
Dancer Directory.

Somewhere in MO.
Saturday, October 5, 2019 11:35 PM
Well, there are some dancers listed from MISSOURI in the directory, but I’m certain they are not very good at their business. I PM’d them to see where they dance so that I can visit and spend money on them BECAUSE they are TUSCL associated. Hell, I’ll buy a steak dinner, drinks and pay $200 to the gal just to sit and have conversation with me (without seeing them dance). Dancers should use this site to their advantage. I’m curios as to why they don’t. No responses to PMs from the overwhelming majority. I have only had responses from maybe 3 dancers. One of which, not from my state of MO, I eventually met for a fun time (not even a sexual fun, just plain fun that was very enjoyable). Just seems weird not to use a site like this for business opportunity.


  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Hmm...I think there’s a perception that anybody who uses this site are the absolute bottom of the barrel customers. After meeting a little over 20 men IRL at this point, I’d disagree. Sure nobody has been a true whale, but it’s been a positive enough interactions. And imo worth it during slow periods in a shift. Which is especially not bad, considering I mostly just use this site as an entertaining alternative to reality TV. I’d imagine somebody who presents herself more professionally and less frequently than I, could utilize this place even better. But who knows, there was a point in time which founder made a discussion asking whether he should even shut the discussion board down due to lack of activity...and people came. So it may just simply take time.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @nicespice I am certainly grateful that you use PMs here for meeting up. I have had another out of town stripper reach out to me through TUSCL too, but that is all. I've had zero interactions with local strippers here. I don't mind though.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Many strippers don't return messages when they know you, let alone someone from a strip club site. I don't think it's much of a surprise.
  • K
    5 years ago
    I gave up on the dancer directory. If I get a reply it is at best the name of the club. Never the information asked, like when they will be working. Nicespice, if you ever make it out to NJ, let us know. I am sure Cashman, Njballa and a few others will help me welcome you to the Garden State.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't waste my time. I believe that almost all dancers that register do so just so that they can read the club reviews. That is true with a lot of customers as well. I have sent messages to customers that I didn't know and never got a reply. Besides I can meet all of the dancers that I want at the clubs that I go to.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Not to mention the fact that messaging women that you don't know, is kinda stalkerish and extremely creepy.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I agree with the op. I have noticed more dancers in my area on there and most have no contributions other than maybe a photo or two. Some may have set up an account and got distracted doing something else and forgot about it, or lost their password etc. Some may think they can put up a profile and it will automatically get them business. I have noticed some dancers get on here and only post stuff that says look at me! I am dancing in this town or view my pics you have to pay for without contributing anything meaningful to this site. Dancers like Nicespice have made very valuable contributions imo to this site and given good value in dancer perspective and this will always be reciprocated. Some miss the point that you need to add value to others.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I have had zero luck getting replies from the dancer directory from dancers who do not post at all in the discussion boards or donor reply to reviews. I have had better luck PMing a dancer who has made a post and telling her I am glad she is participating. A good share of them at least reply to one or two PM’s. There are very few however that sustain a PM correspondence over a few iterations. I do cherish the few that do hang in there it makes my life richer. Only once have I met a dancer IRL that I first met here. That was nice for both of us. She made money and I had fun.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I think it's a missed opportunity for strippers to not actively use the directory. If they would post pics, even just anonymous body shots, and where they worked in their profiles I would definitely check them out and go visit clubs I might not normally visit. Portland used to have a local site, [view link] that closed itself down due to FOSTA and it was great for generating business. I used to go and see pics of strippers and their schedules and I would visit based on it. TUSCL's Dancer Directory could certainly be used in a similar way.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Good chance they rarely check the site and may not even know they have a message - if the messages still show up as unread then likely they don't even know the message is there. And I agree - I would think most dancers would find it creepy to be getting messages from a dude from a strip club website.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    A few things, n11: 1) Most of the "dancers" don't have any pics up. I personally wouldn't even bother with them. For all we know, they could be a dude posing as a dancer. 2) Tuscl isn't ter or eros. Don't expect every dancer to commit to OTC date with a total stranger sight unseen. Why don't you post how you worded PM's so we can make a more meaningful evaluation whether you came across as stalkerish or creepy. 