
Restrictions on travel within the U.S. MAY be coming

In the wind
President Donald Trump announced Saturday that the United States will broaden its European travel ban, adding Britain and Ireland to its list, and **was considering imposing restrictions on travel within the U.S. to areas hit hard by the coronavirus spread.**


  • captanmellow
    5 years ago
    I wonder if that would include truck drivers??
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    ^ Given recent practices of this administration I doubt that had been worked out at the time Trump floated the idea.

    Ready, Shoot, Aim style of decision-making
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    just when trump patted himself on the back for stocks going up on friday too, monday is going to suck
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    I hope we get our freedoms back once we are thru this.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    South Korea is the success story. They tested everyone in the affected area, thousands a day, then managed the disease by the numbers. It appears they are going to succeed in getting rid of the virus soon.

    So far, we’ve failed at testing. The bureaucracy of the CDC is to blame. So, we have now privatized the testing.

    If this works, we could hit bottom in a couple months. Then, with uncertainty gone, the economy will bounce back. Toilet paper will return to the stores.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    We won't Lone. In September it will start again to ", preempt this.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    joker said “ Ready, Shoot, Aim style of decision-making”

    You’re giving him a lot of credit there, assuming he was ever “ready”, aren’t you?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I stand by the statement that we are copying the wrong Korea.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    We failed at testing because we lack the public health care infrastructure.

    An internal travel ban would cause an economic depression.
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    "joker said “ Ready, Shoot, Aim style of decision-making”

    You’re giving him a lot of credit there, assuming he was ever “ready”, aren’t you?"

    No, I wasn't, though I can see that possible interpretation
    The quote is used to describe a style of management decision-making that takes action before understanding the circumstances / problem. It's used as PR -- that is, to show we are doing something even if it isn't wise or effective [on-target!].

    Think of it as: armed person is suddenly startled by noise behind them, turns and fires blindly.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    If everyone. I mean everyone. Stayed home for 2 weeks. 2 weeks max. The virus would be gone from United States. Gone Gone.

    Most cold virus last 4-6 hours outside a living body. This one, COVID-19, lasts 1 week. Thus increasing the probability of afflicting another person 40 times more compared with regular cold virus. 40 times is 4000% more - its a lot.

    Other than the 1-week lifespan (vs hours), COVID-19 is like any other flu - an inconvenience for healthy people - but fatal for upto 20% of older people.

    Of course in reality not everyone in USA would hunker down for 2 weeks.
    To start - people have to go to work to make money. And other necessary things.
    But the starting statement does put a theoretical possibility on how quickly we can finish off this virus in the United States.

    CDC is predicting this -
    If life goes on as usual - COVID-19 will peak around Mid-April. Every other person will have it. It won't be scary at all. Some may not show symptons. Quietly, it will take lives of older people and folks with other conditions (heart, sugar).
    Just like any other flu. All told, this will go away by May/Jun not before taking lives of 4000 older people.

    Of course - by mid-april - governments at every level will impose the 2-4 week shutdown.

    Other scenario is - if the governments impose a shutdown now (like China did and S. Korea is doing). There may not be a mid-April situation - and virus will be gone by end of April.

    That's the spectrum.
    I hear young healthy being being Macho and stating they are doing everything like goin out - and not afraid of CoronaVirus. They don't get it. CoronaVirus will not - will not - affect healthy people - any more than a common cold. But it will prolong life of this virus - and increase chances of older people gettin it.
    So healthy people are really doing stupid shit - not at all macho.

    I am self imposing a 4 week hiatus from all non critical outings. Yes SC is one of 'em!

  • rattdog
    5 years ago
    since to me the talent pool has for the most part dried up at the clubs i might as well not partake for the next 3-4 weeks as well.
    it might get real alarming when the US gets better testing. i would be real surprised if the overall amount of cases did not hit at least a hundred thousand. i would like to be proven wrong.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Santa Clara County is pretty much under total lock down now.

  • JimGassagain
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Bacon!!
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