OT: Wearing a face covering
Still looking for an ATF
I have been shopping at a higher end grocery store during the COVID-19 period. They require a face covering to enter the store and have made every effort to comply with social distancing requirements. They also have arrows on each aisle to govern traffic and have six foot markings at the meat department and check out areas.
Yesterday, I had to go to the larger chain grocery store and they do not require face coverings. It was much more crowded and seemed much more risky in terms of transferring COVID. People would actually make contact with other shoppers to get by them in aisles. I don’t know why one store would have customers behaving so differently. We could only speculate that the clientele was either better educated or felt like they had more to lose at the higher end store. Anyone else experiencing this difference in attitudes at similar stores?
Yesterday, I had to go to the larger chain grocery store and they do not require face coverings. It was much more crowded and seemed much more risky in terms of transferring COVID. People would actually make contact with other shoppers to get by them in aisles. I don’t know why one store would have customers behaving so differently. We could only speculate that the clientele was either better educated or felt like they had more to lose at the higher end store. Anyone else experiencing this difference in attitudes at similar stores?
"If you shop at Walmart you have nothing to live for"
High end stores need to show their customers they are taking covid seriously. It probably matters less for lower end