
One of the perks of being a regular - insider info

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Clancy's in NJ:

Bloomfield, New Jersey


You're never too old to be surprised.
December 3, 2019

So I am hanging out on a Wed. night at Clancy's, just watching the 5-7pm shift change with great amusement. The girls that are bored are out the door with their rides / friends as soon as the clock strikes 6:15 ish, while the more popular dancers, and those just having a better day, duck into the back just before 6:30 to don civilian attire, and filter out by 7. I usually grab a smoke at this time - it amuses me to see these ladies that moments before were nearly naked in my lap, all blue jeans and sweaters and so normal looking heading home.

This night did reveal a surprise of a different sort, as I overheard some acquaintances talking about a private party the next day. I had heard rumors of these legendary gatherings before, so when Ann slid through the door to the bat cave / liquor store, I asked her about it, and she let me know that tickets were available for $60. Steep, I thought, but this was a rare event. I got set up, had to go through a mild interview to assure her of my positive ( in monger terms ) reputation, named dancers I was friends with, etc. and then returned about 12:30 the next day.

It was indeed a lock down, and entrance was granted by that mysterious white door in the back, which was attended by a few stalwart door watchers.

Inside were about 2x the number of dancers as a regular shift, and they were having fun, as were the patrons. Very few faces I knew from the day shift - almost none of the Sr. crowd from Bar's End. Rather, this was a players who's who list of late night regulars, including CiBelli ( sp? ) the bartender/event coordinator who I met and who was a riot. The girls circulated much more than I've seen in the past, none of them hid out in the back on their phones. Lots of free-for-all bar side hugs and lots , or rather LOTS of shots.

Regular traffic back to the lap dance area, and I partook in a few, and then noticed a couple take a hard left turn, past the staircase to the dancers' lair, and into the back. Whaaa? OK, game on, and I now had to find out about this. So a few more shots later I asked a dancer if there was a back room / VIP option, and she told me only for this party. So Natashia ( tall Dominican dancer ) and I headed back. By comparison to the standard LD room, it was indeed VIP...

I am writing this review to let our fraternity know of the existence of these parties, but do not want to fully violate the rules of Fight Club, so to speak, so backchannel me if : You know all about this and I've already gone to far : please let me know or if you want to know more. I met Bob, the owner a bit later on and he said they throw these about once a year in the fall - so you Clancy regulars keep an eye out. Last week I asked Yafa about it, why she wasn't there, and she said only the "bitches" do those parties. Caste system exists among the dancers apparently, more than just the day / night scorn.

Thursday Afternoon


Review Adjudicators

Review Comments
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
2 Hours Ago
Wow - solid info but seems something they might try to keep on the down lo - I can see some idiots on here not knowing how to be discrete about this and blabbing about this in a non-discrete way in the club to every dancer they interact with



  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    AFAIK this is a non-extras club so I guess being-in-the-know w.r.t. a under-the-radar special event pays dividends at this club
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Everyone talks about fight club.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    The place itself in a residential area. So it’s like 🏑 🏑 DIVEBARSTRIPCLUB 🏑 🏑 I would never have found the place without Google maps or TUSCL. This sounds cool as fuck though I will definitely try to make it next year.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I was once invited to a birthday party at a stripper's new home. At first I was excited about meeting up with a bunch of strippers OTC but then she decided that she didn't want to have a bunch of drunks ruining her new carpets, etc. So she decided to have the party at a regular bar. I don't drink so that turned me off. BTW the birthday party was for her dog.
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