
“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again, I am not sure they

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title couldn’t say it all.

“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again, I am not sure they got it, I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say “I am ready come back”...”

~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018



  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    You might not like who wins this time.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Since the asswipes called progressives are usually young city folk with a longer expected life span than mine I am more than happy to accept pot odds and go all in on a civil war with them. Unlike the last time the North will realize that 40% of the people they rule would be more than happy to go to war with them. 1/3 of ultra blue Massachusetts voted Trump in both elections. When this state is run by votes we will lose. When its run by means other than votes we'll win.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    "Don't put out, I'll put you out
    Won't get out, I'll push you out
    Puss blew out, poppin' shit
    Wouldn't piss on fire to put you out"

    ~ Eminem, "Superman"
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