Discussion Board Fixed...

avatar for founder
Ain't this been a fun week? sigh


last comment
avatar for founder
18 years ago
and yes, you can respond to posts
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Thanks, Founder, I can't believe how much time you spend on this. I hope you're getting rich from it.
avatar for founder
18 years ago
Well... not getting rich, but I am learning new things every day. Like the fact when you re-write your website, don't change the names of your pages or google will drop you.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
I'm just glad that I didn't get banned again...
avatar for AbbieNormal
18 years ago
"I'm just glad that I didn't get banned again..."

Wow, gratitude is a new one. I see real growth IGU.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
AN:you would see it differently if you were shadowcat.
avatar for minnow
18 years ago
Founder- Kudos for latest ability to click on a "hot" city and get a listing of clubs!
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
You think that we're happy yet ?
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Thread from 2007 ????
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
I know old classics are back bro
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
This is awesome 👏 👏😂😂
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
The new site design is excellent! I like the look and organization of the site.

No offense to Founder - the new look is very professional! It’s obvious this was a lot of work.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Juice ninjaed us
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I have a difficult time trying to find my previous contributions to other’s reviews and discussions and articles.
i’m probably doing something wrong.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Jascoi you're not doing anything wrong, it seems that feature was removed.

That is my gripe with these 'updates' that Founder does. I mean I do appreciate the work he does in trying to modify the site and make it more accessable to dancers and all that. But some key features that members have praised in the past keep being changed or scrapped altogether. No,I'm not referring to the block feature. I'm talking about things like contributions being listed under a profile and separated by article comment, discussion comment, review comment etc. Everyone liked that, why remove it? Now like others have said, it makes keeping track of the discussions you commented on hard as hell.

Back in the day when a review was posted, it showed the reviewers stats right next to their name. Number of clubs reviewed along with number of total reviews. This was a great indication of the quality of review you were about to read. Why remove that?

The improvements are great but it sucks when we gain some and lose some.
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