
Is the pandemic helping you save money?

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 10:17 PM
How do you feel about your finances post pandemic. HOLY SHIT there's a character limit on the Title WTF BROSKIS!? ANYWAY, I feel like I'll save so much money, by the time coronavirus has a cure., I'll be able to pregame at the scripper club then pay for those high class escorts in my brooks brothers suit and rented mercedes and still have money left over. Boy I cannot wait. Been eyeing a few women on twitter. Respectfully of course. What about you fine gentlemen (and ladies). What's the word with your moolah once pandemic is over


  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    In the last 2 months I have not spent any money on anything other than essentials. Zero cash expenditures. So I decided last week to spend $1700 on re landscaping my front yard. That is less than I was spending monthly on strippers.
  • Tiburon
    4 years ago
    dayum. That's going to be one good looking FUCKING landscape. Could it even be on par to the multimillion/billionaires lawn?
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    4 years ago
    I'm an essential worker at a hard hit COVID-19 hospital, so of course I've been saving a lot more since the shutdown began in mid-March. I'm getting between 10 to 20 hours of overtime weekly on top of extra incentive pay. All of that extra money is going into my nest egg with a small portion going into my "play money" fund which includes strip clubs and strippers. Like Shadowcat, essentials is really the only thing that I have spent money on.
  • Tiburon
    4 years ago
    @Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx you clearly in NYC. Did you hear about that copper that went buck wild on a civilian?
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Essential worker here, so I can still make my house payment. It's been a real eye opener. A guy I know who lives down the street has his own business and does really well, always acts like a baller, always spending money like water, bought an $800k house last year... is going bananas right now because his business is shut down and doesn't know when he will open back up. I am thinking "damn dude you're driving 2 cars you paid close to $275k for and you don't have an emergency fund set aside?" So many people living beyond their means.... so many... As for the answer to the question, I have been buying a TON of groceries several trips to the hardware store buying stuff to fix up around the house, haven't put gas in my 2 personal cars since the beginning of March.... and I've ordered take out maybe 5 times since the beginning of March. Restaurants are opening this week in my area, but I am not comfortable dining out yet... I read the news too much and have become paranoid about spending money, not sure what the future holds... probably worrying over nothing but never can be too safe. My spending habits have already changed because of this, one of the main reasons is because I am deep cleaning my house with what little extra time I have and have realized I have all this electronic shit I paid too much for that I never use... ugh. Need a "new to you" barely used video game console Juice?
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Na there’s still sugar babies. It’s all the same but I’m still making money so it’s all good in the hood.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I am living a simple life in the woods at my own Walden Pond. My income comes from my investments and retirement funds (including that sweet, sweet Social Security money). My two big expenses--strippers and international travel--have been eliminated. All this leads to my savings accounts getting fat. The downside is that I missed out on a month-long tour of Egypt. And right now I should be in Frankfurt, enjoying that city's cultural attractions.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    My story is very similar to Shai's.... biggest $$ spent has been on two room renovations in the house. Thank god my Governor did not shut down hardware stores like half-Whitmer did or else I would have gone crazy. Still much less $$ than I would have normally spent on my three G's over the past 3 months (Gambling, Girls, Golf) so the savings account has been benefiting. Yes, essential as my company only shut down for one week to perform maintenance and secure the PPP loan.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    I just swapped my vices. All my titty money been going into gamblinb stock options
    4 years ago
    Yes No strippers to spend it on but I am drinking more cheap booze. I am earning more, with danger pay and a forced overtime a week, I am making 3 weeks pay every two weeks.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Surplus cash has been going to Lowe’s. I have rebuilt two sheds, planted three garden beds, stained the deck and made pretty sweet deck box with cooler on top and grilling tools underneath
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    We divide our paychecks into different "accounts", so while our basic expenses have remained the same and we have savced no money in these accounts, our food, entertainment, travel, gas and spending accounts have increased exponentially. My business is taking a 'hit" in the sense that after the first 10 weeks I had taken in as much money as I did last year in the first 21 weeks, but now the numbers are equalizing. At the end of the year I assume my income will be within the normal range, but we will have saved money because there is nothing to spend it on.
