Update On Racy OnlyFans Soccermom I Posted About The Other Day

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
well, her kids got kicked out of the private Catholic school...



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avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
Why doesn't the Catholic Church kick out pedophile priests?
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
I don't remember reading that it was a private catholic school in the other article. I understand it being bullshit to complain about if its public school, but really if its a private school like that it totally changes my opinion. I don't buy in to the whole religion thing but I'd bet they've got a code of conduct that she violated, which means its on her. She made the choice to send her kids to a school with rules, then she broke those rules. Deal with the consequences. I'm sorry for the kids, but kids pay the price for their parents decisions all the time.

Her mistake wasn't doing OnlyFans, it was aligning with a hypocritical organization (the Catholic Church) and then being upset when they behaved hypocritically.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The Catholic church has proven its hypocrisy by standing by its' rules? Lol. No idea jack why do the democrats allow fucking foreigners in illegally and then claim they are Americans?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
It's real simple. They had a code of conduct that families agreed to abide by as a condition of sending their children to that school. The parents violated it, very publicly I might add.

We may not like the outcome and I feel horrible for the kids, but I'm not going to blame the school for that. I have no doubt that the school risked losing a lot of students if they did not act - parents put their kids in Catholic school in order to raise their kids in a certain belief system. Whether we agree or disagree, it's a private school that does not have to accept or retain any family whose actions run counter to its espoused values.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
My mother was a very strict Catholic and tried to raise me that way. She even forced me to be an "alter boy." That wasn't so bad though. Me and the other alter boys used to raid the priest's wine collection and smoke cigarettes during mass in the sacristy while incense was burning so nobody could smell it. And I used to make bank (for an 11 year old) on weddings and funerals. I made it a priority to meet the wedding party (especially the best man) and act like a concierge for the ceremony. Cleaned up on tips. And funerals were even better. I couldn't wait for the old geezers to die. Cha-ching!
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
what ever happened to the concept of forgiveness? or is that all bullshit? you would think that a visit or two to the confessional booth ought to absolve all sins.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ One has nothing to do with the other. A Catholic can still be a part of the church almost no matter what he/she does as long as there is confession and repentance. But who Catholic parents choose to be around and potentially influence their children is entirely another matter.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Don’t let their kids (and husbands) go on onlyfans. Problem solved.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Just goes to show that most faith based communities are judgmental prudes.
My own questions about her motive are based on the statement, she made the Only Fans account to save her marriage, but really I don't give enough of a fuck to care one way or the other.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
A menopausal housewife makes the yahoo news cycle for claiming her OF brings in $120K per month. A week later she makes the national news cycle because her 3 boys were kicked out of Catholic School. Viral marketing at it's best. She may even get to that $100K a month for a month or two. Hope her and her husband earmark the windfall money for a new private school for the kids (and the kids future need for counseling).
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