
I have been receiving many solicitations

Living well and enjoying my retirement
From hotels in Las Vegas, the Florida Keys and Aruba all three are regular destinations for me looks like Vegas expects to be up and running the soonest I’m being offered Memorial Day specials at several different hotel casinos including my own favorite The Hard Rock, the Keys are offering June and Fourth of July specials and Aruba offering many June and July as well, I don’t plan to take them up on any of these offers as I prefer to wait another few months and see what shakes out, but I’m curious how many of y’all are receiving offers like these.


  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I've been getting random offers for 3-5 day vacation resort packages advertised at just $99. The website set a 10 minute (easily resettable) timer to make the transaction, but they say you have up to a year to set the book dates after the purchase. They all say it's because of COVID affecting business and the only fine print/thing the customer is obligated to do to seal the deal (and apparently avoid a freakishly expensive fee that further research of this company has confirmed.) is to attend a 2 hour seminar for some kind of timeshare. This is for select resorts at Cancun, Vegas, and Orlando, I believe.

    I saw other people saying they got the same offer, and while it isn't completely scammy, nobody seemed wild about the timeshare seminar obligation. One person said they got charged an additional $400 for not attending during their stay. I don't think I want to try that vacation package.
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    Getting them from basically every business I've ever done business with.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @Eve these are not time shares these are from hotel casino's i have stayed at in the past where I have been comped as a high roller for much of the cost of the suites and transportation,
    @Dolfan that's pretty much the same my point was they are expecting to open the casino's in Vegas by Memorial day is my point.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I keep getting emails from my Ford dealer reminding me that I am past due for my 20,000 check up but I've been stuck on 17,000 miles for the last 21/2 months.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Not sure how much fun Vegas will be with all the social distancing measures the are implementing.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    @twentyfive - Hard Rock in Las Vegas has been closed for renovations since Super Bowl weekend and will NOT ever reopen so I'm not sure where you are getting your offers from.
    @desertscrub - for once I think you are right about something, hookers will be very hungry in Vegas, and are already. Even with the casinos closed the lot lizards around the usual stomping grounds have multiplied 5 fold and they are getting more aggressive. They are ready to get in your car before you even start talking to them and the quality is way up too. Not to where I would be tempted but way up from where it was.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @623 you're right I think the solicitation came from the Seminole Hard Rock here in Florida I didn't really consider it anyway, so I deleted it quickly without really looking at it, but still I'm pretty sure Vegas is going to be up and running by Memorial Day, but I'm not ready to get on an airplane just yet, so we still need to see how all of this shakes out, before committing, I'm quite comfortable at home, and I have been in my office every morning, so I'm still not stir crazy at home,
    I'm hoping to feel comfortable to reschedule my Aruba vacation in August or September.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    I want to be solicited
  • 623
    4 years ago
    Treasure Island has announced they will open just before Memorial day but their plan hasn't yet been signed off on by the Nevada Gaming Commission. Others have said they will open with limited capacities the first of next month. Fingers crossed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I haven't received anything but then again I haven't been much of a vacationer in the last few years nor have I been a repeat/regular to any one particular destination.

    I would think heading to a beach resort would be less problematic than been indoors at a casino, the virus supposedly does not survive too well outdoors and/or when exposed to heat/sunlight and humidity - my biggest concern w/ Aruba would be being on the plane; perhaps driving down to the keys would be the least risky.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    my mailbox is empty.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    @Eve Real Estate is in the early stages of a trainwreck and the leveraged time share/ rental properties are doing whatever they can to keep cash flowing now. Just understand you may be in the back of the line for your deposit $ back when they go bankrupt if this keeps going the way it is.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I have been getting much fewer solicitations in general, both via mail and via robocall or live call. They last part is crazy since they know almost everybody is home 24/7!
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago

    I'd be careful - def sounds scammy to me - years ago when my brother was much younger he got taken w/ a somewhat similar scam (this was pre-internet days) - if I remember, the way that scam worked was that they were looking for people to go on cruises to rate/review them (kinda like a secret-shopper of sorts) - it was a package of 3 different cruises worth thousands and all my brother had to do was put a couple of hundred upfront for some fees or processing that wan't covered (can't remember) - long story short he didn't get to go on those cruises LOL and lost his couple of hundred "processing fee" .
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I wish I remembered the name of the website.
    I googled it after viewing the ads and there was a whole list of customers on travel review sites that commented about how shady it was. Then there was a smaller portion that said they bought into the packages and commented on the seminar saying you didn't have to commit to anything they offer you when you attend, but the timeshare hustlers will definitely try to win you over.

    I don't want to go on a vacation to be bombarded by timeshare sharks. LOL. I hear often that buying it is a lost cause anyway.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I'm convinced that 98% of secret shopper offers of any kind are a scam. I don't even know how people legitimately score that kind of gig.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    ^I think you're right on the internet secret shopper solicitations being scams.

    On the legit side, I've got a friend who runs a large private investigation firm and gets hired for secret shopper missions. He sends out investigators with $100 to $150 in cash, the investigators yuk it up with the cash register operators, report back on whether there was fraud or not, and they get to keep what they bought. That may be the general model but it's the only first hand knowledge I've got and it sounds like a fun mission

    . Businesses (golf where there's room for abuse in employees pocketing cash at the cash register hire his firm t
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    what I meant to say in that last cut off blurb was that golf courses hire his firm to check on their employees
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    timeshares are a rip-off allmost all times. i lost easily 50 grand in my experience.
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