Best Part of the State of the Union Address

avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
Nancy Pelosi tearing up her copy of the speech at the end, pulling back the curtain and showing the world the naked, seething hatred for Trump that underlies everything she does.


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avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Nancy showed true patriotism by dissing the disgusting orange moron.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Mitt Romney says he’s voting to convict it’s no longer partisan, Romney waited a long time to get even with Trump, but his vote to convict will sting that SOB the most just because it’s coming from a Republican with a conscience.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Mitt Romney voted like a petulant, spoiled child. Emarrassed to even mention how much time I spent working on his campiagns. Hopefully Joe manchin votes to acquit and proves there may still be one decent democrat left in America ...almost typed that without laughing. Great job in Iowa democrats., you assholes can't do a fucking thing right.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Actually @skibum it was Trump that was acting like the petulant spoiled child, did you really think that Romney was going to just kiss the ring after the way DJT treated him in the election aftermath, my respect for Mitt just tripled, unlike pussies like Cruz who’s dad and wife were dissed by Trump, or Graham who has his tongue permanently affixed to the presidential anus, or the rest of those chickenshit sycophants in the Trumpublican party, and before you guys start in with me can anyone say Trillion dollar deficit.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Trump has been repeatedly classless, demeaning, and disrespectful during the entirety of his first term. And he has very often done so with the motive of performing theatrics that rally his partisan base. And it works.

If I'm going to criticize the Democrats, it's going to be because it has taken them over 3 years to start using the same tactic against Trump.

This morning's news cycle would have been solely about Trump's SOTU. But instead it was split between SOTU and Pelosi's on-stage response.

And to grab half the oxygen in the room, all she had to do is rip paper in half.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Relax it’s not like she cheated a children’s cancer charity or anything.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ LOL so true
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Trump is a con artist. He is our Mussolini. People should hate him!

Schumer, post acquittal…

Newshour Today 2/5…


Pleaser 10"…
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "If I'm going to criticize the Democrats, it's going to be because it has taken them over 3 years to start using the same tactic against Trump."

You're kidding, right? They've been losing their minds since the moment he won the election. The whole RESIST thing kicked off before he was even sworn in and hasn't stopped. Then there have been the never-ending subpoenas and investigations. They have never come to terms with his victor. Maybe they finally will once he's re-elected.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
No one like Trump, and now one with that kind of a hate speech campaign has ever been elected. Removing him is the most important thing.

avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
@founder, I agree with rick. From my perspective, they've just doubled down on the stupid shit. And it will cost them the election again if their candidate doesn't try to quell it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Its the Republicans who are trafficking in stupidity.

avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
glad the camera caught it all........ the world witness a hateful psycho ......
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Anyone with any common sense will always hate Donald Trump.

I am very glad that she ripped that paper up.

avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
who in their right mind would vote for any demo after seeing that
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Its ok your respect for Rpomnbey tripled 25. I donated money to his campaigns and worked long hours for them Byu siding with the dirty rat democrats I wouldn't even waste my time spitting in his face now. I do hate Donald Trump, but nowhere near as much as I hate progressives and democrats, thats what morons like you SJG don't get. Trump is President because America hates YOU and YOURS. ISH so when an 8 year old strikes another child, a good parent tells them to do the same thing? Like the Democrats doing what they claim to hate about Trump? Ok gotcha. So the democrats are no different than Trump. Ok deal. My deal breaker is open borders, so I would choose Trump. No one cared when the Democrats ran up deficits so for democrats to pretend to care now woule embarrass any decent person.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Anyone who wants sane federal policies, instead of fraud and nonsense. Anyone who does not want to sink this country.

Trumps economics is a fraud, a spoils system. And his appeal is just based on hate speech, zeno phobia, and right wing identity issues.

Doug Henwood………

avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
A picture is worth a thousand words
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
zeno phobia? Fucking retard.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
More and more people are now living below the poverty line, than when Trump took office.

His low unemployment numbers are not representative of the real situation.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Trump’s SOTU was (as usual) riddled with exaggerations and lies. The lying should bother you a lot more than the page-ripping (and the OP’s thread is dripping with kind of over-emotional angst that he’s accusing Pelosi of).

Most galling lie during the SOTU was Trump’s assertion that he’s committed to protecting those with pre-existing conditions. That’s a bald-faced lie. Let me say that again: it’s a bald-faced lie. We came within one vote of repealing the ACA in 2017 and it survives only because of John McCain. The repeal failed in congress, and it’s being challenged in the courts with a lawsuit that just about everyone thinks is nonsense. Before the ACA there were 50M who couldn’t buy insurance and another 70M who would pay much more.

White men with less than a high-school education voted for the GOP by an added 24% after the Obama years. These are the people who will be hurt the most by the ACA repeal and the end of Medicaid expansion.

Side note, I can think of a few Republicans and ex-republicans I admire: McCain, Romney, Steve Schmidt, Ben Bernanke. Props to Romney for his courage.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^ very good!

