
Another round of shutdowns?

>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 11:38 PM
I'm hearing some areas may have another round of shutdowns. What the f is going on? Oregon is totally wack, and I am itching to travel.


  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I think a lot of dem leaders are looking to Europe for guidance, where Europe is a good model of how NOT to handle the coronavirus. Even in places where the spread of COVID-19 was controlled and even eliminated (such as New Zealand and China), the virus has come roaring back with uncontrolled community spread through unknown mechanisms. While masks and lockdowns would seem like common sense control measures to reduce spread, they do not seem to be working as well as hoped. At the very least, it should be recognized that lockdowns not only failed miserably, but the collateral damage to the economic and emotional health of the affected population is plainly unacceptable. There is also a strong argument to be made that lockdowns or the threat thereof are intended by democrat party leaders to punish their constituency for electing Trump in 2016, and to try and gaslight that constituency into voting for Biden. For your wanderlust, I would recommend two things. First, understand that you will be better off driving. Air travel is restrictive and makes it easier for states to track you and try to penalize you if you fail to quarantine or adhere to whatever banana republic measures they attempt to impose. Second, research here on TUSCL which states are open and not going to allow another silly and counterproductive shutdown. FL, TX, and GA are the first three to come to mind; but that is long, hard, road trip from OR. Good luck!
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    how do i ‘thumbs up” this comment?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Blah, I doubt that Florida is going to shut down again. Our Governor simply recognizes the astronomical cost of doing that to people. Indeed we are getting more case spread again and positivity rates are going back up, but there is no sign that anything drastic is imminent.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Jacoi, the TUSCL troll brigade of whiny bitches seems to have effectively done away with the thumbs up and down buttons. The little snowflakes just couldn't handle having our mass disapproval on public display. Perhaps Founder will only return the thumbs up button for positive reinforcement.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Here in Ohio we have set a new record high for number of cases 5 times in the last 8 days and the governor is talking about possibly having to close schools if it continues. If they close schools back down I wouldn't be surprised if they start closing some businesses and strip clubs are among the easiest to do so from a political standpoint. I imagine more will happen post election than before.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    My fear is that if Biden wins, they won't let the States decide anymore. National Lockdowns will be imposed. Biden is publicly saying he won't do that, but I have no confidence that it will be his decision. The people in the Biden camp dont' care what damage a lockdown does to the business community.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Does anyone know what @Gamma is talking about with regard to China and New Zealand? China 175 new cases and 0 deaths past week New Zealand 38 cases and 0 deaths US 420,000 new cases and 5304 deaths past week Having all but defeated the virus, China is roaring back with something like 4.9% GDP And I'll post this again about the fudging of Florida Covid positivity rates: "Florida puts a positive spin on COVID-19 data, misleading the public on pandemic" [view link] We've handled the pandemic miserably and some kind of lockdowns may be inevidible.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    In the incredibly unlikely event that Biden should be elected, it is important to remember that he will not be in charge. Pelosi, Schumer, and the squad will be making the decisions. They will institute shutdowns on a targeted basis designed to influence future elections. Florida would be shut down, with relief funds only going to democrat-controlled districts. New York would be shutdown with relief funds.foing to NYC and the state government, but being denied tondiatrocts
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    "In the incredibly unlikely event that Biden should be elected..." ___________________ No, Trump has about a 10% chance of winning according to all major simulations. Better be prepared. The rest of your post is nutty paranoia.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Fuck. Anyway. ...districts which voted Republican. It's all about power for them.