3) The assumption that most dancers are savvy business women is a stretch. Many dancers probably joined tuscl as a lark. N-spice, where did you get the idea that Tuscl members are perceived as being " the absolute bottom of the barrel customers ?" I could maybe see them being not the most desireable customer because as a group Tuscl members are better informed and know what they want, versus an ignorant customer that can be more easily fleeced. But absolute bottom of the barrel ? IMO, such a customer would be a cheap ass who doesn't tip, nurses his drink, and expects a bunch of freebies. Quite a difference from someone who partakes and spends money, but in return expects good value for their $$ spent, and wants to come in club well informed. Which is why myself and many others joined tuscl.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I would assume TUSCLers are seen as bottom of the barrel by dancers bc on avg they expect bareback BJs and FS a lot more than the avg custy - I assume TUSCLers are seen as hardcore compared to the avg custy and especially compared to the infrequent/inexperienced custy. I know not all TUSCLers are into extras but they are a higher % compared to the avg custy population.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I think extras are much more common than most realize, otherwise it would be easy for the dancers to push back and not do them, that being said I think the average TUSCLer is a better than average customer my bet is that as a group we spend more overall than the average, and visit clubs more frequently so it requires us to get a reasonable value for our cost.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @ minnow. My question to dancers in dancer directory. “ where do you dance?” I will admit that one of them did respond with , “call me 618-xxx-xxxx” To which, I responded, “what shall I call you?” That’s pretty much it. Maybe that is stalkish, but it’s definitely not meant to be. They are tagged as being in my area of the country and I just thought I would give them my business. I don’t do OTC, so that doesn’t come up.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    I think some of y'all are missing what nicespice was saying - nobody has been a true whale as in big spender. At least that's how I interpret it. People in threads often talk about trying to get FS extras for under $200 so they can then go on with their day....this is exactly the opposite of what the vast majority of dancers want to deal with. Unless the girl is blatantly saying to contact her in her profile and she is trying to bring in more business...probably best to not cold call/DM a girl. Weirdos.
  • K
    5 years ago
    nicespice What do you consider a true whale?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Oh another possibility I didn’t mention. Dancers have a way of exaggerating how much we make and how little we do for that money. If there’s any amount of feeling as if we shouldn’t be doing that, then I think the defense mechanisms are higher. There’s the obvious example of the locker room talk. Making a certain amount per shift all the time and not exceeding club standards. But also, I had the epiphany a couple of months ago that (for example) stripperweb participants are over represented in known higher mileage/extras areas. There isn’t too much overrepresentation of (for example) Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, San Diego, etc of dancers on there. I assume that by participating on Stripperweb or anywhere else online, that we should be a savier group of strippers than in general. Heck, even heavy grinding seems to be frowned upon by some. But it’s okay cause we all have the gift of gab. But if so...why not move to lower mileage pastures and make your job easier? Out of every dancer group I participate in, stripperweb the most harsh in opinions towards that kind of things. There’s quite a few contributors who I think are insightful and honest on there. But I there is also a lot of blatant something-to-prove motivations going on. ...If one were to start advertising and meeting up with customers online, and if you don’t 100% behave like you claim you do, then one may have to face reality a bit more harshly.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @k That is a good question on what I consider a whale. I guess for now I’d say being a whale starts at the $200 mark?? Or perhaps even as low as $20 if it’s some rando who walks up to me on stage and tips that amount unprompted...SO I factor in time spent with customer and mileage when considering what a whale is. And not really with a well-thought-out objective kind of scale either. Maybe one day, I’ll get bored and create some kind of chart on this. So it’s an odd judgement call of whales. Also when I say nobody on here has been a whale, that’s not meant to be a pejorative. I’ve been pretty liberal with how much time I’ll give out before getting dances with pretty much everyone on here. Which is fine by me and I don’t expect anybody to drop $400 and up from this site for conversation and a few dances over the course of an hour or two. (I will gladly accept that, however 😁)
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @nicespice I can attest to your generosity with your time. And I thank you so much for it. 🥰😍 I know I'm far from being a whale but I do get dances and tip and I also try to be cognizant of other customers wanting time with my stripper. Just like you'll gladly accept as much money offered, I'll gladly accept as much time a stripper wants to spend with me. Outside of drinks and some tips, I offer a helluva massage. 🤗
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Ultimately what I'm getting at beyond myself is that the typical TUSCL customer is going to be a fair spender if not a whale. From so many threads about how much is spent, I don't read many cheapskate posts. And while true there are a high percentage of extras/FS seekers here, that comes with customers that "know the game" and so aren't complete cheapskates. As such, it stands to reason that a stripper *could* make a decent amount of business by investing in her profile and even corresponding with PLs here that she trusts well enough.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I guess I assume if a dancer posts comments and/or pics that she might be open to some communication. If a dancer is on here but does nothing beyond creating a profile, i assume she most likely is just here to read content. As far as meeting, I’m sure that varies.
