
If you believe that as a man you pay for pussy sooner or later

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Phil Collins wants to sell his Miami Beach mansion for $40M, but his ex-wife won’t leave

Phil Collins may be singing the lyrics to his best-known hit these days, as he tries to evict his ex-wife and her new husband from a Miami Beach mansion.

“You can wipe off that grin / I know where you’ve been / It’s all been a pack of lies,” are some of the lyrics to “In The Air Tonight.”

Collins is trying to sell the North Bay Road property to the tune of $40 million. And his ex wants half.

In the meantime, she is blocking a real estate agent from showing the home, and has allegedly changed the alarm codes and hired armed guards, according to court documents filed in their ongoing litigation.

“Orianne’s armed occupation is interfering with the marketing, and if a sale is lost due to that, we are prepared to sue in court,” a spokesperson for Collins told The Real Deal.

In early August, Collins first attempted to get his ex-wife Orianne Cevey Collins Mejjati Bates and her new husband, Thomas Bates, to leave his home at 5800 North Bay Road. He enlisted his lawyer to send a demand letter for them to vacate the mansion by Sept 30, according to court documents.

On Aug. 24, the Bates’ lawyer responded that six weeks simply wasn’t enough time, documents show. So Collins acquiesced, offering an extended deadline of Oct. 31, so long as Orianne Bates agreed to the terms of a settlement, court records show.

Last week, Collins filed suit against the newlyweds in Miami-Dade Circuit Court, alleging unlawful detainer and forcible entry.

He also hired top agent Jill Hertzberg, of the Jills Zeder Group at Coldwell Banker, to list the 10,769-square-foot mansion for $40 million. But the Bateses haven’t given her access to the property.

“Unfortunately, we have not been able to go into the property,” Hertzberg told TRD on Friday. “I have a list of people who want to see it and get inside, but we cannot get in at this time.”

The house is still on the market, and Collins has given permission to show it, a spokesperson for the Genesis drummer said. Jennifer Lopez previously owned the home, an 11-bedroom, 10-bathroom mansion that was built in 1929 on a 1.2-acre lot. Collins paid $33 million for the house in 2015.

Hertzberg said it’s “one of the most coveted properties” in Miami Beach, which offers wide bay views of the sunset and downtown Miami, more than 180 feet of waterfront frontage and “enchanting gardens” at the entrance.

The high-end residential market has been especially active in recent months. In the third quarter, single-family home sales increased by 71 percent, year-over-year, to 171 closings in Miami Beach and the barrier islands.

Collins provided Orianne with a nearly $47 million settlement when the couple divorced in 2008, according to published reports. Orianne remarried twice since then, most recently by eloping with Bates in Las Vegas. Phil and Orianne got back together in 2016, prior to her recent marriage to Bates. (Orianne, a jewelry designer, owns Orianne Collins Jewellery and Spa in the Design District.)

According to Orianne’s response filed in the court record, she alleges Collins promised her 50 percent ownership of their marital North Bay Road residence.

Meanwhile, Orianne allegedly changed the alarm codes, covered up existing surveillance cameras, and hired armed guards to “patrol the property with openly displayed firearms,” according to Collins’ complaint. In her counterclaim, Orianne’s lawyer said she was involved with overseeing security, and had noticed the cameras weren’t functioning properly or had been tampered with.

Collins is worried that the couple will remove, hide or destroy his personal property, including his “irreparable music memorabilia” and Alamo collectibles, according to the court documents.

Orianne’s new lawyer, Richard Wolfe, told TRD that he plans to file a counterclaim response that alleges that most of the personal property, including furniture and memorabilia, is “the legal and equitable property of Orianne.”

According to Orianne’s response filed in the court record, she alleges Collins promised her 50 percent ownership of their marital North Bay Road residence.

Meanwhile, Orianne allegedly changed the alarm codes, covered up existing surveillance cameras, and hired armed guards to “patrol the property with openly displayed firearms,” according to Collins’ complaint. In her counterclaim, Orianne’s lawyer said she was involved with overseeing security, and had noticed the cameras weren’t functioning properly or had been tampered with.

Collins is worried that the couple will remove, hide or destroy his personal property, including his “irreparable music memorabilia” and Alamo collectibles, according to the court documents.

Orianne’s new lawyer, Richard Wolfe, told TRD that he plans to file a counterclaim response that alleges that most of the personal property, including furniture and memorabilia, is “the legal and equitable property of Orianne.”

