslim people. Obama was the worst president. Iranian stooge, started a race war, fucked up healthcare, allowed in rats from foreign lands illegally.
Prostitution is unconstitutional since it falls under illicit labor laws. It's not about sex. It's about illegally selling and buying it. You cant claim to love the constitution while violating it.
As anyone who remembers the eight grade knows, the more you talk about titties the more you know you're titty-deprived.
In the long run, Obama's biggest achievement by far will be inspiration. He election inspires young black and brown people to overcome their disadvantages, which will someday lead to an America where no one is disadvantaged.
^ Therein lies a logical contradiction on the left, you have to believe Obama was some trailblazer and simultaneously that to be black in America is a living hell.
A biracial president doesn't disprove the plight of black people. You have to be a nazi or some fucked up sheltered social retard to say shit like Obama was president so blacks can't complain about racism
^ Speaking of retard, your reading comprehension shows a hearty lead paint chip diet as a child. Were you born this much a dumbass or did you have to work at it?
Post said his election "inspires young black and brown people to overcome their disadvantages" when your fellow wokies are encouraging learned helplessness among "young black and brown people." There's your inspiration.
Making prostitution illegal was part of a late Victorian Era reform campaign. But it had always been contentious and often there were extra legal moves to drive prostitutes out.
"Women often turn to reform when they can no longer attract men."
Intolerance 1916