@heaving. 😂 yep. The memories will come back each month for as long as you wish, provided you don’t suppress the memory with antiviral / antimicrobial therapy.
Amazed that no one mentions the #1 reason to wear a condom: Get her pregnant and you are on the hook for child support and collge for 23 years in my state. Of course you also get to deal with her for the rest of your life as well.
condom reduces the std risk.
abstaining definitely reduces the std risk. but what fun is that?
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I'm a board member of several international corporations, and I don't appreciate your tone!
I've been caught in a few legal issues lately, which are entirely fictitious charges. I recommend you cease and desist your slanderous posts!
I bet VH_SucksDicks goes to vip to get pegged by strippers, and brings his own strap onfor them !