
Medal of Honor announced for soldier who fought through three floors of insurgen

Evil Lair
Of course, basketball players and Hollywood actors are the real heroes



  • yahtzee74
    5 years ago
    Also, football players are real heroes.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    A well deserved and overdue honor for a true American Hero.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I have met many TRUE heroes in my career. They are senior citizens living in the nursing homes that I Consult for. They may appear to drool and eat fruit cups, but at the age of 20, they were truly badasses who kept the free world FREE.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Nidan: are you saying Flag is a hero? I mean he’s a TUSCL hero of course, . . .
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @dr evil. Quite possibly. Quite possibly.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    flagooner saving the world one fruitcup at a time 😂
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Nothing says hero like volunteering to invade a country so we can steal their oil, and killing as many people defending themselves from us as possible....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Nothing says coward as loud as a fool who has no appreciation for the freedom to post such absurdity
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Which part is absurd? The fact that the US invaded Iraq? The fact that the US forces act as an occupation force? The fact that the Iraqis are just defending themselves from said occupation and invasion?
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Is there a reason why so many people around here can't give credit to someone without tearing others down? Obviously there isn't a comparison in 2019 between a public sporting event, even at the highest levels of skills, and a life and death military clearing operation. It's two completely different scales of value.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    You're saying that we should honor the fact that this man was able to murder as many people as possible while they were protecting their homes and country from him and his fellow invaders.

    If someone invaded the US, should they get medals for "military clearing operations" for killing as many Americans as possible during said invasion?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Too bad for you boy, you have no idea what the military does for you.
    You should shut up here, it would be smarter on your part.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Would it be right for an Iraqi to get a medal for killing as many American invaders as possible?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Why don’t you move there and find out. Report to us exactly how much better your life is in Iraq
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    25 according to your high set of morals and ethics, the person defending themselves from a foreign invasion and killing as many of the enemy as possible would be a bigger hero than the invader....right?

  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I’d like to know how many of those insurgents were actually Iraqis , still we salute our soldiers, you son provide aid and comfort to our enemies.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Would you like to know how many American soldiers are citizens and or undocumented Americans?

    How are the Iraqis your enemies? Is it because they oppose us invading their country and trying to take over their natural resources????
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    This is a total circular position that you have, first of all we haven’t taken their natural resources, second the reasoning behind the invasion was flawed, it was fueled by the Iraqi is them selves, if they had come clean about their nuclear program it wouldn’t have come to a war, but keeping in mind they originally invaded Kuwait and forced our hand previously, so their intentions were far from clear.
    You need to separate the American military from your political agenda, our soldiers do what is expected of them, criminal acts by our soldiers are few and far between, and considered an anomaly unlike our foes, that commit war crimes as a tactic of war, we do not.
    Do you think you can shut the fuck up now and stop your trolling on this topic, it’s pure idiocy on your part, grow up boy, or get the fuck out of my face.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    There were no WMDs in Iraq and the US moved US corporations in during the occupation, Shell, Exxon, etc came in under the protection of the US military and US occupation force.

    What remains relevant is this.

    You are commending a man for killing as many Iraqis as he could, while they were protecting their homes and country from him and his fellow invaders/raiders.

    If a foreign country invaded the US and gun battles erupted in Brooklyn, every apartment building was being fought for and Americans indiscriminately slaughtered. Would you want the foreign invader who killed the most Americans to get a medal?
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Icey: You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Iraq broke the terms of the First Gulf War cease fire by ejecting the international weapons inspectors. There were reasonable grounds to believe Iraq was rebuilding its WMD program (why kick out the inspectors otherwise?). The fact that no new WMDs were found is irrelevant. You break the terms of a ceasefire, you should expect the shooting to start again.

    Wafare is not “indiscrimate slaughter” and it’s not murder. And all militaries, including those of our adversaries, reward valor in combat, so yes, if the U.S. were invaded I would expect the invading force would award medals to some of its soldiers. What does that have to do with anything?

    Many of the fighters in Iraq, particularly in Anbar Province where Fallujah is located, were foreigners, not Iraqis. There is no telling how many, if any, of the fighters in the OP story were Iraqis “defending their homes” versus foreign Al Qaeda imports.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Obama "Don't cross this line or I'll draw another that I won't do anything about."
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Some of My Martial Arts students fought in that fucking war as did my Brother. . They have a totally different perspective than our beloved TROLL. The people that my students/ friends /brother came in contact with were extremely HAPPY that they were they to break the insurgents’ backs! The Iraqi regime, according to those who saw it first hand, were very oppressive, dictatorial, murdering, raping ASSHOLES. I FULLY SUPPORT those US soldiers who had to deal with their BULLSHIT.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @doctorevil you might try talking to a wall and remind the wall that those adversaries in fallujah were committing atrocities and war crimes every day until we broke the insurgency, using civilians as shields, bombing marketplaces, using hospitals and schools as staging areas to attack from, he's either, just so full of himself he has no idea, or he's just trolling trying to get a rise out of folks, by being a knucklehead.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    One of my students who came back from that was all fucked up because the pussy insurgent used a 5 year old girl as as human shield as the PUSSY fired his AK 47 at his troop. He had no choice, but to blast him and his shield lest his platoon be shot to pieces. I attended his fucking funeral (suicide).
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Okay, so if someone decides that they view the US as a murderous regime going around invading other countries, and decides to invade us. Their troops should be considered heroes for killing as many American troops and insurgents as possible. Right?

    Of course the American military brainwashes troops to demonize the enemy....
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    There's nothing noble about poor American hicks and minorities being sent as cannon fodder and to murder poor brown people for America's imperialist, capitalistic interests.... But they're too fucking stupid to get that. However, viewing state sponsored murder as something heroic is disgusting.

  • flagooner
    5 years ago
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    25: All of the things you said are true, but they don’t begin to capture the depravity of the insurgents we were fighting. Suspected informants, or real informants identified because the traitor Bradley Manning leaked classified information, were tortured to death by being dismembered while alive, shocked with electricity, fingers smashed with hammers, drilled in the body or head with power drills, stabbed with screwdrivers, all of the above, or whatever else they could dream up. And retards like Icey think we were the bad guys.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Imagine that, they're brutal and deprave for defending their country from the American invaders! And yeah, invading Iraq makes us the bad guys....and being butt hurt coz they defend themselves from us, makes you fucking idiots.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ It makes you the idiot you didn’t even read our posts, you just responded out of your ass, as per usual. I’m done with you so again the last word is yours, go and surprise us by saying something intelligent for a change.
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