You don't even have to look away. Playing with my son on the couch, about 2 years old. He is sitting there and watching him I lean back just as he moves forward. Before I could reverse my motion off the couch he goes and the corner of the coffee table goes in his mouth and up towards his nose. Lots of blood and crying. We lived less than 3 miles from the hospital and he ended up just fine.
“Unattended child”? I guess that’s airport management speak for “this can’t possibly be our fault for not having proper barriers in place around dangerous equipment.”
Kids move so fast and in crowded areas like an airport where the mother may not have a stroller to confine him, it can be so dangerous. That’s why those backpack leashes are great but then the mothers get the side eye from judgy people. They’re damned if they do damned if they don’t. Glad the kids wasn’t severely injured.
He was a little fighter though - he tried as hard as he could to fight the luggage and make it outta there 👍 - it was just that some of the luggage was as big as him 😊
They’re damned if they do damned if they don’t.
Glad the kids wasn’t severely injured.