For those of you not familiar with retrogrades, instead of ejaculating out of your penis the semen goes into your bladder. This is a side effect of using Tamsulosin, a drug used to treat BPH(enlarged prostate).
I have been using Flomax(Tamsulosin) for several years. Recently I had 2 urolifts (…) to correct the problem.
I saw my urologist Monday for a follow up. An ultra sound of my bladder showed it empty. This is good. He said that no further surgery was needed and that I could try stopping the use of Tamsulosin.
I told him that I didn't want to stop because I was enjoying the benefits of the retrograde ejaculations. No MESS! You can cum in you pants from a lap dance or hand job with no mess and the girls really like not getting a mouthful during a BBBJ.
Ever had a girl stop at the first burst of semen and spoil it because there was more to cum? With retrogrades I have to tell them when they can stop. For those of you that have not had a vasectomy this can be an effective means of birth control. Can also cut down on laundry. :)
So my doc gave me an RX for a years supply.
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