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    I'm definitely not a whale, but I will say TUSCL has made me aware of much more and how to spend wisely. I'm definitely willing to drop $200+ on the right person. My question is, if a dancer is not open to OTC, would she be welcome here?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I welcome all dancers here and don't care about extras or OTC myself. I'd even welcome the air dance only strippers but I'd likely never go visit them.
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    Yeah, maybe I should reword that to say dancers who don't do extras. Although I have done OTC with dancers, there are still those I see ITC only with no extras.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    There’s been dancers and other females in general on this site who have blatantly talked about being down for all that. Sure it gets attention, but I think just simply being a consistent enough poster (even if just occasionally) and giving the impression you would enjoy somebody else’s company is good enough. For at least one visit.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    And not ignoring PMs. Haha. One thing I have noticed is the individuals I have regularly PM’ed with the most, are also proactive about messaging with other dancers as well. From what I’ve gathered, the best response rates come from me and blahblah. And the main form of penetration either of us have advertised on this site is of the 🔪🔪🔪 kind 😈
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Just like there are PLs here that club for various reasons and seek varying experiences, I think there should be the same thing for the strippers that have varying limits as to what they will do. I would hope that a stripper could be a little more honest about herself and what she does and doesn't do here than at stripperweb. At least she would get PL support if not from fellow strippers. Plus the variety of strippers brings good perspectives.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Wow. The whale answer surprised me. By Nicespice’s definition, I am definitely a whale. I thought it would be more like a $2000 night to be considered such. I easily drop $300 over a 3 hour period if I really like the dancer; that generally include $200 for dances or chatting plus $100 in drinks and/or club food. The times I stay for 5 to 6 hrs, it’s a $750 night.
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    As a latecomer to the tuscl party, I have to say that I'm absolutely thrilled to find somewhere other than social media to post pictures, and better yet, my schedule! I work at two clubs and have told managers at both and one of the owners about the marketing opportunities available at no cost and with minimal effort. At my WV club, there's even talk of offering incentives (time added to that dance that never seems quite long enough...😏) to gentlemen who use the site. That being said, in the short time I've been here, I've already experienced a variety of different communications. I've responded to each out of professionalism and politeness, but there have definitely been one or two that were downright creepy... so, maybe I shouldn't have. And, obviously, there will be girls who are flaky, or just don't maintain their listing for whatever reason. But, I think the best thing we can all do is to keep looking out for those diamonds in the rough!! 🌞
  • joeblow44
    5 years ago
    @Nidan111. That answer surprised me as well. I'm still not a whale by Nicespice standards : ) I always thought of a whale as someone who drops at least 4 figures in a club for the night.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I just wanna be a yummy salmon sushi snack for nicespice. 🍣
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I don't think most strippers care about if you are a "whale" or not, which is different depending on situation/location/club/particular girl/ and her mood that moment, LOL. Strippers care about if you are spending/easy to deal with/ not asking for too much for the amount of money and the time commitment etc.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    In my case I love easy money. I enjoy lap hopping all night if it is busy. It is just that the club I've been working at lately- occasionally random lap hopping finds me a whale here and there. But I am also not exactly hunting for the bigger spenders either. I'm satisfied with the amounts I make with my rapid drive by approach when it is busy, and frankly don't like most customers enough to try and make a conversational/emotional/mental connection and so on so forth. I've just been lucky to be in a good enough location that a turn and burn dance or a few and a bit of conversation during that time sometimes gets dudes to shell out more and buy a room with me. Some girls in clubs with 15/30/60 min rooms or whatever do strictly hunt whales. But I also get the sense when it is one of the ugliest girls constantly selling higher dollar shit that it can't just be her hustle. A lot of guys are visual. When a guy is trying to buy something from a girl and then he sees something he likes even more walking around often that ruins this girl's sale. It happens all the time. So I am always weirded out if it is one of the oldest/ugliest/fattest girls constantly getting the biggest spenders and most money. sorry not sorry. something odd has to be going on especialy in clubs without running cameras in VIP rooms.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Also the more rooms ya sell the more everyone has their hand out for your money. Whereas when it is busy you can totally hit 4 figures selling a bunch of dances if you are in the right time/right place/it's busy etc etc. And nobody can keep track how much you make on the floor really hah so nobody has their hand out for your money... also lower mileage on the floor. so i love low-moderate spenders. so long as it is an easy sale :) once whales are in the house everyone has their hand out. it is fucking annoying and shitty. i can go on and on but maybe derailing this thread too much :)
