Austin TX Mileage

avatar for roosta
I'm going to Austin next week and was hoping to find time for some SC activity. Never been there, so I perused the various reviews here for the area, but everything was pretty vague. And some of them sound like NYC or Vegas clubs that have a very expensive champagne room, but no real indication of mileage.

Can anyone recommend an Austin SC with mileage like in City Of Industry or Follies? UHM, I mean.


last comment
They do not exist based on your comparison clubs.
Thanks, Spill. And am I right in what I said above about the overpriced, under-playful VIP rooms in Austin?
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^pretty much. P10 on Bratton is more “playful” but I know the room fee cost for it spiked, and I haven’t been back at that club since sometime in April but I know a lot of club regs were pissed and telling me they were probably never coming back (so it would probably be a good idea for me to go home with them while I have the chance—LOL)

Your best best for UHM would probably be XTC, Landing Strip, or Divas. Hope you like Cubans.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Only been to couple of clubs in Austin and a number of years ago, but none really worth any "investment", although the Landing Strip offered promise till I got rip by a dancer.
I've only been to 2 clubs in Austin, but they both wanted ridiculous amounts of money for their VIP rooms. Even if they offered FS guaranteed in there it wouldn't have been worth the money.
Maybe I'll try Divas, based on Nicespice's rec and its reviews. HM seems to be available there.
avatar for woodstock
6 years ago
roosta, are you going to club during the day, at night, or both?

Avoid P10 North and Palazio, which both charge silly money for cabanas. For variety, you might try P10 Cabaret, in addition to suggestions above.
Thanks, Woodstock. I'm usually a Daywalker. I don't like waiting in lines inside clubs. I'll take a look at P10 Cabaret.

Yeah, silly money for champagne rooms, or in Austin - cabanas, is usually low yield. Went into one in NYC and it was tame and more like a coffee break for my dancer than a VIP experience. Weird. $400 for chatting and some rather chaste contact. It's all down to the dancer and chemistry, I guess, but I'd never had treatment like that. I certainly want to avoid it in future.

Am I wrong in thinking that the more glitzy, polished and expensive a club is, the less likely you'll get good mileage?
^ >Am I wrong in thinking that the more glitzy, polished and expensive a club is, the less likely you'll get good mileage?<

Can’t speak to any particular area, but that’s a fair assessment but there are outliers
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Roosta said: “Weird. $400 for chatting and some rather chaste contact. It's all down to the dancer and chemistry, I guess, but I'd never had treatment like that. “

$400 total out of pocket for an hour or even half hour?

That’s not too bad.
Nicespice,I guess that's true for some, but compared to other clubs, these kinds of champagne rooms are high dollar for little or no reward. Just outside of LA, there are nice places with less glitz which offer VIP with UHM at $200 or so total, room and tip. Beautiful dancers who get into having fun, not just luring gents into a bait and switch.
Drive a Prius and you will get better mileage
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Let us know how it worked out for you.
i like high mileage. (besides by my bad ass prius.)
avatar for REVRAJ
6 years ago
I visited XTC twice and got two way contact from girls in normal VIP. Iam not sure what is meant by High Mileage. Couple of girls suggested to opt some high VIP for $200/300 but not sure what I was going to get as they speak minimum English and I don't have Spanish knowledge.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
REVRAJ - high mileage is (3) HJ (2) BJ (#1) FS

Two way contact is normal and expected in all Austin clubs. I'd call that Good mileage.
Low mileage would be one way contact (only dancer touches you)
No mileage is when no touching (air dance). This does not exist in Austin.

You can have HJ,BJ,FS in all Austin clubs - though many dancers won't offer it to first time customers or won't offer it at all. You gotta respect every dancers limits - to generally promote a gentle and caring strip club culture. With some experience and comfort - many low mileage dancers upgrade to high mileage eventually. And never look back.

Here's my experience - even though I myself don't seek high mileage ITC. I'm an OTC guy - and most of the time dancer (who I have seen a few times) suggests OTC escapade.

Palazio: Don't pay the $500/hr for the cabana/booth. It is for busy times. Weekday - negotiate $100 for the hour (& drop the champagne, its cheap stuff anyway). On the main floor find a HM dancer. Simply ask and be polite. Expect to pay $500 to the dancer.

P10 North: There's new pricing now. The minimum tier for HM should still cost $100 for the hour. Negotiate to it during dayshift. P10 has better looking dancers and 1 in 3 will agree to HM. Do settle on main floor. Reject vague answers and simply have patience. Expect to pay $400 to the dancer. And this one will be worth it.

