
Question for my fellow corporate clones. Reaction to crash so far?

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Stock price being obliterated at the large Corp I've worked at for decades.

Rampant rumours or rifs and unpaid work furloughs flying.

Just a few weeks ago we were desperate to hire qualified people now all are jobs at risk.

What are you seeing or sensing?


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Avatar for gobstopper007

If this goes into May it could be over a decade to get the economy back on track. Short term I am afraid politicians will get put in office by promising that government should provide more and more. Small business will get squeezed out and in 5 years a lot of people will finally understand basic economics. While I think the government needs to right this ship inadvertently creating a welfare state will cripple us in the long term.

I don’t see a slowdown in the legal field I am in but I am getting nervous about how it’s gonna be for my kids when they get out of college in a few years. That 20% unemployment rate some are projecting is mind-boggling. I will start feeling more comfortable when I see more private sector involvement in solving this crisis.

Just my $0.02 and I am sure many here will disagree.

Avatar for RandomMember

I'm not going to panic about the economy. Even if we do nothing the percentage of the population that gets seriously ill is mostly those 60+ and with pre-existing conditions. That's a very small proportion of the working population. Eventually, we'll get to the point of herd-immunity and virus scare will subside on its own.

Yes, all guesswork, but I think this will not be a catastrophe or another great depression. I haven't sold any stocks and don't intend to. Maybe a screaming buying opportunity down the road.

Avatar for twentyfive

I’m actually hoping that unemployment edged up a bit, might make it easier to hire some folks to work in the construction trades.

Avatar for twentyfive

We’re still working and paying our employees decent wages, plus overtime is plentiful right now.

Avatar for shadowcat

I'm thankfully retired from the air line industry. I have no money invested in the stock market. My 2 children have jobs that are not in jeopardy. Now if I can just live through this without getting infected, I'll be ready to hit the clubs again.

Avatar for NatiNate

Still working sold all my vested options in Feb and waited to claim my last distro days ago. I’m in retail but the Ag side stock took a big hit but seems to be recovering slightly ahead of the market. Sales have been super strong but I hate working from home. Been working on setting up the home office all day.

But everyone is still getting paid and plans are in place to help anyone impacted.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I'm thinking of getting into camming while getting thru this

Avatar for gammanu95

This coronavrus leave law is a fucking disaster. Forcing small businesses who may not have the liquidity to pay people to stay at home is going to decimate independent business in America. It would have been better to do nothing at all (I would have preferred direct payments from the Gov't to idled workers who proved and verified their circumstances). I'm already revisoting my staffing strategy to cut workforce. If I'm going to be punished for employing people, then I simply won't employ as many. Robotics, algorithms, and virtual employees will be the next step. You want proofnthat government IS the problem? Here you go. Remember that when you cannot find a job in five years, while scanning yourself out at the supermarket, getting a drone delivered package from Amazon, and tapping your order into a kiosk at Whataburger.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Stupid and verifiably untrue

There’s no law requiring any business to pay workers in the manner you’re claiming this is just goofy but we don’t expect anything intelligent from you so carry on

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