I have not tried to look at reviews since the site has been redone but it is now by county...?
I just tried to find info about St. Louis, it gave me 4 counties and I know there are decent clubs there, the most reviewed club out of the list had 47 reviews. I googled and I got three big time clubs that weren’t even on the listings here so what gives?
I don't have a star by my name, so I can't read reviews. But I just took a look at the review section and have the same question that you do. Accessing by date of review or date of last comment as the only option doesn't sound useful.
One thing that does work is to go to Google at type NameOfClub site:tuscl.net
With the current setup, from the top down you can try Listings, Worldwide Locations, United States, Locations, Missouri, Listings, Maps
I think that's the sequence you'd click starting at the homepage. Once at the map view the different location categories will cluster as pins around town you want. The way I browse TUSCL for clubs is to type in a city name and click back out of a local club listing to a clubs nearby listing or map view
I did and it goes by county. It shows 4 counties. In the old system, “Dallas” showed all of Dallas and Fort Worth, for example. How in the world am I supposed to know the counties for every single city I may visit?
Another thing that comes to mind is reaching out to @Founder and requesting a change. With a screen name like PinkSugarDoll, I would certainly be willing to do a favor for you.
That is the biggest problem with the new site design. I keep having to Google to find counties where I want to look.
To answer your question about finding the better St. Louis clubs - you have to look under Illinois - St Clair County because the most reviewed clubs are across the river/state border.
If you're at the map view at the Missouri in current layout, you're only going to see one club, Rhonda's Place. That's probably for the reason whodey gave you.
If you click into the listing Rhonda's Place, you can click on that St. Louis link and it will give you map of nearby clubs. That's been the only consistent way to get the clubs grouped together as the site design has changed over time. When you're viewing that version of the TUSCL map view, you can also do club searches by clicking locations directly on the map.
Let's try that first sentence again. If you're in the map view at the Missouri level in the current layout, you're only going to see one club, Rhonda's Place...
@PinkSugarDoll - yes I feel the same way you do that it is too complicated and should be simpler. But since I don't have the coding skills or time to help @founder make it simpler I am not going to tell him what to do.
Maybe you or some of the other beautiful ladies on here could offer him some type of enticement to get him to change it. I'm sure he would be willing for the right offer.
Hey Pink. What I do is go to the State of interest and then click on map. You’ll have to expand the map to find the location of interest and there will be pins for all of the clubs. Give that a try
What would you like to know about the St. Louis clubs. I can fill you in on all the good and bad from a PL perspective. It is my area of expertise as a strip club PL from the St. Louis area. You want a full extras club where you can make $100 every 30 minutes or do you want a fancy club that has perfect 10s who probably make $40 per hour. Whatever your taste, Let me know if you dance there. Would love to meet you. Friendly meet for drinks and laughs.... or.... other. Either is fine with me.
last commentOne thing that does work is to go to Google at type NameOfClub site:tuscl.net
I think that's the sequence you'd click starting at the homepage. Once at the map view the different location categories will cluster as pins around town you want. The way I browse TUSCL for clubs is to type in a city name and click back out of a local club listing to a clubs nearby listing or map view
To answer your question about finding the better St. Louis clubs - you have to look under Illinois - St Clair County because the most reviewed clubs are across the river/state border.
If you click into the listing Rhonda's Place, you can click on that St. Louis link and it will give you map of nearby clubs. That's been the only consistent way to get the clubs grouped together as the site design has changed over time. When you're viewing that version of the TUSCL map view, you can also do club searches by clicking locations directly on the map.
Maybe you or some of the other beautiful ladies on here could offer him some type of enticement to get him to change it. I'm sure he would be willing for the right offer.