Update On Racy OnlyFans Soccermom I Posted About The Other Day
They never tell you what you need to know.
well, her kids got kicked out of the private Catholic school...
Her mistake wasn't doing OnlyFans, it was aligning with a hypocritical organization (the Catholic Church) and then being upset when they behaved hypocritically.
We may not like the outcome and I feel horrible for the kids, but I'm not going to blame the school for that. I have no doubt that the school risked losing a lot of students if they did not act - parents put their kids in Catholic school in order to raise their kids in a certain belief system. Whether we agree or disagree, it's a private school that does not have to accept or retain any family whose actions run counter to its espoused values.
My own questions about her motive are based on the statement, she made the Only Fans account to save her marriage, but really I don't give enough of a fuck to care one way or the other.