Dancers Supporting Parents

avatar for rickdugan
I never used to see this so much. Or maybe I avoided very young dancers for so long that I never picked up on this issue, idk. But lately I am running into a lot more dancers in their early 20s who are supporting not only themselves but their parents.

I feel bad for these girls, but I'm really starting to like this dynamic. I got a taste of it back during the 08-09 recession, where a girl who is 3rd runner up to ATF finally relented and agreed to OTC after almost 2 years. She hot as hell and was making enough money ITC without the need to go OTC. So what changed? Her mother lost her job and she had to support them both right when club money was getting a bit lighter.

Lately I've been running into this more again ITC, including one who is smoking hot and quite young. This girl is actually supporting both of her parents, who are younger than me by several years. Her useless father just had his car repo'd for not paying his title loan, so now she's even their sole source of transportation. Needless to say, the OTC tapdance has started. She's not historically a girl who puts out in VIP or casually agrees to go out with a guy, but after seeing her twice ITC and working the usual song and dance I have a good feeling about a quick conversion on this one. 😀

Man I've been waiting a long time for another good recession to expand options, lol.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
ricky-boy you call it the usual song and dance but we all know that’s code for The System 😎
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
They're all supporting their parents. That is, when they're not stripping their way through med school or law school.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
>>Man I've been waiting a long time for another good recession to expand options, lol.<<

Damn RickiBoi I was a bit worried I thought you might be developing empathy 😁
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
RickiBoi are you starting to develop empathy 😁
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Hasn’t hit my area yet and nobody has been whining about desperate financial times in my area. Maybe the girls who are stranded without a club at the moment are, but not where I am. Nobody has been ecstatic about money, but no major complaints either.

I guess Jacksonville is just extra sensitive when times get rough.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Nice, it's very weird right now here. The girls seem to be doing very well on weekends, when the clubs get packed, but not so much on weekday nights. I'm not even sure it's financial sensitivity so much as older guys who are still staying out of the clubs due to COVID fears.

But whatever the reason, a girl with several people on her tit needs more than one or two good nights per week to make ends meet. :)
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "RickiBoi are you starting to develop empathy."

25, I've always had empathy. I'd probably score much less OTC with the types of girls that I like if I couldn't understand where their heads were at. OTOH *sympathy* not so much, which is why I don't feel bad about leveraging what I know to achieve what I hope is a mutually beneficial goal.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
Probably see more of this. 10k baby boomers retire a day and most are desperately unprepared for retirement.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
My best guess is without the older good spending regulars the income tends to be erratic and undependable takes a lot of 20-30 dollar dances to make bank compared to an older regular dropping $2-400 or more on any given shift
I don’t think too many younger guys roll like that
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I had one dancer I knew well, her mom friended me on Facebook and had the balls to ask me for money on messenger. I remained cordial and nice because I just loved fucking her daughter so fricken much. When I asked my dancer friend about it she claimed she had no idea but I’m guessing I was known as the grocery money around at moms house. If had real guts I woulda asked the mom for a threesome just for the sweet TUSCL article material.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Its very common. I know a lot of girls in that position.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "ricky-boy you call it the usual song and dance but we all know that’s code for The System 😎"

LOL GV. Though "The System" is more about one and done hits while traveling to road clubs. This whole "working a reluctant hottie in a club over time" thing is a completely different game. This is the type of girl who has guys hauled out by the bouncers if he shows his dick in VIP, even though some of the other girls (mostly Cubans) are eagerly jumping on dicks in the same room. I can tell she's close now, but we just need to right motivational moment to push her over, such as another bad week ITC combined with a little more rapport building.
avatar for mikeym
5 years ago
Just the newest stripper shit. All a lie to take your money ricky boi.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Mike, it's not my first time at the rodeo. I've been doing this long enough to know the difference. I've become pretty good at figuring out who the low mileage/volume girls are.
avatar for mikeym
5 years ago
Lol. I am up there in age with shadowcat and 25 so I will not hold your youth and inexperience against you- a line used by the Gipper (Ronnie Reagan). I can call him Ronnie because I was doing my formative clubbing when he was the governor and later president.

I might club in Clearwater, but Ive been to Jacksonville enough that I now how the white girls in their late 20s, early 30s operate. That parent bs is standard operating procedure for the white girls in JAX- the Redneck Riviera.

I am jealous that you get dances with white girls. The fucking Cubans have literally invaded Clearwater. Before Covid-19, the Cubans already had a strong foothold at Atlantis, but they've taken over all my other fave clubs- Oz, Diamond Dolls, and Bare Assets up north in Pasco.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
mikeym. You just listed all of my favorite Pasco and Pinellas stops when I go out to Tampa. I wanted to go so bad in the next week or so because flights are so cheap. However, it sounded too weird to buy a drink and have to take to your car. Will still go but wait until the state opens up a bit more.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
“ I've become pretty good at figuring out who the low mileage/volume girls are.” In other words, he actually believes them when they say “I only do this with you.” Jeez.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Could be doctordipshit. Or it could be that, unlike you, I actually spend enough time in each club that I visit to actual get to know how some of these girls behave. I don't have your autism spectrum issues, which means that I can actually pick up cues from body language and behavior. 😉
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
If the dancers are actually supporting their parents, that is a noble thing to do. It would make me think my money was going to a more noble cause than supporting a video game playing - pot smoking - deadbeat boyfriend.

Maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s a new take on the old school ploy of needing cash for her kid?

As long as you are enjoying good OTC sex - that’s all that matters.
avatar for mikeym
5 years ago
@mike710 Since the clubs in Miami are closed, the Cubans seem to have come to Clearwater en masse. Most of the Cuban dancers are mechanical, transactional, and not intimate so Oz, DD, Atlantis, and Bare Assets have taken on bad traits. Allowing a club to fall under Cuban control is insuperable in many cases and is tantamount to problems related to Covid-19. Ask Papi Chulo for commentary on this issue.

The two clubs in Pinellas County that I'd actually recommend at this point are Oasis and 4-Play in St. Pete. These are smaller clubs that have a nice variety of dancers with good mileage.

Doctorevil had a nice report about two clubs in Pasco that are open and have nice-looking American dancers with good mileage: Vanity and The Vue.

Shanny72 provided positive reports about Gold Club, and others have shout out Vixens Ybor Strip. Those clubs have been able to support an eclectic mix of dancer ethnic origins in the past but are very vulnerable to the Cuban invasion and might have fallen under the control of the Cuban dancers.

Finally, the clubs near Westshore Blvd and Dale Mabry have staved off the Cuban invasion for now. However, those clubs have been afflicted by GPS, price inflation, prick management, and low mileage.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s a new take on the old school ploy of needing cash for her kid?"

Anything is possible, but the context matters. It came up far into a dump of her life story, so I'm inclined to believe that it was natural. But you're right - who really knows?

But for me, the truth behind a pity hustle has never really mattered that much. The mere existence of it is almost always enough to let me know that there may be other opportunities there.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
The existence of a pity hustle lets you know that there are opportunities available, which should indicate that this is far from her first rodeo, it's also a major clue as to which gals are actually low mileage
But it's all good you've found a way to wet your wick so have fun, use a rubber.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "But it's all good you've found a way to wet your wick so have fun, use a rubber."


I have several ways to "wet my wick" on any given night, lol. I'm pretty well wired around here. The key is finding new hot ass to explore.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I agree. It’s less important if the hustle has any truth - than the additional options the hustle offers.

Enjoy the OTC!
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Its not always a hustle. Usually it's just desparation
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Umm I dont think this is super common but i definitely know of 1 case where the girl definitely supports her pos deadbeat parents w gambling addiction and other issues. She's kind of a real mental case, but I feel bad for her.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
"Could be doctordipshit. Or it could be that, unlike you, I actually spend enough time in each club that I visit to actual get to know how some of these girls behave."

Translation: I swallow whole whatever hard luck stripper shit story I'm fed. Not surprising that he buys SS fantasyland stories, since he lives in his own fantasy world where he thinks three-piece suits and "big man on campus" stories are required to pick up hookers.… Also not surprising, this is the same guy that just got fleeced at Tattletale in Atlanta.… The Douchebag paid $300 for air dances, while the guys in the VIP rooms on either side of him were banging some of the hottest strippers in Atlanta.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Oh oh, I sense another one of doctordipshit's autistic repetitive events coming on, where he creates a paragraph he thinks means something and then copies and pastes it from one thread to another. 😉
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Dream on, little big man, dream on.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
Founder, can we get another group setup for Chest Pounding and Name Calling please?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ LOL at little big man. The sad thing about autism is that it strips people of their sense of humor and appreciation of nuance.

This is just a strip club site dude. Ideally what we post here is an extension of our clubbing. I brag about the very good and post sheepishly about the very bad, including my misfires, because it's all part of the experience.

There are no "big men' or "little men" on here - just dudes supposedly having fun with hot naked girls. Except for you, who is always weirdly bitter - like a woman who resents what a man is posting on here. Maybe it's something other than autism, but that's where my bet is.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Wow, "little big man" seems to have hit a nerve.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Not at all. I'm simply trying to disabuse you of this multi-year fixation that this is supposed to be some one-upsmanship game. What is this place if not the where we celebrate our wins and mourn our losses? Shit, I even shot you an atta boy when you scored that blowjob in the men's room of Baby Dolls from that Latina dancer. I'm spinning my wheels here as you are undoubtedly trolling, but there it is.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Umm I dont think this is super common but i definitely know of 1 case where the girl definitely supports her pos deadbeat parents w gambling addiction and other issues. "

Sadly blah I see it every so often. The worst case was the Dad who used to actually pop into the club to pick up coke money from his daughter. She was pissed but she was also stuck since he was her childcare when she danced. I only hope he didn't know what she was doing with me in my hotel to fund his habit.
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
I know of one girl who is supporting her sister who has a medical condition. Maybe I do know some supporting parents, but I'm not aware of it.
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