…This site and law practice. I’m noticing a greater presence of these individuals online.
On social media, there seems to be getting a campaign going with strippers starting to notice. With clickbait stuff of listing a club in a random area and claiming the club is getting sued currently. My guess is they just simply submit paperwork on these clubs, but these suits go nowhere and are currently just being shrugged out of court most of the time. Cause it’s a loooot of random clubs from all over being listed.
The most recent claim was the Yellow Rose in Austin, which is ridiculous because that club I’d consider highly respectful of independent contractors. No schedule, can walk in and out of your shifts as you please, house fees $10-$60. Tip out $10-$20 to DJ. $10 per manager standard.
I think this is a law office that noticed what happened in California and is trying to ride the wave of “strip club ambulance chasing” Which sucks, if this keeps going, then becoming employees will become the norm. 😡 Thank goodness I’m still travel dancing while I can.
There’s a simple “intake form” at the front of the website listed. I’m kinda considering spamming it full of bogus strip club info and creating a massive waste of time for them. Can anyone write a script to make trolling them even easier? 😝
last commentseen it in reality.
—‘The info on the site is correct.’ What is also correct is that it’s not legal for you customers to touch us or for us to be within 3 feet of you, let alone all the other stuff that *doesnt* happen in the club, but do you customers want that enforced? On the same token, if it is still correct, making me an employee gives the club most of my money while I make minimum wage for a job WE LARGELY DO because there is very good income potential.
It may be correct but regulation in the strip club benefits no one. It benefits NO ONE.
"let alone all the other stuff that *doesnt* happen in the club," Yeah, if by "other stuff" you mean "extra stuff" then true.
"It may be correct but regulation in the strip club benefits no one." I agree. I didn't say I liked what was stated on the web site, only that it was mostly true. But it goes along big government and employment laws that dictate almost every aspect of the employer/employee relationship.
Not to long ago the ADA was used as a bludgeon against small and medium size privately owned and family owned businesses. People would go into buildings that were used for various businesses and take note of things like lack of Handicap Rails in bathrooms, no matter that building was used for a construction company that specialized in high rise elevation work, the business was cited for lack grab rails and wheelchair ramps, yet no one with permission to enter had any need for any of those Items. That business spent almost $8000. to come into compliance, and paid a fine of $900 of which 50% of the fine was awarded to the creep that snuck into my warehouse and sent the letter to the county commission which sent an inspector to investigate why there was a lack of handicapped accessible bathrooms and ramps yet not one person using that facility needed those accommodations,
That's my opinion of those compliance lawsuits.
This is one of the negative-sides of regulations that was discussed in another thread where they can often do more harm than good.