Trump's plans push us further to becoming a nation of the very rich and the very poor, and hurting most some of the white conservatives who most supported him.

avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
Nancy Pelosi should be impeached
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
and the other demo crooks
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
The Democratic Party is our people's party. The Republican's want to make this a two tier society. And under Trump they are fascists.

avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
she is finished,
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
It getting ripped up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
impeach Pelosi for abuse of power, lying, and wasting tax dollars for her personnel political agenda
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
lol a Torn Loser
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
In China they also call the communist party the people's party and they're government is the goal of all Democrats.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ The few times the deficit was brought under control was under democratic presidents @skibum, stop with the misinformation and get the facts correct, last balanced budget was Clinton
Trump has exploded the deficit beyond any previous president, I know you have no kids so you don’t care but it’s insane to expect our children to pay for this, this country is seriously on its way to debtor nation status and anyone who doesn’t think that’s a bad place to be is crazy.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Stop with the silly bullshit 25. Clinto fucked up the economy and ran a huge defecit until Newt Gingrich and the Repuiblicans took over monetary policy and fixed it. Clinton like trump, obama and every other asshole in the white house had no effect on the economy. You are right I don't giver a fuck about this open border country. The future is a bunmch of useless foreign fucks and city folks running this former great land and my plan is to leave them nothing. If people have kids and act the way they do on both sides nowadfays then they can reap what they sow. 50 mill;ion foreign fucks since 1990 ruined this land and the country that fails will be some loser foreign place, not My United States.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
There’s no silliness in what I’m saying you go ahead and repeat nonsense it’s untrue and useless to go over again and again I really don’t care if y’all don’t get the facts straight my family will be fine and no matter whether or not Trump is re-elected my lifestyle will not change, I’m doing better than fine and have been for many years through both Democrat and Republican administrations
You know that’s true and I don’t bullshit or bluff
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yeah my life is always tough. A week skiing at Aspen and Jackson Hole always remioneds me about how poor I am. The simple fact is that Presidents don't control the economy, although they get blame?credit and that the best fiunancial years we've ever had were under Democratic party presidents who were controlled by Republican Congress'. Clintons first two years with Democrats in charge of Congress were a fucking disgrace, just like Obama's first 2 years with democrtatic controlled congress. Things changed once republicans got the purse strings. With Democrats controlling the purse strings now, we get nbigger and bigger defecits. You can say anything you want but these are the facts, like it or not.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
If your life is so great why all the anger let it go and enjoy
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Bill Clinton did the best of anyone to get us towards zero new deficit. He added the extra 2% tax on large incomes, and he reduced gov't admin spending and made some military base closures. These changes calmed the investment community, let them look longer term.

G. W. Bush would not continue the extra 2%. Obama said that the last one to raise taxes during a recession was Herbert Hoover. But Hilary Clinton planed to restore it, and it would have worked wonders again.

Trump is not exactly a new phenomenon:…

But Democrats are now really standing up to him, starting with Nancy Pelosi.

I think his chances of getting re-elected have been reduced substantially. And if he should get re-elected, I believe we will immediately go to Impeachment 2.0. This Trump does not seem to know how to tie his shoes without committing impeachable offenses.

I don't think this country could hold together through another Trump Term.

I said when he was first elected that it would likely result in destruction of our territorial integrity. This might start with the 4 states on the Mexican border.

Everyday we seem to be moving closer to civil war.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responds to Trump:…


Thom Hartmann Today…

Why You Should Be A Socialist…

Electric Blues…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
35 minutes ago: Biden And Sanders Campaigns Go Virtual Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak…

Trump Says ‘I Don't Take Responsibility’ For Coronavirus Failures…

No Quick Solution To Treat Coronavirus Despite Hopeful Leads | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC (15 hours ago)…

People are more concerned about the effect that the virus has on the stock market, than on the effect it could have on their health.

This country is seriously fucked, but these are swing voters.

Moderator: Here's what swing voters are saying about Trump…

How Can You Treat Symptoms Of Coronavirus And When Should You Be Tested? | MSNBC…

NYC Mayor: We’ve Been Begging Fed. Gov. For Coronavirus Help…

Trump: I took coronavirus test but don't have results yet
he wears the baseball cap, I think that is a copy of Rudy Giuliani during the 911 attack…

Santa Clara County CA, 91 cases, 2 deaths…

Are We In A Recession Right Now? | MSNBC…

1 hour ago: Trump Says He Could Demote Fed Chair Powell, Risking More Market Turmoil…

1 hour ago news: On a Saturday Night in Florida, a Presidential Party Became a Coronavirus Hot Zone…

Trump is totally fixated on the stock market, he is showing his absolute ignorance.

David Cay Johnston, really good!

Will Coronavirus Outbreak Impact 2020 Elections? | AM Joy | MSNBC…


Eric Clapton Layla 2008…

crosby stills nash young almost cut my hair CSNY 1974…

TJ Street

Pleaser 10"……
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