P10 Highland, Yellow Rose, Ricks, Landing Strip: These are the remaining clubs with valet, champagne, cigar and food. Booths/Private areas are priced reasonably - $40-$60 for 30 mins and $80-$100 for hour. Expect to pay $300 to dancer. A notch below P10 - but 7 & 8s can be found with HM oozing out of their body language.

Divas, Foxy's, Bare, XTC: These are nude clubs. Foxy and Bare don't get started until 9PM. So Diva and XTC for daytime.
#Bare had really good dancers a month ago - but I hear from various dancers that it has gone downhill. Hmm. See my review for the skinny.
#Foxy charges $25 for their upstairs VIP. They have no booths. HM can be had for $200-$300. Dancer are big booty latinas. To my liking.
#Divas charges $80 for VIP room. Dancers range from a 2 to 8. But have really great attitude. HM $300. I have taken many dancers OTC from here and enjoyed them.
#XTC charges $20 for VIP room. Expect $150-$200 for HM. Dancers are 2 to 8. This is high-volume HM factory. Turn-off for some guys.

Finally there is a super-dive closest to downtown and block away from University of Texas - Chicas Bonitas.
VIP area costs $25 per song/dance (dancer gives $5 to the club) and dancer is allowed to get nude. Expect to pay $200 for HM.

A bit on HM negotiation that I have learned from TUSCL.

You - "I have not had sex in 3 days and my balls are full. Really could use some stress relief." (begging and smiling look)

Dancer - "naughty naughty boy !" - and brushing her hands over your junk.
Dancer - "Well I can give you great dances, while you relieve yourself."

You - "I thought of that when I was sitting in my bedroom eating a taco. Didn't feel real or meaningful. That's when I decided to visit this club to see real and beautiful women! Is there anyone you would recommend who can help me out in my situation. I'd like a nice dancer to fuck me, while chewing gum, till I beg "no more, no more".

Dancer - Well that's not me. I can give you a HJ and that's gonna cost you.

You - "I've got hands and they are looking for a job. But that won't do it for me. Anyways, you are beautiful and I liked talking to you."
You - "Wish me luck!"

Dancer - "Can I give you a warm-up dance?"
You - "Sorry, I'm gonna unload my entire wallet on one girl who puts a smile on my face!"
Dancer - "You cheap fuck. What's in your wallet?"
You - "300"
Dancer - "Let's go and get it over with"
You - "Thank you charming!"

Have patience. Above line of convo will happen with one in three dancers. Don't negotiate a vague deal. Be likeable and safe by acting as such, and ability to say a polite and firm no for something that you don't like. It's your money.
avatar for REVRAJ
6 years ago
Rogertex - Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. You nailed it and it helps for anyone looking for SC experience in Austin.
I liked couple of Latina girls when I visited XTC/DIVAS but not knowing Spanish language became main barrier. I didn't look for HM/UHM so it's a different story and Iam knowing possibilities only after joining TUSCL. So I am learning...
Thanks for negotiation tip, I will try it this week in P10 during dayshift. let's see how it goes.
avatar for ArtCollege
6 years ago
I think Tiffany's might be an option. See my review from about two years ago.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Tiffany’s? The one in San Antonio that’s roughly 90 miles away?
avatar for woodstock
6 years ago
So, roosta, what kind of mileage did you end up finding in Austin? Hope you had a good visit.
RogerTex, that's a fantastic summing up. Thank you. Your other review of P10 North is pretty negative. But, your advice here still seems to recommend the place. Am I wrong?

Woodstock, my trip has been pushed to next month. I'll report back on my Austin experience when it's a memory.

Till then, anyone else want to chime in about Austin's mileage landscape...?

Thanks, everyone!
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
^P10 North was one of the best just couple of years ago.
I'm seeing lots of negative reviews lately and I believe 'em.
But many complaints are related to pricing (dances, drinks, VIP access, etc) - so I assume dancer quality is retained and HM is alive.
So the club's gettin greedy and needs more money, I get it. But club's not on some religious or moral crusade to impose a no touch rule.

Make no mistake, pricing is important for most customers - and very important for me.
For a one-time visit from outside - what's a couple of hondos more in spending if that offers better variety and selection of HM dancers.
But no matter what club(s) you end up going - you are gonna have a good time! Austin is one of the better towns for strip clubbing. Enjoy!
avatar for ArtCollege
6 years ago
oops., NiceSpice is right. I was thinking San Antonio. Sorry. Don't go to Tiffany's.
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