Nearly one-third of hospitalized COVID-19 patients develop brain malfunction....

CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Title couldn’t say it all
“Nearly one-third of hospitalized COVID patients develop brain malfunction”, Trump is the perfect example...
last commentYou seem to have had it forty times.
Trump had Covid since the 80s? Weird
Realtalk though - he tweeted over 200 times yesterday. He is either Manic as fuck due to his treatment right now or confined to a bed and bored to death
I also believe that at least one third of the readers on this board have brain malfunctions.
^ sounds about right 🤩🤩🤩
More fake bullshit news, as if 509 assholes in Chicago are representative of this country. Further, unless each one of these assholes had a prior brain function test and an objective review of their life's medical history there is no way to tell. Just more lies from the left, such as "bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses"; another 100% lie.
IN an update on this fake news bullshit: They included fucking headaches.
My head would ache while I'm fucking?
I can live with that....😜😣🤯
That and the steroids. Hes in a manic phase now
^only a homo cock sucker like you would do roids.
“Almost one-third of the patients hospitalized with COVID-19 developed encephalopathy”
Encephalopathy is a fancy word for almost anything that affects the brain including headaches and dizziness. Further, the study of 500 patients doesn’t indicate whether the patient had this condition before CoVid, whether it went away after some time, or what percent of the population has these symptoms in the general population.
But, other than those flaws, the “study” accomplishes its goal of sounding scary.
"Encephalopathy is a fancy word for almost anything that affects the brain including headaches and dizziness." Encephalopathy is a term for any diffuse disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure. Headaches and dizziness may be associated symptoms, but headache and dizziness are not considered a form of encephalopathy.