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LOL the cost of a whale is having to put up with his company for so long. @blah along that same thought but from a customer point of view, I'm not looking for any "free" time off a stripper. All I ever really want for eventually getting 2-4 dances is 10-30 min of some table teasing time beforehand. And for that I will buy my stripper any drinks that she wants and I will give her the best massage she'll ever have. I don't think it's too much to expect for the cost. It's been agreeable with all my faves and it's worked out with random strippers that I've met both in Portland and on the road. Often strippers have to invest that same time in selling dances and without a guarantee, so when I offer a guaranteed sale of dances, drinks, and the best massage ever, I think it's worth it for all but the busiest strippers.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    @sir most girls won't object to that unless it is just super busy!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    If they're smart about it, it could be a good boon to business no doubt. Just look at all the guys asking when Nicespice comes to their city. I might've met her otherwise, I am a fan of her home clubs but posting on the discussion board and being such a cool chick definitely helped big time. Just another platform for people to get to know you and an opportunity to stand out. I would totally love for more dancers to post here.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Blah said it well about whales. And the key thing *isn’t* just total dollars spent, but the other things mentioned. Also @ EndlessSummer, welcome and please stick around. 😊I’ve interacted with over 20 TUSCLers at this point. Most of them have been from the discussion board, which helps I think in gauging personalities. The good thing about the discussion board and also PMing IMO is the ability to filter. I’ve had overwhelmingly positive experiences with the TUSCLers I’ve met, even the ones accustomed to being extras hounds. (But we find a positive happy medium when interacting) I suspect that part of the positive interactions come from the fact that most of them reach out to me. And the ones who read the weird stuff I post on here and get turned off by that, I have no doubt just simply quietly not message me and it’s all good. Feel free to send me a PM if you have questions about anybody I might have possibly also met.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I’d say when hanging out on this board, just be yourself and be genuine in your opinions. It’s even okay to joke about 🔪🔪🔪 customers. Like I alluded to before, this isn’t the site to use when trolling for whales. So I think it’s best to take on an attitude of “I am what I am” and not care what they think. I think it’s best to find the individuals who like you as a person, and you can get along with well. Interacting with TUSCLers ITC should be like interacting with an easygoing regular. Or at least what I imagine they would be like lmao.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    warning long rant ahead Seriously every club I ever worked at when there is someone with a good amount to blow and everyone knows all of a sudden every dancer bitch is attacking him like flies on shit. Then all the waitresses/bartenders are doing the same, managers are doing the same, bouncers, you name it. Every fucking one is trying to get a slice of the pie when they know someone is a high roller and has huge spending potential. I understand the name of the game is to hustle, but Idk. There was 1 night I had someone like that as my customer, exclusively. Basically every fucking stripper bitch was either trying to steal him from me or get added on. The waitresses/bartenders also wanted in on it. I didn't mind as much the ones trying to get added on- but see hear is the thing. This picky bastard wanted me, and all these other dumb bitches were hustling him so desperate and hard they were seroiusly starting to piss him off. I was scared he would walk out of the building and stop spending on me. Lucky for me this didn't happen. But what a fucking nightmare. And then some bouncer "helped" me. Which no he really didn't. I can get guys to take out money out of the ATM just fine, but I couldn't do it at this club as it is near a fucking door- which legally I couldn't be there in stripper garb/shoes... So the bouncer "helped" my customer who wasn't even drunk or fucked up honestly and isn't stupid either. Anyways he gets my guy to take out $600 and demands a $120 tip for himself then I got a $480 tip on top of my rooms. yay. Then said bouncer wants me to tip him extra. The idea was that my customer would leave immediately and not inform me that he took out $600 and was coerced into giving the thuggish bouncer $120. Well my customer told me that. So I was like "didn't my customer already give you $120 out of $600?" Said bouncer rolls his eyes at me turns his back to me and says "WOOOW".. like he is mad. ok whatever. All the bartender/waitress bitches were trying to convince me my customer didn't tip the bouncer at all and he is full of it. LOL ya ok. So basically they are all in on the scam. Then they want me to tip this this and that person who didn't help me nor try. Like fuck off outta here. So stressful dealing with whales especially on a dry night where it seems I'm the only one or one of very few making good money. So everyone is being fucking desperate. Like fuck off. You win some you lose some. The extreme desperation/greed of everyone who isn't doing shit for the whale/trying to latch on is seriously disgusting. And it is stressful to deal with. sorry rant over. I can make good money off the radar and not deal with this shit...!