  • SteveSutton
    4 years ago
    Yes for sure. My wife and I both work from home right now, so no change in income. We budget monthly and the last 2 months have been the lowest spending months in the last 10 years. From our combined budget, no entertainment, limited going out for food, limited food shopping, no gasoline, no kids expenses, and basically no discretionary spending is making a huge difference. From my personal (separate) budget, no business trips means no clubbing, sugaring etc. so that's making a big difference as well. But yes I have pent up demand.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    i haven’t done shit.
  • elmer
    4 years ago
    Can't go or do much of anything and with SO home w/pay so definitely saving money on the domestic front. On the dark side I was spending 2k sometimes more a month since October. Other then providing a little help to a stripper haven't spent crap since March 10!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I am waiting to sixty six six to collect social security. By paycheck I mean paying myself, stuffing unreported cash in my pocket and helping a buddy deliver medical supplies for cash under the table because if I can make money driving around getting high, then life is grand. I understand that impotence and a tiny penis make people braggarts and liars so you and Domnny Trump are very similar. By the way the dry cleaner is a very hot korean babe, it was nice seeing her. Her mom got covid and recovered but is not up to returning to work yet. Thanlks for asking.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    You got me there. You find women who appeal to you in the plus size section at Walmart, so I am sure you would not find her attractive. You have anger issues; check your blood pressure.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    No change in income here, but I've had a decrease in expenses relating to business travel and family entertainment. Unlike some of you I have not been depriving myself of stripper OTC during the lockdowns, but I am saving the money I'd normally spend ITC. But I'm in no hurry to spend the additional savings. Instead I'm wait to see how things shake out in the economy and the markets over the coming months. We haven't even begun to grasp the economic carnage that these lockdowns have caused. Eventually the government cash giveaway well will run dry, eviction and repossession freezes will be lifted, lenders will stop deferring debt payments and utility companies will once again impose shut-offs for non-payment. All of these activities will cumulatively impact various parts of our economy, including real estate markets, credit and lending liquidity, consumer spending, etc., etc.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    My daily expenses haven't changed much. My business never closed, so we kept bringing in money; although our business has decreased maybe 30% because of the Chinese coronavirus. On the flip side, we've gotten several government subsidies that were set aside for healthcare, so it's probably a wash. We have stopped eating out, going to shows, shopping as much on weekends, going to beaches (pay for parking, pay for drinks, maybe pay for beach chair or umbrellas, etc), so a lot saved there. The big savings are from cancelling our resort trip planned to AZ this month. All the restaurants, spas, stores, and parks are closed, so why bother? Several thousands saved except for the fucking airline. Only a voucher from them. Don't get me wrong, though, I am not enjoying the savings. I would rather be out spending the money and enjoying life. We'll get to a new normal, but it will not be back to normal.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    My bank account is skyrocketing. I'm getting 20 percent extra pay for hours spent onsite (about 24-30 a week). Eating out less and not going to bars, although this past week has involved more take out as the fatigue has set in. Plus I got my Pelosi bucks. Oh and my student loans just automatically let me skip for a couple months
  • etsutwigg222
    4 years ago
    Since all my houses are paid for and all I have is utilities and food, my play money fund is over flowing. No poker tournaments to play in and no need to travel to Vegas or TJ. Without clubs open, my nurse schoIarship funds have been just growing. With this availability, I have allowed my renters to skip their rent and utility for a while in exchange for services rendered at my personal home like cleaning and keeping the pool/jacuzzi area looking great. I now see no need to return to clubs when they reopen and plan to use the savings for additional renter subsidies.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    4 years ago
    @Tiburon: I'm actually working at a hospital in Albany, GA about 1 hour north of Tallahassee, FL and 2.5 hours south of Atlanta.
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    Spending so much less while my industry is making more than ever. Things are very good, financially. Definitely going to act a fool when I decide to go back to a club eventually.
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