“President Trump can make women orgasm just by liking their tweets,”
In the wind
"Sometimes when Jared & Ivanka are having sex they both pretend the other is Donald Trump"
Excerpts from Bill Maher parody video celebrating Mike Pence as "Ass-Kisser of the Week'
Excerpts from Bill Maher parody video celebrating Mike Pence as "Ass-Kisser of the Week'
And they're right about Pence. He must have worn out multiple pairs of knee pads servicing Trump at that press conference for his leadership and great response to the crisis -- and by great response he probably wasn't referring to little hands, little dicks's claim a week ago that it's just a hoax and nothing more than the common flu.
This is lame even for sixth grade.
Is it true? I heard a story about a young women who told a local newspaper reporter that YOU inspired her vocational choice after she had spent a school year sitting beside you in sixth grade. Said you called her the pig-tailed girl because you could never remember her name. Said you told the lamest jokes and the rest of the class made fun of you.
She came to feel sorry for you and decided to dedicate her life to helping special needs children, especially those with social or emotional deficits. You did GOOD, Jimmy. You inspired another person to help others like you.
I've spent enough time with TUSCL sock puppets and senile old men. Time for me to move on to other more challenging and entertaining pursuits.
Stay cool and try to stay as lucid as you can at your age.