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    see here* not hear
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    blahblah, what tipped them all off?
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    I see that all the time at night in terms of whales. One guy or table with six girls constantly rotating in and out with managers hanging out and proper etiquette not being followed. Usually if a girl is with a guy, most other girls won't approach, but in the whale situation it happens like crazy. This kind of thing happens when I get a bottle at night. If I'm sitting there with a CF and get a bottle for her to share with her friends, suddenly random dancers and waitresses come out if the woodwork trying to hustle drinks and dances from me.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    He already spent some time in the room with me is what initially tipped them off and he generally looks like he has money/talks like a business owner (is one too). Then he started bragging about how much is in his bank account and log in on his phone and show it off LOL. Which tips more hos off. I just don't get hos that don't know when they aren't needed or wanted that's all. I have zero issues walking off when I can tell someone I am talking to has zero interest in me. Yeah he spent somewhere in the range of 2000-3000 that night. It was a home game night so it was supposed to be good all around, but that apparently wasn't the case for a lot of girls.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @blah according to what you just posted he started the drama, maybe he was drunk but even so he sounds more like a shithead than a business person.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    He led 1 of the waitresses on like he was gonna pull her into the room and spend a lot- which was a jerk move. All these other dancers/waitresses/bartenders flocking to him he had no interest in and was very rude to them. It is more like they come up to him randomly for no reason, and he like a normal human will respond when spoken to. Idk some of them took a while to take the hint of him being rude to them= no interest. Most people at this club are not so rude, and he wasn't rude to me anyway. So the rudeness isn't a norm- some of these bitches try too hard. Idk fucker had a lot of money, and definitely owns a good $$$$$$$ biz that takes a lot of capital to be in.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ normal business person wouldn’t show bank balances to a random person that he or she met in a bar, flirting is fun, but obnoxious behavior that starts fights is boring and completely pointless Just my opinion but I wouldn’t have anything to do with a moron that acts that way.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I agree with 25 on the “normal business person “ showing bank balances. He is acting more like someone who just won a lottery or just received inheritance money.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I show them the balance ofnhowmfull the shit tank is so they know exactly what kind of load on will be dumping
  • K
    5 years ago
    $200 seems low to be a whale. A half hour is $180 at my local club. I tip well if I enjoyed the dance. Add in tips for the stage show and just hanging out at the bar. This is a no extras club. I imagine you woudl find several guys willing to drop at least that much on you
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "I think it’s best to find the individuals who like you as a person, and you can get along with well. Interacting with TUSCLers ITC should be like interacting with an easygoing regular. Or at least what I imagine they would be like lmao." ^ @nicespice the same thing applies from a PL perspective. I should hope a stripper interacting with me here is as genuine in real life as she is in correspondence. And so far that has been the case with you and from all signs also it's the case with the other stripper that I have interacted with on TUSCL. I think it's a good screening system too. If you get burned by someone here, beyond just avoiding them altogether, there is the ability to "out" that person too. For example and hypothetically speaking only, if you had been an ROB or I had been a creepy stalker customer, that information *could* be shared here or in PMs which would alert others and hopefully help to shut down such behavior. Again, given that both parties are sincere, I see it as mutually beneficial to be open to meeting through TUSCL and I would hope that most would be on the up and up about it. Again using our example, we would have never met up had we not been active TUSCL members, so it played to both of our advantages.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    -->"normal business person wouldn’t show bank balances to a random person" That whale is a no class dbag showoff. Can't stand that type people. Reminds me of the dbag who showed off his Lambo to all people attending a minor party he threw at his house.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @K I pulled a random number out of my butt. The actual point is the whole thing is ~subjective~. And context matters. Actually, now that I think about it, $200=whale is for the customers who just outright approached me and we went straight for dances without any prior socializing.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    With respect to these reactions—-Hmm? Why are people surprised by blah’s story? Upscale champagne rooms are inherently pretentious. Why is it a surprise that those attracted to that might be more likely to be pretentious himself?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ im not surprised by blahs story, just sayin her whale wasn’t a real whale just an overfed guppy
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ I know it’s been emphasized that the definition of a whale is a super subjective thing. BUT by most subjective counts, receiving $2k from somebody in one night would indeed quality him as a whale. Even if he was an overfed guppy.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    blah's story made me realize how "thirsty" those in the business get. Wow. I didn't realize that bouncers, managers, and waitresses get that way over whales too. Shameless.
