Coronavirus is over, the clubs are back open, what does the scene look like?

avatar for Cookiesandcream
Purely hypothetical, but it is an interesting thought.
I'm not going to say the last decade has been the golden age of SCs but it has not been bad at all for me. Girls had fun and cash and men had money to spend with no remorse. But clubs forced to closed for 4+ months having girls with no income and lots of men losing their jobs, income and business for possibly more than 6-8 months can have a huge effect. Either in girl choice, atmosphere, girl price, guy's wallet and ITC fun. It's crazy to think it won't.

I think it's definitely going to change shit. Those girls living only from SCs and trying to fuck every guys they texted for money (ur money will Never be as much as they made in club) will they come back? What about the girls that don't do OTC? The bartenders? The hot but won't do shit girls but shove her pussy on the stage? I love all the variations and dealing with them was fun but I doubt the past atmosphere will be back soon.

What do you guys think the strip club scene will look like? How long will it take to recover? And what will be different by the end of all of this mess?

Honestly. I don't know but I think it's going to take a while for it to get back to what it was. Maybe 2 years to get that flow going. Anyone think it'll make it better?


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avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
It sounds like we likely will be in for a solid year of bad economy, especially for those at the bottom of the economic ladder. The money will likely get worse for the girls. This may cause the top of the food chain girls to drop out (the girls who ask for $300 for something other girls do for $100 and actually get it). The girls stripping their way through college will stick around as will the girls who can't find other jobs but the girls who are doing it for clothes and vacations likely will move on.

Club managers need to thread a very difficult needle. They will be tempted to jack up stage fees to keep revenues up.

If the stock market takes a big dip it will hurt pensioners and that will really make it sad for the day girls.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Just for you desertscrub.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Ooops wrong thread. sorry...
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I'm strip clubbing tonight. Except for no stage dances which I don't miss, less customers who I don't miss, better food which I don't care about and different dancers which I like, its pretty much the same as it's been since 1991.
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