Yale University named after slave owner. Needs a name change.

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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
They should change the name to something less-controversial like "Malcom X University"
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Lol, it should be renamed after a more recent warrior for the cause. How about calling it the Al Sharpton University of Race Baiting?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I would love to see a handsome statue of Al
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I like Hedge Fund U. That was the #2 choice behind leaving it at Yale.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Doris Duke was a tobacco heiress. Her family made its money on the backs of millions of chain smoking black people.

They want to change the name to Krzyzewski University after someone who made his millions on the backs of hundreds of ...

Oh wait. No one could ever find the school in a google search.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
It’s just fine named as is. Somebody needs tell protestors fuck off.
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
These people are idiots. The history of the world is people conquering and subjecting each other. You'd have to change the name of everything.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Just like the MeToo movement, cancel culture was the woke thing to do, until it started applying to those on the left.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I didn’t know the history of the person who Yale was named for. I’m guessing many more folks didn’t know about Yale as opposed to knowing about Columbus.

Does it make a difference now? I don’t think it does. It’s like the company AT&T - as some folks might know it stood for American Telephone and Telegraph.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Speaking of little known slavery supporters, in the 1850s the New York Times wrote editorials supporting the practice of slavery. Cancel them !
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
OMG! The leftist elites can't be caught saying, "I went to Yale!" any longer.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Not sure if you guys are aware of the recent news about Princeton removing any reference to Woodrow Wilson's name from the school. For example, Wilson's name will be removed from Princeton's school of public policy. Wilson was Princeton's school president before becoming US president. Wilson was a first-class bigot who resegregated federal government offices, like the Treasury Department.

Kudos to Princeton for the name change.

This thread's a typical right-wing joke fest -- but it would be unfair to change the name of Yale which has so much name recognition. For example, if Yale changed its name, how unfair it would be for Yale grads to have the same name-recognition as a crappy state school like, say, Ohio State?
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
NYC in particular benefited from trading the goods (cotton especially) produced by the South. NYC considered seceding and forming its own pro-slavery City-State in 1861.


We should kick them out of the Union, right?
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
News this morning: Washington Redskins will be renamed
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
....probably renamed
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Then, there were the 1863 NYC draft riots. It began as opposition to the draft but quickly became an anti-Black race riot from whites fearing cheap labor from former slaves. It remains the largest, most deadly urban riot in US history. Over 100 were killed. Most of the victims were black.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Washington Tontos?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Washington Caucasians
avatar for WillMunny
5 years ago
Washington Senators? - speaking of offensive exploiters of the populace....
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Brown University should change their name for disparaging Latinos and for admitting unqualified high-school athletes.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Capital Punishment
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
It's a red herring gambit by Harvard to take down their rivals. Its a hoax, fake news!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Brown University will become Beige University (it's only right)
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I guess the YMCA indiand guides and Indiannprincesses are done. Talk about your cultural appropriation, LOL. Even I gotta cringe at that one. Yes, I was Sly Fox.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Brown University should become Skin-tone University.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Flesh University? Remember when the black kids in class had to ask to borrow your "burnt umber" crayon?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Washington Oppressed-and-Marginalized-Natives-turned-Legal-Casino-Operators
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Washington Whiteskins
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Washington Crackers
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Washington Drunks-and-Diabetics
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Over the Capital Hill Gang
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I know its already been done. But the Washington Bullets are the most appropriate name.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Washington Cancels
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
Ever wonder why the black folks never seem to be pissed at themselves?
Black folks SOLD black people to slave traders! DUH!!!
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The current fantasy is that evil white people trapped Africans, like rabbits in a snare. Ludicrous, implausible, and utterly untrue; but that's the current revisionist narrative being used to advance the BS reparation agenda.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Typical revisionist history of the left! If not so serious a topic, it would be laughable!

Ignorance, the plan of the left!
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I think there’s a business opportunity here!

Yale - the school named after the lock company - not the slave owner...
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
How Slavery Shaped America's Oldest And Most Elite Colleges

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
During Trail of Tears forced migration of Indians from the Southeastern states to Oklahoma, some of the Indians brought along black slaves they owned. Does that make the Indian slave owners victims or oppressors ?
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Mark94 - good point. Things aren’t as cut and dry as those cancel culture folks thought.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Before all of this recent stuff started (early this year) a group of us had a waiter that was a Nigerian immigrant. Someone at the table was discussing the Civil War and sort of included the waiter in a question. He mentioned he was descended from slaves and "all Black people in America" deserved to be compensated (did not describe how). He had a heavy accent, so someone asked him if he saw born here. No, Nigeria. But his ancestors were slaves in Africa. So I asked him if he had emigrated to Germany instead of the US would he expect reparations in Germany? He looked at me like I had just spoken Martian and exited our conversation.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I hope your tip reflected his ignorance and entitled attitude.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
He was a hard working guy. I think he was sincere in thinking Black people were at a disadvantage in America but people latch on to ideas and movements without really thinking them through. I see the call for reparations as an emotional excuse for people trying to get help. It makes for good press. A big difference between that approach and wanting a more level playing field.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@GammaNut wrote: "The current fantasy is that evil white people trapped Africans...blah blah...but that's the current revisionist narrative"

There is no "current revisionist narrative" and I remember countless articles in the NY Times and WaPO about the role of Africans in the slave trade -- especially during Obama's term. Oversimplifying what is and what is not fantasy is what you can expect from a bigot like GammaNu, who calls other TUSCL member "porch monkeys." I don't have a well-formed opinion on reparations. However, the fact that Africans played a role in the slave trade doesn't absolve American plantation owners from the brutality and horror of slavery.

