
Chinese official boasts "we will drive the US to its death"

As usual the mainstream media doesn't bother to mention it.



  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Since link appears to not be working (apparently it is banned) basically the official brags that Communist China is already the dominant power in Asia militarily and that it is building and launching the equivalent of the size and capacity of the French Navy every year.

    He continues by saying that Covid 19 was "sent by God" to weaken America and that China will not only surpass the US as the dominant world power if it hasn't already done so but the US will "be sent to its death" and will cease to exist by 2027.

    Imagine a major figure in Russia or some Middle Eastern country talking like this? The US media and establishment politicians would be all over it like flies on dog poo stirring outrage and demanding regime change. Communist China on the other hand is fine.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Weird that an official of a nation that is officially atheist (almost half the population actually being atheist), with less than 3% of the population worshiping the Abrahamic god, and where even Buddhism and Taoism, the largest organized religious population) are less than a quarter of the total population, would reference the Abrahamic god.

    Me smells bullshit.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Its a shame the link appears not to work. Unless its deliberately mistranslated that's what he says in the video. I'm sure there's some equivalent to God or a Suprene Being or such in Chinese religion. Hindus have a God head from which all other Gods come from for exampld do so would imagine Chinese do as well. Thats really not the point.

    The point is that the Communist regime in China is the real threat and that the establishment in the west seems to be completely fine with their growing power. In fact the "elites" in the west seem to be increasingly modeling many of our policies after the Beijing regime.

    I hope its not true. I hope somehow it's mistranslated or a fake video, but unfortunately I doubt it.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Unlike what many of our politicians and corporate leaders tell you, China does not just want to sell us slave labor made consumer crap, bankroll our debt, and be friends.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    You can also see a bit of a snicker when the speaker says "God sent Covid " I personally think he knows it didn't just pop up naturally.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    China is our enemy and is supported by democrats and progressives as the model of what they see as the perfect America.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Mamisan isn’t an official Chinese official....

    But, this is a bad choice of words coming from a government official. We need less hatred on the part of world leaders.

    Sting had a song back in the 1980’s regarding the Cold War - and the line was - I hope the Russians love their children too. It’s possible to substitute Chinese for Russians - and a few other lyrics - and it could be pertinent today.

    In the Cold War - it was the Russian communist party trying to hold on to its power - and arming themselves. It’s about 40 years later, and it’s the Chinese communist party exerting its power. This pandemic may have been a huge error - or it could have been something more sinister. But, this is all about power and holding on to power.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Sadly, in this country, we assume all societies on earth value children and family over all else. Simple arrogance, as it is untrue. North Korean children are much smaller than South Korean children, despite being the same people because the North Koreans care only about power and not people. China supports them for the simple reason that they think alike. Look at the Palestinians who put killing Jews above giving any of their children a chance and have done so for 3 generations. I am sure that Russian children wouldn't benefit from less money spent in Syria ......For all the warts t hat the USA and other western countries have; people from other lands will do anything to get here, while countries like China have to hold the families of their overseas students as hostages to ensure compliance. That is socialism/communist/democratic socialism etc.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Magatards decompensating like their worshiped strongman leader, Trump, after the loss. 😄😄


    PS, Nice try slipping a political post into the front room thread stream 💩💩
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    True skibum609. I remember when Olympic athletes from communist countries would defect during the games - when they were in a place like the USA.

    It doesn’t require such a planned move for an American to leave, the person would simply decide to go, and then go.

    We had an Chinese exchange student living with us during the winter of 2018. I had to make an effort to make it look like we were still living together, which was a struggle. We were given some guidelines regarding out of line topics - Tiananmen Square - and a few other events were off the table. It was a good program - but it was odd for it to be part of a Catholic school.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Joker are you really such a stupid loser or are are you SJG. You ever even see a naked woman looser?
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Another Magatard's 'character armor' fails just as SJG's 'firewall or privacy defences' failed for him during the pandemic.

    Two paranoids in a pod

  • 623
    4 years ago
    The US was a place every other country longed to visit and emulate, at least we were until Trump pissed in the soup. If you have friends in other countries ask them.
    Time will tell if we can recover some of the luster, I think we will but it will take decades.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Fake news.

    But maybe the chinese could help you get laid
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    China's not a threat, the New World Order isn't real, and the world isn't entering the apocalypse phase. Nothing to see here folks, move along. Also Santa will be bringing all the good little boys and girls lots of presents this year, and I've got a bridge to sell you. Lol.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    So the Trumpophobic vomit comes out of the woodwork. So funny, the tread didn't mention President Trump. They can't stop.
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