Kevin Durant has COVID-19

avatar for theDirkDiggler
Just how contagious really is this virus? KD doesn't strike me as the type that would hang out in crowded areas, especially as he's still recovering from an achilles injury and his general celebrity and physical stature would generally preclude him from going out in public which would limit him going out in general, and he seems much more private in his personal life than the usual NBA player. Nor did he touch any game balls which would be touched by dozens of different people. He does live in New York, which is a hub of international travel and with the population density, seems to be a breeding ground of the disease.

Also at least 3 other players on the Brooklyn Nets have tested positive of which 3 of the 4 players are reportedly asymptomatic. Brooklyn is one of the teams that didn't play against Utah recently. This is after the NBA just suspended the season and players are probably social distancing if they haven't already. I think it's pretty safe to say that Rudy Gobert is not the cause of the spread of COVID-19 in the NBA.

Idris Elba was recently diagnosed as postitive. His wife probably is, but they aren't testing her. Neither has shown any symptoms yet. The Hanks are quite a bit older and they both displayed flu/cold like symptoms are on the way to full recovery after 5 days in hospitalized isolation. I've wondered why so many actors seem to be getting the disease besides the amount of travel that they do. At the time, Australia wasn't considered a high risk area, so i was surprised that Tom Hanks had supposedly caught it there. It's possible that he may have caught it on an airplane or airport. The "confirmed"cases in Australia have now gone up exponentially.

All these "famous" people have seemed to catch the virus so easily. The wife of the prime minister of Canada apparently caught it during a speaking engagement in the UK. I have a sneaking suspicion if truly widespread testing is done, and by widespread i mean a large sample size of the general population with or without any symptoms, you will find that millions not thousands of the general population have the disease. However, the vast majority of tests administered anywhere so far on people that mostly do have symptoms have shown up negative. So anywhere from .01% to 1% of the population so far is a reasonable estimate? If it's on the higher end, that number will almost certianly reach over 10% in a few months if not earlier. Who really knows what type of effect a 2 week+ lockdown will have on the spread and reduction of the virus already out there despite wreaking havoc on the economy and personal livelihoods? Still so much misinformation...


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avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"All these "famous" people have seemed to catch the virus so easily. "

Translation: Famous people have greater access to testing.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago

Definately many more people have it than are being reported.
avatar for ginotheginny
5 years ago
Agree. My friend thinks he has it with symptoms, but they won’t test him because he is younger and not in a high risk category. They are saving the tests for older higher risk people, medical workers, and of course wealthy people.
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