  • the mighty quinn
    4 years ago
    @gammanu95 Oregon and the Portland metro area are wack for sure. When they aren't following what California and/or Washington are doing, they go to an even crazier extreme. Three counties told the Governor that the requirements to get to the next phase are impossible.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Hopefully by the time the election is over wildfires will have reduced all of Colorado to a smoking black cinder. Only a fucking far left retard would believe official Chinese figures. PHD my ass liar. I hope Biden orders a national lockdown. That's a declaration of war and I would love to see the Democrats try to enforce it.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Lol, what a strange place this is. Is your wife home, @SkiBirther? Maybe she can change your diaper.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    If the cases are hitting new highs in parts of the country every day since this all started I imagine they’ll skyrocket more when fly season hits as people aren’t going to (initially) be able to determine if they have the flu or COVID. It certainly is going to be an interesting winter coming up... But as long as Juice gets one of those new xBoxes coming out in November everything will be okay.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    In the extremely unlikely event that Biden were to win the election and follow by issuing a national stay at home or mask order, expect it to be stayed or overturned the very next day by courts. I would also expect several Republican states, cities, and counties to declare themselves sanctuaries, where masks are optional or left to local governments. I would purposefully stop wearing a mask outside of my office as a form of protest.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    According to Robert Zimmerman “It doesn’t take a weatherman to see which way the wind is blowin “
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Randumb, I can't read past the pay wall, but are you touting those ridiculous John Hopkins numbers again? Didn't we already discuss that? Also, China? Does anyone other than you trust their numbers on anything, including their GDP growth and actual COVID case/death rates? As far as FL goes, both its people and its budget are far better off because of the balanced approach taken by the government. Our children are in school and activities, our workers are returning to work and even our state tax collections are surprisingly stronger than expected. Oh yeah, and every day and night thousands of dancers head to their clubs to once again earn a living, which is eagerly provided by men who have much more emotional fortitude than you do. Nobody has beaten this virus. As anyone with a lick of sense has learned by now, it will keep coming back until herd immunity is achieved, either through a vaccine or naturally. In the meantime, the young still need to keep living. So long as hospital capacity and death rates don't become a huge problem, FL and many other states have decided that higher simple case transmission numbers are a small price to pay to avoid the myriad of grave ills brought on by lockdowns.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Yes, I’m concerned about shutdowns as well. I’m waiting until Thanksgiving, and hopefully that gives enough time to see how the political climate will fare. 😕
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Wow, Dugan posted something was logical, not ridden pompous narcissism, and not ended with a faggy winking face. This is surely the end times.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Dugan, no paywall and it's from the Sun Sentinel in your state. Look carefully for a button that says "read more." It's a good article. My numbers on China are from the Economist. I'm pecking this out on my phone, but I'm hoping for some compromise that doesn't involve draconian lockdowns.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    If it's any consolation, even Europe is saying that they can't go through the same type of lockdowns as they did in the spring. Still, that doesn't mean that places like strip clubs opening or completely unrestricted travel will happen soon. Even Southwest Airlines announced they will no longer block middle seats starting December 1st. [view link]
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I’m hoping they don’t happen, but doing as many SC trips as I can while they are open. Knock on wood Maryland has fared fairly well, but we’re starting to get cold weather. Our republican governor is encouraging opening of schools after the holidays, and our restaurants are open 75% in most counties. Bars and restaurants will be the first targets if we get another spike though.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    Rickdugan - so any number that you don’t like are false. Find a source that isn’t built on entertaining its consumers and get some real facts for a change. Also, while lockdowns are undesirable and I hope they don’t come back, calling for young people to go about their business and just get infected is plainly moronic. Try and tell all those who have dead family members that profits are more important. Then there is the much larger group that is hospitalized who will end up with life crushing medical debt or life long debilitating conditions that we can only guess at right now. Any call for ignoring the virus and just getting on with things is a selfish, self centered cry of stupidity.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    ^^ It's impossible to argue with a narcissist.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Locally, Jefferson County's numbers are up as well. One local person (and I can't find the article now) used the word "uncontrolled".
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Thats why most people avoid arguing with you Random. Of course you're too stupid to see yourself honestly. Wah, wah, wah, people are getting sick and dying, which except for forever has always been happening. The saddest thing is that most of the dead were either grossly obese or very old. Old people always die of something, so it always happens and obese people didn't give a fuck about their health before this so its selfish to think about ourselves and our families and not fat people who couldn't fucking be bothered to care? Progressives are literally the most useless fucking awful people on earth. Progressives want everyone to avoid their families while they rampage through the streets looting and burning to show just how much they care about you. Fuck off. I will be strip clubbing and dining in Florida next week, maskless and loving life, after I wear a mask while visiting with my family. Even stayed home for 2 weeks and got a flu shot. I care about them...not you progressives.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    We need to tackle this collectively. Pandemic safety precautions benefit us all in the long run
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