
Risque business: Strip club owner struggles amid pandemic

Detroit strip clubs
Tough times at the Red Parrot.



  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Sounds like a pain in the ass. I used to live at this place. I hope it stays afloat it really is one of the best strip clubs out there.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    I still am scared when so many others here are not. I am scared for businesses. Let’s say this shit continues for another year with no meaningful vaccine.

    If that’s the case then I’d bet half of all retail and over half of all sit down restaurants you know of will be gone.

    Man I hope the only 3 places to eat aren’t McDonald’s, Olive Garden and Taco Bell. Plus the only place I can shop is Walmart and Amazon.com
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    I heard on television in the background a few minutes ago that they think it won't be until late April before many Americans can get the vaccine. Healthcare workers and people over 65 will get it sooner. That is almost six months of this shit!
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    I agree with you, shailynn. I fear when the pandemic is over that only McDonalds, Burger King, and the like will be left standing. Many independent businesses are closing up left and right.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    I'm not scared for businesses they should be properly insured and have savings and assets. I'm really worried about employees who are left to fend for themselves. We need a major stimulus bill
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    @Desertscrub. I didn't think in terms of the Senate giving back what Pelosi and crew have been doing but they will probably do as you said.

    The shoe to keep things slow is on the other foot now. The Dems have never gone to the extremes that they have since 2016 so they could very well get a taste of their own medicine. The Republicans with Obama had a little give, at times. That may not happen after the last 4 years.

    It's really a shame that everything has come to a dysfunctional government.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    2ICEE, most businesses have no type of insurance that can cover them not making a profit for over a year, especially small independently owned businesses. It's unfortunate but it's the reality.

    I have an acquaintance that owns a small, semi-upscale restaurant in a small town. He's been open for almost a year, couldn't have opened at a worse time in hindsight. Pre-COVID he was doing 30K a week, enough to stay afloat. He's a wealthy guy so he doesn't have to rely on this business for income (owns several other businesses), as long as it breaks even, or even takes a little hit he's okay. He closed the doors when the national shut down started, didn't do take out as his meals were too complicated for him to do take out with (his words not mine), plus putting all his employees on unemployment saved him money. He opened back up in June and now he's doing about 8k a week. That just doesn't cut it. In the 3 shopping plazas adjacent to his location there are a total of 11 restaurants including his (I'm not counting fast food places). In 2020, 6 have closed, and another is a chain that has declared bankruptcy (but this location is still open). I know for a fact one small take out restaurant that operated on a shoe string budget closed their door permanently just so they could ride the unemployment wave until it ends. That one blows my mind - they had great cheap food and were carry out only to begin with!

    I used to fly on average at least 3 times a month. I used to stay in a hotel an average of at least 1 night a week, I used to dine in a restaurant a minimum of 3 times a week if not more. I haven't done any of those things since March 15. I'm not the only person doing this too. I do order take out a lot, but still nowhere near the equivalent of the times I dined out. I actually enjoy cooking at home now which unfortunately is not stimulating the local dining in my community.
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