
Who do communities struggle?

From ACT Rochester - Percentage of asian families living in a single parent household - 21%; white families 37%; Hispanic families - 58%; black families - 75%.
I will never forget the following sentence heard during Guardian Ad Litem training - "I do not believe any of you should be told this, but the law mandates you be told this during your training: "A child born out of wedlock, on average, sees their chances of success decreased by 50%.


  • founder
    4 years ago
    Please don't use the word FAG. It's derogatory.

  • NeverEnuf
    4 years ago
    He uses it every time he posts something. It's in his username.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    I'm trying to fire a warning shot here.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Yes, there's a strong correlation between having a stable two-parent household and success later in life. But an even stronger correlation is the affluence of your parents. Rich single parents produce more successful kids than two-parent households living in poverty. Being born to an affluent family is the single biggest predictor of your success later in life.

    Some of the kids in Palo Alto (where I used to work) have private tutors for every subject and go to the finest schools. Innate ability is almost irrelevant when you compare the scholastic record of these affluent kids to those in the ghetto.

    Further, there are plenty of lazy, entitled, idiots from wealthy families. A good example is our president who's an imbecile and a buffoon. The ass-end of the Ivy League is notorious for letting you in the back door if you're rich, you're a high-school athlete, or your uncle Fred went there. Despite being filthy rich, Trump went to third-rate school (Fordham), most likely with average SAT scores. By transferring to Wharton mid-stream he wouldn't need to present SAT scores and his various schools have been threatened to keep his test scores private. I wonder why?

    It's simple: wealth begets wealth and more important than coming from a two-parent household.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Feminism and LBJ destroyed the black community with welfare and created the single momma epidemic which started an endless cycle of death, poverty and destruction. White people do love to emulate blacks and now they are starting to destroy the white family and people are seeing what the gynecocracy did to the black family happen to them. Fortunately white people can stop the feminist liberals before they destroy the whole country but the black community will forever be in a endless cycle of dysfunction because the gynecocracy runs the "community".
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    It is not simply being born into money that influences later wealth and success. It is the business skills, networking, work ethic and discipline passed down from generation to generation. For the majority of single parent, black American families, that mindset is sorely missing and instead reliance on the government cultivated.

    That is why you see immigrants opening stores and other businesses in black neighborhoods, and very few black businesses. Unfortunately you can't discuss these things because too many black 'leaders' and white liberals decry them as racist rhetoric. I don't see whites falling into this trap because non-liberal whites don't carry the amount of white guilt that white liberals do. Neither do I see white liberals falling into the trap because unlike white non-liberals, they don't view blacks as 'the lesser'.
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    I also want to add that the idea of "Black communities", or "Hispanic communities" and "Asian communities" is a misnomer. People say that and conflate say, black neighborhoods with the totality of black people in America.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Family wealth is helpful to get an education that leads to a good paying job.
    I believe that immigrants open certain types of businesses because that is one of the few avenues available for people that have not yet assimilated, to earn a decent living, they mostly open small shops in under served neighborhoods, because that is where there is opportunity to make a living, most immigrants do not have the financial ability to compete with larger businesses that have better capitalization in expensive malls and the like.
    As far as business ownership is concerned, that's a tougher nut to crack, my feeling is that not so many folks from any communities really have the means, the know how, and the opportunity to create a business that will give them the lifestyle and income that a mid level education, or occupational training, will offer. Most smaller businesses that are non-service are run by people that don't have better options. I don't really think that it's ethnicity that has a lot to do with the individual ownership.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    You really can’t have this kind of discussion without bringing up IQ. It’s one thing the left and the right both get wrong. A lot of it is genetic unfortunately which goes against the “ you can do what you put your mind to”American narrative. We think if things like height, eye color, hair, facial features, etc. as passed down through genebut we don’t think that way about intelligence for some reason. Someone with an IQ in the low 80’s and below is going to really struggle in life. We can help it a little bit with nutrition but research as shown not a great deal. It is sad but not be able to even talk about that problem at all will mean we likely won’t be able to find a solution to it. At this point in time IQ although not a great single indicator of success it is currently the best single indicator of success in this world.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I don't think IQ is end all be all. There are plenty of idiots who are doing alright LOL

    Regarding everything else on this topic- people tend to be a product and a reflection of their communities. Someone from the ghetto is usually fucking ghetto. Someone from a rich delusional white people neighborhood tends to be a delusional rich white person. lmfao
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The dishonesty of liberals is manifested perfectly by Random who wets himself over Trump going to Fordam, neglecting to mention he also graduated from Princeton. My youngest brother went to Umass Amherst, most likely a third rate school to pompous buffoons on the left, but also graduated from Harvard. He's also very wealthy, although he earned 100% of his. Kind of interesting that the second poorest of four kids (me) would be a lawyer, with a basic 9 - 5 guy as the poorest, since we were raised in the projects by a single Mother. Must be all that inherited wealth.....
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    No Trump didn't graduate from Princeton. Provide a link.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Read my post. I said he transferred from Fordam to Wharton (Penn) which means he didn't provide SAT scores to Penn
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    “ By transferring to Wharton mid-stream he wouldn't need to present SAT scores and his various schools have been threatened to keep his test scores private. I wonder why?”

    Probably for the same reason Obama insists on keeping his academic records private. They would probably show he was an affirmative action baby of mediocre intellect, just as he sounds when he talks. The “smartest” president my ass.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Obama's record is similar. He went to an ordinary undergrad school ( Occidental ) and transferred to Columbia. So Obama didn't provide SAT scores to Columbia
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    BS. You don't know what's in Obama's record because he won't release it. Again, I'm willing to bet he benefited from affirmative action. He just doesn't come across as that smart. Corpse-man. What a joke.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Huh? Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? All I said was that Obama went to Occidental College which has low-ish mean SAT scores. The transfer process to Columbia is based only on grades at Occidental -- so it's a back door entrance into Columbia in the same way that Trump got into Wharton from Fordham.

    Maybe you're talking about Obama's LSAT scores submitted to Harvard Law, which have never been released. Whatever his LSAT scores, Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review and graduated in the top 15% of his class. His speeches are terrific and well-crafted whereas Trump's Tweets and speeches are usually an embarrassing stream-of-consciousness mess with goofy spelling errors. Trump is an idiot and a buffoon.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    "Huh? Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?" Not at all. I actually maxed the verbal section of the SAT, unlike, I'm pretty sure, Obama. Obama refuses to release his academic records, probably because he's ashamed of them. As far as his speeches, he does articulate well, but substantively they are nothing more than vapid, liberal pablum, written by others and read off a teleprompter. He probably doesn't even know what he's reading and saying, as evidenced by his inability to properly pronounce a common word like "corpsman." https://www.military.com/video/forces/ma… Also evidence, by the way, that he is totally clueless on all things military.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    >It's simple: wealth begets wealth and more important than coming from a two-parent household.

    OP isn't talking about wealthy people. You don't need to be in the top 1%, 5% or even 20% to have a good successful life.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Wow, lot of stupid in this one!
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    dang. EVERYbody is talking above my head.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Why do communities struggle?

    Cause of this guy:

    He held the highest office in the world for 8 years and no change...lol
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