New book coming out called "Dieing with Zero"

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
The Author is a high stakes amateur poker player that made all his cash in investments

He reflects on his life and how he sees money

Money is the time we have traded

I've seen a few interviews or podcast with him pitching this book... Dude i got a feeling its going to change lots of ppl lifes including mine

I can not wait until its out in a few months. I've already pre ordered it at $27

You guys should look this dude up and buy this book

Feel free to share below books and ppl that have changed your life

I'd love to have more books to digest


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avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The topic was already covered by Henry David Thoreau in Walden.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
^^^ He's not wrong.
avatar for crazyjoe
5 years ago
I recently read the book "Unfuck Yourself"

avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Is that a book i should read joe ?

Omg guys really ? I'll look that shit up then
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Just got Walden on my audible

Thanks a shit load guys I'm already enjoy this read

Side note i can't believe this is one of the books that chris was reading from the move into the wild that was based on a true story

So excited
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Another book is a Simple Path to Wealth by Jim Collins. It’s the best book on money management I’ve ever read but it also has a philosophy of being smart about the balance between making money and living life.

He has a popular blog that contains most of the info in his book
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Fucking sweet dude... Thank you
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
The title indicates the author advocates spending every last dime you have before death. If so, he’s an imbecile.
Yes, you can’t “take it with you,” but on my death bed I’ll be comforted knowing I left a nice inheritance for my kids after a lifetime of hard work.
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Thats if your medical expenses dont take all of it and if not then hopeful taxes want take the rest

I mean to leave something decent for your kids you need a lot to hold through

But yes its the concept that we trade our time for money so left over cash is time we wasted if not enjoyed
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That’s only true if you know the exact time and date of your death, otherwise it’s just arrogance, not time wasted
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
It’s not so much that we trade our time for money as we trade our time for meaningless crap we buy. The lesson is to lead a simpler life so we can have more time to enjoy life.
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Well said guys.. Like those points
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I know you read the Bible, and that is a book that has changed more lives than any other book.

There is a New Testament parable of the rich fool (Luke) that reminds me of that type of mentality. It was more pertinent regarding hoarding crops.

To switch gears, I've heard The System by R. Dugan is excellent.

Penthouse forum is life changing for me. Hustler's Beaver Hunt has been a source of inspiration too.
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