  • K
    5 years ago
    I am not surprised by much. years ago two guys were demanding to see each other's pay stubs. They were convinced whoever had the larger salary would somehow "win" the dancer they both wanted.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @nicespice I agree that 2K is whale spending but babe the whales I know about are much more discreet seems to me he’s acting more like a baller, everyone knows ballers go broke often, but whales get to cruise all the time.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @sirlap it’s the joys of dealing with the upscale gentlemen’s clubs. Hmm now that I think about it, it’s why I prefer the clubs that are considered one step down. Generally speaking, if the club’s interior decour could use some renovating—but the dancers look surprisingly
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Oh dang accidentally posted too early. Finished sentence: if the dancers look surprising good when the club’s decor does not, then there’s a reason for that. That reason being the other best options are filled with either extras or club politics. (Or both!)
  • K
    5 years ago
    nicespice, "Actually, now that I think about it, $200=whale is for the customers who just outright approached me and we went straight for dances without any prior socializing" - That was sort of my point. I and others I know drop that on a new dancer just to see if her dances are worth it. If they are, I will be a repeat customer and tip accordingly . I still hope you make it to the east coast.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ which brings us (lol you) back to Portland! It's definitely less of an upscale gentleman's club city than it is a mom-n-pop dive club one with surprisingly good dancers at any. LOL I'm shameless about you coming out here. It's all your fault for joining TUSCL! 🤭
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ meant for nicespice
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ well when you phrase it like that, you make the east coast extra appealing. 😍😍 Earlier when I was contemplating where to go next, it had been a tossup between the PNW area, Chicago, or the New Jersey/Philly area. But that will be in the cards at some point. Likely 2020 time (Staying the heck away from NYC if it has too much attention at the moment. I remember being in Austin when dancers online were buzzing the heck out of that place and omg that’s when my attitude towards Austin shifted over a LOT. And I get the impression Odessa isn’t very good either nowadays and girls who used to commute over there I don’t think have done so recently)
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^meant for K
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Fuck. Now I foresee local TUSCL PLs bidding or setting up GoFundMe accounts to get nicespice to visit their area as opposed to Portland. This sucks. 😭
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Also @k, where would you recommend I hit up? I wanted to try out the famous Gogo Rama for sure. But I’m open to other suggestions
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ try Vic's
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ in Irvington, NJ
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I’d head south Spice it’s gonna get cold out there babes
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^Yeah I wanted to stay in Texas for November-December for the most post and be close to home for the holidays. January-February is currently a toss up between Florida and Arizona. I def have been keeping the weather in mind at various places.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ well you know us here in Florida we love you if you’re so inclined The weather here is great even if the traffic sucks.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ but, but, but @nicespice out here in the PNW the clubs get busier in the rainy winter because during the summer everyone wants to do something outside rather than go to a strip club. Jes sayin'.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Hmmm a gofundme for Nicespice to further her research in sociology studies. How city/urban environment SCs differ from backstreet dive brothel SCs. Or something like that.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ Naw. She needs to spearhead a medical study on the benefits of getting a massage prior to working. And she and I are the 'control' in said study. 😝😜🤪
  • K
    5 years ago
    I think you would do well at GGR. The downside there is many of the women have cultivated regulars. It can take a few nights for a new dancer. With proper notice, a few of us from NJ would come in for you. I would be happy to take you out when you get here. Most of the other nudes clubs in the area are extras club. Not everyone offers so a non extras dancer can still do well. NJ has silly laws about nudity and alcohol. Bikini bars where dancers usually do well -Bourbon Street, Fantasies when they haven't lost their liquor license. The clubs in Atlantic city suck from a customer POV but I know dancers that do well in them. For up north, I will defer to Cashman, NJballa and some others. if you do decide on Vic's, let me make you a better offer first
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    And another thing about TUSCL, at least in my parts, is that local PLs talk to each other and share intel about strippers and clubs. This is another reason for strippers to use it. For example a fellow local PL mentioned nicespice was coming to Portland before I found it out on my own. It's like an extension of trusts and getting verified. Other TUSCL members can vouch for you and also make referrals.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I feel like the trick to making *easy* money is definitely finding the little towns or big cities that aren't being hyped up online. So I can agree with nicespice on that.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    It's too bad I am not on that 1 Facebook group to really check in on places.. but that is what I have a wife for lmao
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Idk why you weren’t added in. 🔪🔪🔪 Maybe befriend more dancers on Facebook? It’s all I can think of
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