Any big fake booty on white dancers?

avatar for CurtUltra
I’ve been to a lot of strip clubs(in my opinion). I’ve seen plenty of black dancers with big fake butts, but do white dancers do this at all? I’m a fan of big fake butts and wondering what city/area I can find this type of trend on white dancers- if there is one


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avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
Seen one in Washington Park, another in Raleigh. Not impressed.
avatar for bullzeye
5 years ago
Do Brazilians count?
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Yeah it's mainly the Latinas and black girls with the fake asses. However I have seen a few white girls with big fake asses at both Sapphire and Spearmint Rhino in Vegas.

If Latinas count then Hong Kong TJ is the fort Knox of big fake asses.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Not a fan of fake asses. I love me some flapperjack flopper tiddys
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I've only seen a couple of fake ass that actually look great. one on a Latina spinner (then she ruined it by getting another BIG ass job) and one on a russian white girl.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Lol...the Fort Knox of big fake asses.

I just finished spending an hour or two in Fort Knox enjoying the view.

I saw a BG with a great ass, I just had to grope it, when I asked if it was real or bought she seemed insultesd, she pulled out her tits and had me grope those too.

They were real.
avatar for elmer
5 years ago
I don't get the big booty thing much prefer to firmly hold each cheek in each hand
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Suggs I have big hands. I can palm a basketball easily so those big fake asses fit perfectly lol.
avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
I also forgot ... One in Sauget.

Also, one Asian here in Seattle. Again, not impressed. Feels faker than a boob job.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The Cuban girls in the Miami area many have augmented butts - they're white-skinned but Latinas and not whitegirls per se
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I saw two reasonably poorly done fake asses on what appeared to be two Latina dancers at a reasonably low class club last week. Surprised at how poorly done and obvious the asses were.

I wonder if that is comfortable for the dancers? It must be an odd feeling after getting it done - as it can add a lot of ass.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
I don't care how ridiculous it looks, as long as it feels good aka soft.

@Michigan you legit had me intrigued when you mentioned the Asian girl with the fake ass. That's unicorn shit right there, I'd LOVE to see that. Then you mentioned that it feels faker than fake boobs and that kills all the intrigue. Had she gotten the BBL it would have felt wonderfully soft despite being so big. That's what most of these fake ass chicks get these days, and it feels great. The rock hard fake asses, I hope they outlaw that procedure soon. Same with the rock hard fake tits, so disappointing.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

What is BBL?
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
soft is soooooo much nicer...💭
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Papi - BBL Brazilian Butt Lift.

Or Big Beautiful Lesbian - but I think TFP is referring to a butt lift
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ 👍
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
LOL definitely referring to the Brazilian Butt Lift. One of the greatest procedures ever invented.

Hong Kong TJ looks like they require at least 50% of the dancers to have one. All I can say is, I love it!
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I saw a BG at HK whose ass was so big, it needed its own zip code, you would need four hands to grab it.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
it's giving me much more appreciation for nice natural ass.
avatar for Htxx
5 years ago
There’s one here in metro Detroit goes by sammi sprinkles or something like that. I’m not into her or her looks but sounds like she’d be right up your alley. She’s a HUGE gold digger though so buyer beware.
avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
@TFP she's Mongolian, got fake boobs to go along with the fake butt. Both look good, but the butt implants feel just like two solid pieces of silicone floating around. Totally ruins the vibe.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Michigan that fucking sucks. But knowing me I'd still be getting dances with her just because. I really don't like the hard ass implants though. IMO they're even worse than the rock hard fake tits.

@Sal my experience with most fake ass fake tit having dancers are that they're the biggest gold diggers and hustlers. So it's no surprise to hear you describe that girl as such.

@Cristobal please get her name for me!!! No fake ass is too ridiculous for me lol! For comparison, does she put Sky at Paradise Showgirls to shame? Up until now she still holds title for biggest fake ass I've ever experienced. Well, at least for her size that is.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"...Sal my experience with most fake ass fake tit having dancers are that they're the biggest gold diggers ..."

I've had similar experiences - IDK if they're trying to recoup their inve$tment or if they think they should get more $$$ bc of the investments they've made
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@PC exactly what I thought as well. They feel that either they need to recoup the money from the investment, or that they simply deserve more money now. I don't mind giving a good tip, but the experience better warrant it.

The problem is those girls usually give the shittiest mileage, as well as try to demand higher prices. Fuck that shit son.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

The BG at HK makes Sky look like a flat ass.

This BG had a BIG ass, like if you are not careful she could knock you over with it, lol.

She had big tits too (at least DD) but they were overshadowed by that BIG fake ass.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
There were some white gals with fake asses at Scarlets in Washington Park, IL, but that place burned down. They were Amazon women with fake ass, fake tits, fake lips.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Cristobal your next mission is to get her name for me. I gotta have it for my next trip down there on the rare chance that she'll still be there when I go.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

For sure buddy, no problem:

Name, number, and IG.

Then it is up to you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Fake tits I can understand, cause tits are known to be sensitive and to need careful handling.

But fake asses? Sometimes people fall on their asses.


The B 52s With the Wild Crowd! Live In Athens, GA 2011…
avatar for CurtUltra
5 years ago
@papi_chulo well looks like I’ll be visiting Miami soon lol Cubans with big butts sounds nice enough. @tfp I agree- nothing like a huge, soft butt. Especially a ridiculously large soft butt
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
We had a girl at Sunnyvale Hip Hugger with extra huge soft butt, soft thighs too. She was just fat. But she was a turn on.

She said she did not look good in thigh high stockings, I think because her thighs were so soft.

Not one I would want to be monogamous with, but as an extra fun girl, great.

avatar for CurtUltra
5 years ago
Fat? Lol how fat? Big belly fat or bbw @san_jose_guy
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
More BBW white girl. But she always wore a bustier type thing which kept her belly contained.

Most dramatic feature was her *H*U*G*E* soft was and soft thighs.

Did her make up real dramatic, dyed blonde hair.

Early on she told me that, "I am very service oriented". A year later said that she was done with "Slut mode."

She had been recently divorced with two kids. Her sister worked at same place. So I guess fat girl did lots of otc. But then she was going out with the manager and it sounded like she stopped.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
*H*U*G*E* soft ass and soft thighs.

avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
I'm much more into spinner types. I've never liked the big ass thing. At my favorite clubs spinners seem to be preferred and make more money any way.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
For Main Bitch or Side Bitch?

Unusuality is a definite plus for the Side Bitch, like skin color, weight, hair color!

The huge bottom fat girl I spoke of was really popular for OTC. I think her sister showed her the ropes, especially in extreme makeup.

avatar for kingcripple
5 years ago
I've seen a fake booty on a Filipino dancer. Fake everything to be honest. Might even have been born a dude. Asked my CF if this particular dancer was trans and she said she didn't know
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