
Phoenix clubs

layin low but staying high
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 8:15 AM
I used to visit Phoenix strip clubs on a regular basis but that was several years ago and I haven’t been back since the raids on Hi-Liter. So I have a few questions for anyone who is knowledgable. First, is there any remaining reason to go back to Hi-Liter? The reviews are mixed, but clearly the place is a mere shadow of its former self. “Follies of the Southwest” is no more. Several things about the new Hi Liter sound particularly unappealing. The new VIP sounds awful. And several reviews said that the bouncers were aggressive in limiting contact with the dancers. I don’t put up with that in most clubs. And there is the fact that apparently Hi Liter scans ids of everyone entering. I have no desire to ever have my id scanned, particularly in a place that LE is watching closely. So unless I hear something positive that I didn’t know, I doubt that I’ll go back. Second, if Hi Liter is no more, where does a PL go in Phoenix for high mileage dances with cute white women? I’m not talking about extras; just two way contact lap dances. B. Street is probably the obvious choice but every time I’ve been there the place is mostly just girls with fake tits. And John doesn’t do fake tits. Is this place still mostly girls with bolt-ons? It’s hard to tell from the reviews since most guys focus on important stuff like how much the drinks cost or what the parking is like rather than the composition of the girls’ tits. Third, if Hi Liter and BSC are not options, where else does a horny guy go in Phoenix for white women? Over the years I’ve been to Cheetahs, Le Girls, and Alaskan Bush and wasn’t particularly impressed with any of them. But those visits were a long time ago. I’ve had good times at Christies in Tempe even though I know the mileage is limited, but some recent reviews suggested that there are few to no white women there anymore. Blue Moon has a lot of reviews but the recent reviews of that place are much worse than Hi Liter. More LE bullshit apparently. Bandaids sounds decent from the reviews but it also sounds like white girls are pretty scare there. So as usual in many cities these days, I’m left asking where da white women at?


  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Would also be interested in this. Was just talking to a fellow TUSCLer the other day about being glad I had a flight rerouted through Phoenix so I could check out the clubs before they were completely ruined. It was basically a blow by through five clubs, but I got about two hours at Hi-Liter and it was worth the stop.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Youre assestment is spot on. Three years ago i was going to the SCs (HL or BSC) at least twice a week. BSC is probably your only good option. BSC is a mixed bag, its has lots of transplants from LV and CAL that are looking to get "clean." BSC is like a rehab center for the girls that are done parting. In BSC the bouncers might not be in your face but they have their ways for putting a stop to your fun. For example, if youre in VIP the first warning is turning on the red light in your VIP stall, if the fun continues they tell the girl shes next on stage. after her stage they take her to the back and have a talk with her. Also, the owner of BSC is always there, he probably feels his pockets are getting a little lighter and feels his workers are stealing. Hes a buzz kill, should probably try to blend in, serve some drinks instread of standing by the entry. what i started doing is taking day and evening trips to LV, COI and Fort Lauderdale using Frontier or Southwest.
  • JohnSmith69
    4 years ago
    Who is the king.? LDK?
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    Lots of fake tits at Bourbon, but they have their share of all natural girls too. Most of the girls there are white too for whatever that matters.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    In this order geographically try BSC, Sugar 44, Candy Store(sometimes it works), then Christie’s in tempe. Hiliter VIP sucks but you can find a looker for $300-500 take out since no ITC fun is available. If you’re adventurous with ethnic girls, Band AIDS you can find a diamond in the ruff but it is more of a cultural experience. Not sure I would try any other places for fun in PHX area but please tell us how you do.
  • azdd
    4 years ago
    I agree with RH, Bourbon has a nice mix of natural and enhanced girls, with the added bonus that they are almost universally gorgeous. If you go to Bourbon, and want natural, find Beverly and don’t look back!
  • JohnSmith69
    4 years ago
    Thanks for the input. I’ve never heard of Candy Store but I’ll check it out. Sure is sad to see HL go.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    HL is still the go to club in Phoenix. Happiness is still available even with the fish bowl. Candy Store is too hit or miss to recommend to a travelor. Christie's Tempe would be my second pic. I've never understood the popularity of BSC.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^ well some guys set up otc with the hottest strippers in the valley. I guess that’s the allure of BSC.
  • mjx01
    4 years ago
    @Meat... is the all caps AIDS intentional? LoL.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^ nope, unintentional and not even a Freudian slip. I catch your drift though. It can be somewhat overwhelming if you’re a white guy.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^ True, which is why I tend to avoid the clubs until baseballs spring training is over. May-October is the season for PHX PLs. The rest of the year is for suckers, IMO.
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