This coming from the OP who calls out other forum members for having a low moral compass. Really? This guy could make a good politician if he hadn’t already discreditEd himself so.
I'm a member of the Green Party. And having a woman sell pussy for you or letting you manage her career is the highest you van go in stripper hoe culture
"I'm a member of the Green Party. And having a woman sell pussy for you or letting you manage her career is the highest you van go in stripper hoe culture"
A wannabe pimp who needs to suck the government teat. I'll let that irony sit right there.
Right wing extremism to point out your contradictions? That you claim to be this champion of women then talk about exploiting them? Claim to be this baller and don't make jack?
Get your GED and mop some floors at Waffle House. Your ancestors called it "opportunity."
Whatever, Icey. We're all Harvard grads turned Navy SEALs with hundred million dollar businesses on the side, here. I've known all of the above, and none of them talk homie or run their mouth like you do.
we already have systems in play. we have what works for us. don't need advice on how to pick up and have those scabs that you post up pics on this site to be "addicted" to any of us.
your offer of free advice would be best provided on an incel forum. if it does work, kudos-you've made a huge contribution-got a few lib nerds to actually get off from a scabby 4-5.
@Rattdog - I am not positive of this, but I think that pimps are part of a bygone era. With the ease of setting up sites on the internet, a lot of prostitution has moved off the street and onto the web. In doing so, independent operators have become empowered and no longer need protection on the mean streets.
Wow Icey you really are always making assumptions, I don't always pay women to fuck me, I've been married to a few in my lifetime, and have had many long term relationships with women that didn't involve the exchange of money at all, as a matter of fact some of the women I've been with had more money than sense, (I mean they were with me, LOL) but all kidding aside I doubt that most of the guys here are as repulsive as you, with your faux pimp attitude and foul mouth, I can't imagine any one of the many women I've had the luck to know ever being attracted to a broke phony as yourself.
"Advice on turning turning stripper hoes out Ask away You can break a bitch with a few simple strategies. This thread is your chance to get free game."
we've all been real guilty in bashing this guy throughout this entire thread and on others as well. whether it's merited or not......
but i have noticed is how not one has asked what his process is. well since i'm actually in the mood today to go in in a different direction to "diversify" my mind i'll be that first one.
ok ice, do please inform us how this process works. now is your chance to enlighten and share your wisdom to us folk here. the spotlight is on, the mic on the podium is live and ready, and the floor is all yours.
nah nah nah 25. we've all been on the insult route all this time. let's try something new yeah - something outside the box. it is now his platform - a chance to shine and enrich minds.
^ No we know he's read at least one book, My Life as a Pimp, by Iceberg Slim, back when he first changed his name from Phat Boy Hell he posted some shit and we did a google search and it was plagiarized content from that book
I did join in 2013 and have written numerous reviews over the years. But I didn’t start visiting the forum until the pandemic. I got sucked in by the Arizona thread.
Phat boy hell wasn't me it was someone making a troll profile pretending to be me.
But please stay on topic. It all comes down to how you make her feel. Create memories with her that bring out feelings. Do things no one else has and she'll become hooked on you.
I have a question, why are you disparaging politics in a thread that's clearly not even remotely about it. There's a time and place and disparaging a person about a topic that isn't being initially remotely discussed kind of makes the other person look like some sort of sore loser.
Next question, when a stripper is walking by, do I get her attention by slapping her ass or honking it as she walks by? They don't seem to turn my way when I say hello.
"Phat boy hell wasn't me it was someone making a troll profile pretending to be me. "
BS you lying cocksucker, your icey name wasn't even registered here yet when you used your phat boy moniker. I remember when you changed from phat boy over to your current name. You see that's the problem when your a liar, you can't remember all your lies and they come back to bite you in your ass.
well well well....... he actually did speak onto the mic. and the answer was actually pretty good as it was organic and made sense. there maybe some hop for the guy after all?
yes unique impressions, words and actions do go a long way. so is location. however, it is nevada the kid lives in. all of that would be more than enough to pull off whatever you want from some girl in that area.
consider yourself fortunate that is all you need in your area because in other regions of america you're going to need way more than that.
i can tell that the girls he's targeting the bar isn't really that high, and he is in an area where the pot smoking, lying poser pimp role can actually be pulled off.
Our resident fake wannabe playa troll caught in another lie that bit him in the ass. 😁 Sure icey pbhell was a troll of your original pb account not your icey account. You should just zip it cause you got zero credit homie! 🤐
Yeah icey threw me off for a minute with that link, thanks 25 for your link. I didn't recall the number after his name but i do remember phat boy changing to icey.
@TheeOSU He's just not very smart, but every now and then the slow kid can unintentionally hit a line drive, he just doesn't realize that at my age I've seen most of his bullshit before, he needs to work a lot harder to fool me, and I don't think he has it in him.
25 you call me a liar yet try to use past posts to attack me as a person. As if you had something to attack me with. Meanwhile claiming I'm lying. Kinda makes you retarded.
Rattdog I split my time between 2 states and 3 cities.
And phatboyhell is a troll. I never had any account other than this. If I did post a link. You can't coz this is my only one.
But keep on making ignorant assumptions. I'm making the hoes you hsve to pay fall in love
You'll need to try harder phat boi when founder changes your name it is retroactive, you're a prevaricator, always have been, always will be, a real fugazy !
