
Stripper tricked out of 1.6 million

 All your base are belong to us.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:59 AM
Not always the sharpest knives in the drawer. [view link] The victim paid the defendant with student loans and other loan money as well as cash she earned as a stripper, gift cards, clothing, a leased automobile and money she borrowed from friends and family. Later, the victim handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars from an inheritance after her father died. Question I have is was it really her father, or someone she just called daddy?


  • rickthecoconutcrab
    5 years ago
    General, are you a Felis catus? You picture suggests you are. If you are, do you shit in a sandbox? My bud petethecat does, but he likes to stand toward the side and shit on the floor so his hairless ape slave has to clean it up. You should try that! Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    And another retard is blocked
  • rickthecoconutcrab
    5 years ago
    Well sorry, I thought you might be an intelligent creature like a cat but you are clearly some sort of stupid creature that insults his betters. Perhaps a Dungeness crab that got partially boiled. Or, even worse, a hairless ape pretending to be a cat. Regardless, you’re going to get a claw to the nuts from a certain badass giant crab! Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    It seemed very odd that a stripper would give her money away - until I saw the word psychic in the article. It seems that there are a few things that cause strippers to hand away their money - psychics are a big one. Obviously pot smoking, video game playing, unemployed, lazy, band members, who are small time criminals - or boyfriends are the other people strippers hand money to.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    very true Cash, Madden 2020's not going to buy itself
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I'm impressed that the psychic was able to get so much money from anyone. She must have a great rap - or the stripper must have been very gullible. I think of strippers being always on their guard with horny customers looking to get extras from them. But, I guess the dancer wasn't so aware with regard to psychics or mediums - or whatever they call themselves. I remember there used to be a psychic friends network - and folks would pay for advice over the phone. I was surprised that was allowed, as it seemed to be a fraud.
  • ricktheturtle
    5 years ago
    Hairless apes pretending to be cats are the worst. Far worse than psychic friends which only exist to separate retarded apes from their money. If some retarded ape wants to give another retarded ape his or her money that is not rick business. But a damn dirty ape pretending to be a superior creature like a cat - even a Felis catus cat - is rick business. I don’t think this “General” character is worth real effort on the part of the lion or the shark, but he certainly deserves a crab claw to the nuts! Aah...yup!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich [view link] SJG Researching the origins of the Ricks, meetings held at Farben Haus in Frankfurt, end of 1943. [view link] is skibum’s real name fred? [view link] Wooking for any available guard dog 🐕 jobs [view link]
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