Interesting. They can reopen at 50% capacity. "Some businesses where close contact is necessary — gyms, hair salons, barber shops, indoor theaters and casinos — will remain closed for now," Does this mean strip clubs can reopen without lap dancing?
I expect they’re going to try opening as restaurants like the clubs in other states are doing. I’m not even sure customers will be allowed to socialize with dancers at their tables.
My hunch is there won’t be any lap dancing before July 3.
“Whitmer said she plans to sign another executive order moving Regions 6 and 8 in Northern Michigan to Phase Five, the "containing" phase, later this week, provided that the virus curve continues to flatten.”
So we might find out what Phase Five means later this week.
Strange isn't it. The information we want cannot be revealed publicly, only by hit or miss experience. (Or by word of mouth, pun intended.) My uninformed guess is that SCs will have seating limits, with 6 foot spacing required. No sitting or standing at the bar. Table dances only, with a distance requirement and no touching. Dancers and customers will have to wear masks. No VIP. After a couple of months the mask and space requirements in bars and restaurants will be dropped or ignored. When that happens, SCs will end restrictions and the good ol' days just might (slowly) return.
last commentInteresting. They can reopen at 50% capacity. "Some businesses where close contact is necessary — gyms, hair salons, barber shops, indoor theaters and casinos — will remain closed for now," Does this mean strip clubs can reopen without lap dancing?
Ugh it'll probably be another month before they can reopen. This is totally messing up all my plans.
I expect they’re going to try opening as restaurants like the clubs in other states are doing. I’m not even sure customers will be allowed to socialize with dancers at their tables.
My hunch is there won’t be any lap dancing before July 3.
Like... will we have to start out by doing airdances 6 ft away from customers on June 8? She wasn't clear about titty bars.
My thoughts are they will not make it clear for rules in the strip clubs and hopefully be back to business as usual in Michigan..I hope~!
I found this in another article:
“Whitmer said she plans to sign another executive order moving Regions 6 and 8 in Northern Michigan to Phase Five, the "containing" phase, later this week, provided that the virus curve continues to flatten.”
So we might find out what Phase Five means later this week.
Here is what the phases look like in Michigan:
Strange isn't it. The information we want cannot be revealed publicly, only by hit or miss experience. (Or by word of mouth, pun intended.) My uninformed guess is that SCs will have seating limits, with 6 foot spacing required. No sitting or standing at the bar. Table dances only, with a distance requirement and no touching. Dancers and customers will have to wear masks. No VIP. After a couple of months the mask and space requirements in bars and restaurants will be dropped or ignored. When that happens, SCs will end restrictions and the good ol' days just might (slowly) return.
I'll find out from my managers soon enough... hopefully...