
Buying Some of the Hof NV Empire?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
How would people feel if Deja Vu were to buy some of Dennis Hof's empire of Nevada Legal Brothels?

First of all, I have zero knowledge that this is on the table. But it is an obvious line of speculation.

Let me explain how I see it:

1. Never liked Hof. And concentrated ownership usually makes things worse the the monger.

2. Better if it breaks up. So not so pleased with the idea that DV could buy all of them. Better if there come to be other owners too.

3. Overall that is a dying and antiquated industry. During Hof's time, houses have closed and had the buildings demolished. DV would probably do a better job of keeping them open, and especially more in the NV hinterlands, catering to truckers and other travelers. DV better at putting in professional management and in coming up with the women.

4. DV is trying to do it right. They own the Pahrump Chicken Ranch, and they go as far as they can in promoting it as GFE! They did what they could, but they got tangled up in screwy NV laws. So they instead shifted their focus to Tijuana, meticulously studying the HK bar, and then putting in $4 Meg to set up their own place.

5. In P4P, the quality always depends upon the selection process, want unstructured free form fraternizing, as people continue to write about pertaining to the TJ HK bar. From this unstructured fraternizing you get Front Room Makeout Sessions. This is what makes the sessions mind blowing. So need to get rid of the Victorian Parlors and the Wild Wild West Line Ups. Want something more like a lounge or a strip club front end. And want to lift the rules about the front room. I believe that DV is trying to do this as best as they can. Problem is just NV laws. But Hof was someone who made the problems worse.

6. Other thing is you want to be able to easily get the women free lance. This means off site and no money going to the house, just like it would be with a stripper. Again, screwy NV laws mess this up.

So what do people think?

Again, this is just my speculation, no knowledge that this is on the table.



  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    SJG are you an exhibitionist? I don't get this. Why would you go to a brothel, pay a woman to have sex with you, but feel making out in public adds some benefit? I am honestly beginning to believe the public front room make-out thing is just the quirk that gets you off.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Its not just to take her for a test drive, its how you develop intimate rapport with her before committing to the session and its costs.

    People post and post and post about the TJ HK bar, and the other TJ bars. That's how it works.

    Here in our own very controlled Santa Clara County clubs, when a girl wants immediate OTC, front room makeout sessions can still happen.

    In other clubs, when the back room mileage has gone high, girls might be DFKing from the stage or from lying on the bar.

    You want the girl to get like that with you, before you commit to the back room or the motel.

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @JustinTolook there are two key interrelated reasons that san_jose_creep is obsessed with kissing and making out...

    1) he simply yearns for a woman's affections and he's so creepy that he rarely gets it, ever. He wants real love and affection from a woman and when he gets it from a whore it helps him to believe that she genuinely wants him for him alone and not for his money. He doesn't ever want to believe or fathom that he's a chump that has to pay for sex and kissing is a way to suspend his disbelief that he's not a creep and complete turn off to women.

    2) He has erectile dysfunction and kissing and making out is just about the only thing that helps him in this regard. In fact he may not even care to get a boner and in lieu of that he settles for kissing.

    You have to study a lot of his earlier posts to understand this. He's admitted to both of these but they are buried amongst all his other blathering. But you can bank on this. These are the real reasons he's obsessed with kissing any woman. He needs it more than anything else.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    For sex to go well, both parties need to get shifted from the Sympathetic Nervous System to the Para Sympathetic.

    For most people, makeout sessions do this. This is how civilian sex most always works.

    Sex without kissing is something which has been invented for P4P venues.

    With our Beloved Latina Escorts who were doing Surreptitious Front Room FS in one of our underground clubs, DFKing is just the most natural thing in the world for them.

    You don't want to use money to try and persuade the girl to have sex with you. Money is just what enables her to be there, how she pays her bills, and a show of respect and care.

    You want her to open up and just let it happen, and not just to be persuaded by money.

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ translation -> I don't want to believe that the sex worker that has sex for money for a living isn't taking my money for the sex and is only taking it because I respect and care for her for having sex with me for money.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Pahrump GFE Team


    But does it really work, or do screwy stupid NV laws mess up the front room fraternizing so much that it gets undermined?

    And then how about getting them offsite and freelance?

  • jestrite50
    5 years ago
    All good questions !
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Two Houses in Pahrump. DV owns one, Hof owns the other.

    But what is the Hof legacy, who owns it now?

    I would not want to see DV own both. Rather that someone else own the other.

    But over the rest of the state, I think DV buying up some of the Hof places could make for a big improvement.

  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Keep in mind - this is the guy who believes the Ricks are real -
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ and keep in mind that this guy actually is a pig.

    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Emotional Work

    Sex workers talk about their most expensive service: companionship.

    Hof's Bunny Ranch
    Inside Nevada’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch

    Room Tour at the Bunny Ranch With Alice Little

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ Alice Little added sex sofa to her sweet to be able to better serve her clients who are disabled.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^^ to her suite.

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