I've isolated her from her friends, and I've got her hooked on benzoids. When I need to show her a little love, should I do it with my backhand, or use the belt?
Subraman stay away from benzoids they turn people into zombies who end up doing the most self destructive shit. And they do end up in abusive relationships a lot
Pistola hoes who know their worth are proud hoes. They call themselves hoes coz thats what they are and they look up to men who teach them game. Anyone can get money but not everyone understands game.
But you didn't answer the most important part of Subraman's question belt or back I have a question of my own, where is the best place to hit them and leave no marks so she continues to bring in top dollar ?
last commentA wannabe pimp who needs to suck the government teat. I'll let that irony sit right there.
Take your right wing extremism somewhere else
Get your GED and mop some floors at Waffle House. Your ancestors called it "opportunity."
Tetradon - I guarantee I have more disposable income than most on here. And I'm smarter as well
You're a worse liar than Rachel is about being black, or Tex and Trucidos are about having an IQ greater than an amoeba's.
I'm offering free advice on making atripper hoes yours…
your offer of free advice would be best provided on an incel forum. if it does work, kudos-you've made a huge contribution-got a few lib nerds to actually get off from a scabby 4-5.
And remember that every hooker you ever fucked has been turned out. That's why she's able to be a hooker in the first place.
If it wasn't for pimps you wouldn't have hoes
some pimps actually have the minimum skills to place ads for their girls.
Occasionally I will see articles on the online website for the local paper about a pimp who was prostituting minors getting arrested.
A hoe needs to be turned out and nurtured to be a hoe. It's one of the hardest things a woman can do.
Your problem is that as tricks you don't want to believe how repulsive you are to the women you pay to fuck you
I'm what stripper hoes want and need and I'm very happy with that lulz
But it’s a high % that have one. Or a wannabe. But he’s correct 🤨…
Ask away
You can break a bitch with a few simple strategies. This thread is your chance to get free game."
we've all been real guilty in bashing this guy throughout this entire thread and on others as well. whether it's merited or not......
but i have noticed is how not one has asked what his process is. well since i'm actually in the mood today to go in in a different direction to "diversify" my mind i'll be that first one.
ok ice, do please inform us how this process works. now is your chance to enlighten and share your wisdom to us folk here. the spotlight is on, the mic on the podium is live and ready, and the floor is all yours.
Make your questions more specific
But it all comes down to her becoming emotionally dependent on you
what? straight to a Q&A? really? i don't recall ever anyone starting something like this out with Q&A.
i'm going to some some semblance of doubt that you are not dense. the Q&A's tend to be the last part of all this.
once again:
"the spotlight is on, the mic on the podium is live and ready, and the floor is all yours."
I wasn’t around then. But have you considered the possibility that he just googled something and didn’t actually read the book?
But please stay on topic. It all comes down to how you make her feel. Create memories with her that bring out feelings. Do things no one else has and she'll become hooked on you.
Next question, when a stripper is walking by, do I get her attention by slapping her ass or honking it as she walks by? They don't seem to turn my way when I say hello.
BS you lying cocksucker, your icey name wasn't even registered here yet when you used your phat boy moniker. I remember when you changed from phat boy over to your current name.
You see that's the problem when your a liar, you can't remember all your lies and they come back to bite you in your ass.
Anyway my forte is outing rumdummoron's aliases but then again it's not hard as she's not the "genious" she portrays herself to be.
Is a troll profile someone made trying to parody me
And if you don't want advice and want to stay tricks thats on you…
This guy is a bigger loser than I thought. And that’s no small feat.
25..... You mentioned phatboyhell I linked that troll profile.
Did you actually think anyone believes a word you post
yes unique impressions, words and actions do go a long way. so is location. however, it is nevada the kid lives in. all of that would be more than enough to pull off whatever you want from some girl in that area.
consider yourself fortunate that is all you need in your area because in other regions of america you're going to need way more than that.
I am not a trick (though I do like Cheap Trick)
And the genre of music I am into is classic rock.
Any of the three is better than being a pot smoking, lying, wannabe pimp.
i can tell that the girls he's targeting the bar isn't really that high, and he is in an area where the pot smoking, lying poser pimp role can actually be pulled off.
Sure icey pbhell was a troll of your original pb account not your icey account. You should just zip it cause you got zero credit homie! 🤐
He's just not very smart, but every now and then the slow kid can unintentionally hit a line drive, he just doesn't realize that at my age I've seen most of his bullshit before, he needs to work a lot harder to fool me, and I don't think he has it in him.
Rattdog I split my time between 2 states and 3 cities.
And phatboyhell is a troll. I never had any account other than this. If I did post a link. You can't coz this is my only one.
But keep on making ignorant assumptions. I'm making the hoes you hsve to pay fall in love
a real fugazy !
But the truth hurts coz as per usual the geriatric trick clique youre part of wants to dominate the forum.
Go lockdown a stripper hoe and pretend youre not a trick 🤣🤣🤣
Stay on topic or go troll another thread
Fill a void in her life. Be what she needs.
Pistola hoes who know their worth are proud hoes. They call themselves hoes coz thats what they are and they look up to men who teach them game. Anyone can get money but not everyone understands game.
I have a question of my own, where is the best place to hit them and leave no marks so she continues to bring in top dollar ?
Try following your own advice. 🤣