Dark times for mongers: The Trump years
Too much of a good thing is never enough
FOSTA-SESTA shuts down Backpage and other adult entertainment websites.
Strip clubs closed because of COVID and pressure from religious groups. And a corollary: Right wing Christians empowered to impose their values on others.
Borders closed. No travel to Tijuana, Canada or other locations with more tolerant approaches to sexually oriented businesses.
Me Too movement and sex trafficking activists started with valid issues but went off the rails.
So, is your mongering hobby any better off now than it was 3 years ago? Why/why not?
Strip clubs closed because of COVID and pressure from religious groups. And a corollary: Right wing Christians empowered to impose their values on others.
Borders closed. No travel to Tijuana, Canada or other locations with more tolerant approaches to sexually oriented businesses.
Me Too movement and sex trafficking activists started with valid issues but went off the rails.
So, is your mongering hobby any better off now than it was 3 years ago? Why/why not?
You can interpret this as a political statement, but you'd be the dumbass.
COVID, travel restrictions, MeToo have nothing to do with Trump. The first two were caused by Chinese and the last by Hollywood liberals.
Oh, but you keep up with Orange Man Bad blaming, believing everything the fake news tells you, and claiming that hating Trump is apolitical. Dumbass incel.
Biden says, “I will be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus.” He adds that if scientists recommended shutting down the country, “I would shut it down.”
The shut down this spring was truly the dark days for us strip club mongers and it sounds like another one may be coming. Pack your phone full of possible OTC contacts while you can.
Seriously, can Biden not understand that it was the shutdown that collapsed the most powerful economic boom in history (which has exploded back after the shutdown was ended)? The shutdown caused more pain, more bankruptcy, more death than following the Swedish model would have.