Dancer VIP members?

I wonder if there are any dancer VIP members? If there is, perhaps he could work out a virtual SC with them. Just a thought. :)
I wonder if there are any dancer VIP members? If there is, perhaps he could work out a virtual SC with them. Just a thought. :)
last commentThis is an actual question, not trolling. What could be set up informally among TUSCLers using some kind of web conferencng tech that would be different than existing cam platforms? Leaving out the payment brokering for now, what would be useful to see as features?
You mean like cam girls? We need another million ofthem lol.
I'm pretty sure all verified dancers on here have VIP access as part of being a verified dancer. Not sure we need another cam girl site unless it could be part of the official tuscl site so @founder could get a cut instead of one of the commercial cam sites but I'm pretty sure the cost/time to set it up and maintain it wouldn't be worth it for @founder.
It may be easier to just ask for dancers to post the site and screen name they use on existing cam sites.
Given how many thread comments of “it’s lame if you can’t touch “ every time the topic is brought up—and I think just this past month it’s been 4-5 times—I’m not exactly sure this is the right market for it.
Dancers on this site have gotten lukewarm responses every time online activity is brought up. Heck even the most “successful” thread on that subject...
...Had the respondents talking about wanting to meet in a club. Not a peep about onlyfans.
Unless any dancer (like LinzeeDet, etc) can come forward and say there are actually TUSCLers subscribing, I have my doubts. If I ever get around to getting any type of camming account, I’m not going to bother even posting the link.
I don't look at food I cannot eat; nor dancers I cannot fondle. If strip clubbing was stage dancing/tipping and air dances/one way contact I would never go again.
Seems a no vote, which is very good, but for the wrong reasons. Go back and READ my question! Notice the "he". I don't want any HEs dancing for me!
I’m sure the majority of this site (aside from desertscrub and Pistola) would agree with you, Clubber. 😛
If you submit a satiric item without this [smiley, i.e. ":-)" or ??] symbol, no matter how obvious the satire is to you, do not be surprised if people take it seriously.
This place is full of typos. I probably read "he" as "we". Can somebody slowly walk us through the joke? Because you can be a female dancer and a VIP member at the site.
I took it for something that could potentially be an interesting topic, like what could appealing about such a platform since so many TUSCLers are down on camming.
Took it as a dig at male TUSCLers who check female/dancer when creating a new TUSCL identity.
I just thought it was a typo like wallanon said. Thought you meant she instead of he. And after reading the OP I felt exactly what Nicespice said. Totally wrong platform to advertise to, judging by all the threads. Also I'm in total agreement with skibum's post above.
Basically, FUCK cam sites.
It was a confusing question initially since I knew all the featured dancers on here automatically get VIP. I had a VIP membership for a while anyway before I registered as a dancer since I had written so many reviews.
Anyways, nah. A good majority of users on here see no purpose for putting money down for cam sites. Maybe if TUSCL was rearranged to TUCSL (The Ultimate Cam Site Listing), it'd be a different story.
"TUCSL (The Ultimate Cam Site Listing)"
Clever gal. Bravo.
You guys sum it up. " matter how obvious the satire is to you, do not be surprised if people take it seriously." "This place is full of typos." And others.
Some can't see the obvious or just have problems with comprehension! Sad, very sad!
As for the dancers, you can do no wrong!
Yes nicespice there are TUSCL members that subscribe to my OnlyFans as far as other sites I'm not sure
^ Ah, good to know. Maybe it’s just a vocal minority thing going on.
It is. There are so many more members here than just the ones that bitch about everything lol
A lot of the adult stars I follow on Twitter and Instagram mention their OnlyFans clubs. I have never seriously considered it (sue me, I'm frugal). I am reconsidering it now that everything is closed. I though I would be fine, but now I am going nuts with no beaches, no bars, no strip clubs, no restaurants, no shows, no malls... even my dogs are sick of going on walks.