A statement from Wolfe said that her sole motive is to stay in the home “until a fair settlement is resolved.”

“Instead of his Trumpian disinformation campaign, his hidden cameras and private investigators, perhaps Mr. Collins should clean up his own act, literally and figuratively, and honor the commitments he made to Orianne when they moved in together,” the statement reads.



  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    One way or another, we all pay .
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    It just makes fiscal sense to rent instead of buying. It took having my net worth decimated twice to figure that out. As an aside, I hope there is a special circle of hell just for divorce attorneys.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    This is an Ozzie and Harriet 1950s view of the world where men are the breadwinners and women stay at home cleaning the dishes. Most households are dual-income these days and professional women would roll their eyes at this kind of goofy post. Nobody gets married for the sole purpose of getting sex.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Thank you Justin. I look forward to the warmth of hell; secure in the knowledge that I have harmed more weak men with a pen and ink than any army in history could ever possibly harm......

    Collins fault. Why the fuck did he get back with her?
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    I'm sure Phil Collins didn't get married for the "sole purpose of getting sex." The point is 12 years after the divorce she still has his meat in the grinder. Sure most households are dual-income, but problems arise when there are large discrepancies between the incomes or if it is a single income household. Everything is amicable until Harriet gets a pitbull attorney and Ozzie has to give up more than half ( plus his attorney fees, plus her attorney fees).
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    at the present stage why would any men want to engage in a committed relationship with women?

    so are all women after men's assets? no

    are all women monsters like the ex mrs. collins? no

    aside from the having children component, is getting hitched worth getting diminishing returns regarding love making, emotional support and whatever else reason for such a relationship with women in general? unless you've found the one rare case of a true loving woman - no

    with the laws already set up to be against men in these cases, am i saying all women are going to use the system against men for their own benefit? no

    however, with the way the system is currently set up, do ALL women have the ability to make a man's life more than an inconvenience by being awarded chief custody of the kids, half of his assets he toiled most likely on his own (i highly doubt mrs. collins made any type of a minor compositional contribution to the phil colins/genesis catalog), and whatever else is on her wish list?
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    I've come to the conclusion that I'd kill myself if I was a woman.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    Ski, the fact you see men that get a less than fair settlement to be "weak" and the fact you are siding with the squatters in their efforts to squeeze more money out of Collins 12 years post divorce kind of reinforces my opinion of divorce lawyers.
    BTW, the circle of hell as I have heard it is perpetually Beaver Creek and it is always freezing, but it never snows. There are no women and the only booze is FourLoco.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    My line on harming weak men was a parody of a line in the book "The Godfather" that didn't make it into the movie. Paraphrasing: "Michael, a good lawyer with a ball point pen can steal more money than 1,000 criminals with guns". I do not support the squatter. I would support harming them physically. I don't know Florida law, but the lawsuit she filed, if filed in Massachusetts, would be dismissed as violative of the Statute of frauds as all Real Estate transactions must be in writing to be enforceable here. She would pay his attorney's fees under M.G.L. c. 231, s. 6(f).

    Beaver Creek is a place I've never been. I have a wealthy sibling and he loves Vail/Beaver Creek. As a result, I will never go. Same with deer Valley. Wife and I are Ski Schweitzer type people.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Women will only use a man for money when thats his only redeeming quality or he presents himself as having only money to offer her.

    Normally women are nurturing caretakers. They're givers.

    It comes down to what you bring out in her
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    'Normally women are nurturing caretakers. They're givers."

    ahh no - this is not considered normal anymore in modern western times. one would have to be seriously naive to believe this ideal relevant to relationships with men. realistic chances of thus being true today: i would guess 15% and maybe 20% tops. women though generally are move nurturing when it comes to kids.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    Rich & famous people problems.

    What a PL, divorced for 12 years and she is fucking him over.

    I do not feel too sorry for him having to possibly split the $40 million with his ex-wife, most of us could survive on the approximately $20 million split.

    But if he is having money trouble, he should try a gofund me page, I am sure there are plenty of his fans willing to support him during this turbulent time.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I just saw Phil Collins last October at the Garden. I got to admit he's aged like a shit, he was up there with his cain and all that. I know he's had a lot of problems with alcohol but he was still awesome.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... It comes after a tumultuous decade of health struggles - including crippling nerve damage and a booze addiction that left him 'hours from death' ..."

    IDK if the alcohol caused his health issues or if he started drinking b/c of his health issues but he seems to have been going thru a lot:

  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Rattdog most women I know are very nurturing
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