It's instructive to have a minority opinion on a site like this and you can sense the tangible fear that whites have over black and brown people gaining power. In essence, that's why we have a clown-bigot like Donald Trump. I hope that black and brown people vote in record numbers this fall.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
goldmingerATL the truth is - folks have been fed the line that there is so much wealth in America - that reparations are necessary. That’s a false narrative, but one that continues to be repeated.

Yes, slavery was a dark chapter in the history of the USA. That is obvious. But, continuing the push for reparations distracts from dealing with issues that could help the current state of racial tensions.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The playing field is as level as it can be. Companies are still hiring to quotas and ignoring poor performance by minority employees simply to keep a diverse workforce. That was a problem I faced constantly while employed by others. There is no systemic racism in modern America. These cities with the most complaints of police misconduct are Democrat run cities in democrat run states. NYC, Chicago, Baltimore Minneapolis. How can you have systemic racism with a black mayor, a black DA, and a black police chief? You don't. It's pure bullshit. It is a cultural failing in black America and a failure of progressive paradigms and liberal ideology. You can save billions of dollars and thousands of lives by putting aside the identity politics of these progressive hacks and the liberal DNC-run media. Instead vote for someone who campaigns not to give you what you want, but to do what is best for ALL Americans . Whether you are willing to admit or not, we currently have one.

The playing field is and has been level for most of my life. No matter your color, creed, or heritage, you and you alone are responsible for your life, liberty, and happiness.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Here’s the appropriate reparations. Provide an environment where African Americans can thrive. Charter schools. More, better trained police. Opportunity zones to bring jobs to the inner city. Strict enforcement of current gun laws. Local, faith based charity.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Was listening to the radio earlier today - they were talking about a black couple I believe in North Carolina that came up on a Black Lives Matter rally (I believe at the capital) - it piqued their interest but then became perplexed when they looked at the BLM "protesters", they were all white, not a single black person - the AA-guy in the couple said something along the lines of "how can you have a black lives matter protest with no black people"; LOL. (I was distracted doing something else so didn't get the details; I tried looking for it online but couldn't find it).

Anyway - I doubt all these young white "freedom fighters" have a "deeper passion for black people than black people themselves" (sarcasm intended) - they are Marxist anarchists using race as a cloak for their true intentions.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Dozens have been arrested for tearing down federal monuments. Minimum sentence is 10 years. This shit is gonna get real for a lot of young people who probably thought this was a harmless prank.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I would think that'd be somehow challenged - I doubt they'll serve anywhere near that time (maybe a couple of months to a year-max, if not just probation)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ which is better than nothing
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Nothing "needs a name change." Whether or not someone engaged in a legal and commonly practiced activity at the time they lived is irrelevant to anything else they are recognized for.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
If someone is recognized or celebrated for owning slaves that would be one thing but 99.99% of the people targeted are recognized for achievements and contributions completely unrelated to anything having to do with slavery. It was legal at the time. They can't be subsequently judged hundreds of years later. It doesn't change their contributions to history.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Exactly. George Washington had white soldiers whipped and shot for major infractions of discipline. He would be a war criminal if he did that today but it was accepted practice in 1777.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The first official slave-holder in America was actually a black-man:

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Icey's family member.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
They should change the name to "Center for the Abolishment of History and Woke Delusion"
avatar for YahooSerious
5 years ago
^TheeOSU "Al Sharpton University of Race Baiting"

Change it to Al "Baiting" Sharpton University of Race Demagoguery

Acronym: ABSURD
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Good one Yahoo.
Speaking of absurd you should be careful as to not rile a certain skirt wearing Indian immigrant dipshit whose main moniker is rumdummoron although she should answer to other names, for example Realdougster, Mtent, Josh43, and possibly Tfag-dot among others.
Yes she loves being bitch slapped but she's shown a penchant to run crying to Founder if you overdue it in her cloistered little mind so there's a vague line that shouldn't be crossed lest she might miss her period or in the other extreme soil her pantyhose.
It's because of those reasons that I've refrained from bitch slapping her recently in spite of her many moronic comments that were begging for it. Well that and I don't want to be accused of picking on an immigrant from India that came here trying to better her life from that rat infested shithole alley she was born and raised in even though she doesn't show any appreciation that she was allowed in and has permission to stay. Those Indians might be vegetarians but in her case she has no shame in biting the hands that feed her.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Yes this board skews more conservative, as one would expect when most of the participants are middle aged men. Perhaps some people who think this place is too right-wing may enjoy participating on Stripperweb more. That site skews more liberal, as one would expect when most of the participants are young(ish) women.

From what I’ve gathered from more left-wing Facebook memes (if that is worth anything) all this name changing stuff is mostly viewed as an empty platitude that doesn’t actually do anything about systemic racism. Or excessive police force. And mostly a waste.
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