At the gym

avatar for Musterd21

Anyone ever hook up with someone from your gym? I just had a very interesting conversation with a young gal. She was not really my type. She was very flat chested. Oh wait a minute they are all my type.


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Yes, twice.

Some gyms are meat markets and gossip factories. They have the most potential, I think.

But, overall, they're not great. Most women go there expressly to work out and that's it. And most women are very "on guard" at the gym. It's a lot easier to creep them out than hook up.

It's not something I really try to do, honestly.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Nope. Although, I have had several stalker women go after me when I owned and taught at my martial arts school.

avatar for Tetradon
5 yrs ago

Hard pass on macking at the gym. It's my alone time with a pile of iron and good tunes. No matter how hot she is, my mind is elsewhere.

I start conversations with winning lines like "You done with this bench?" or "Mind if I work in with you on this machine?"

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